Ibn Maghreb Profile picture
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Feb 27 7 tweets 2 min read
Real reform to usher in the New Islamicate has nothing to do with ulema, madrassas, fiqh etc; understanding comes from the realization that the nature of the world demands a competent administrative layer with strong intelligence communities - intel agencies prop up the State There is a clear causal relationship between how the corrupted, cruel, mercenary nature of an Old Islamicate country's intelligence agency and how ruinuous that nation is for its own people. Old Islamicate Intel assets under GAE are dedicated to torture their own people
Feb 15 4 tweets 1 min read
Alternative to hijra and mines - incentivize all aqeedahpoasters and fiqh maximalists to move to the Sh. Awlaqi City For Excellence in Tower Hamlets and Sh. Qadhi's EPIC City in Texas - this cover the entire spectrum. Keep them in the West. The Islamicate way of negotiating difference in the classical sense is just creating semi-autonomous closed off quarters where you gather one "nation" and let them crack on
Jan 15 4 tweets 1 min read
The ceasefire marks another chapter in the total political failure of the MENA sphere - 10% of the population dead, displaced, maimed and wrecked. The only consolation is the endurance and patience of the people still there, but this is not how triumph looks like A ceasefire brokered through the will of Padishah Trump because he is in a deal-making mood to reorientate the priorities of the Empire is not strength
Jan 4 12 tweets 2 min read
Archaeofuturism is the way to self-sovereignty, before Big Tech gained self-awareness and morphed into Panoptic Technocapital there was a brief moment in the 2000s, a window where accelerating technology was coupled with data ownership The walkman, the early Apple products and a whole host of other mp3 players - cloudless, tethered to you without an email, without a number or a social identifier - entirely yours to do as you see fit, no lockins. A golden age before H*ndu-CEO delivered SaaS
Dec 23, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
"Secularism" V "Islamism" is a r-tarded debate - everyone participating in it, is colonised by past ghosts. There are broadly speaking two key questions for Muslim power - how to maintain social longevity without resorting to torture as state policy + complexity management Whoever can construct responses to these two questions that abandons torture as state policy and also manage increasingly fragmented and kinetic complexity is on the path - "secularism" and "Islamism" are sheesha lounge 5pillarz debates that must be brute forced into oblivion
Aug 22, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Ethnonationalism is team sports for the mentally challenged - the truth is that the underclass of all ethnic groups in the UK are intolerable and unable to sustain civilization from Glasgow to East London. Living in economically destitute councils is a life sentence Working, leaving and escaping such areas is perhaps the most meaningful gift you can bestow to your future bloodline. Hartlepool and parts of Bradford are ethnically homogenous but a post-industrial and a terminally in decline Britain looks the same - unlivable
Aug 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Pakistan Firewall is an exercise in clownscape dystopia - wrecked countless online businesses and more importantly led by a corrupt and incompetent Army elite who don't understand the mechanics of splinternet formation. The Chinese model was successful because their Firewall was premised on data and app sovereignty. They created their own alternative ecosystem that fulfilled the needs of the population and allowed domestic e-commerce to thrive. There are indigenous alternatives for everything
Jul 31, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Iran has its own independent Twelver aspirations that seeks to counter both Zionism&quash Sunni pockets where possible. Their own highly prized nuclear assets have been taken out for years before this. Unlikely there is foul play, just the latest in an episode of lapses The ground underneath the Khomeinist regime is running out. Decades of sanctions and isolation that NATO-babe Turkey, and American vassals like Egypt would not be able to tolerate for even a year - harsh reality that turning the economic screw works no matter the ideology
Jul 30, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Twilight asylum as Zionist bot farms coalesce with 5GW antics of the anti-Western bloc engineering unrest amongst white underclass to chimp out on the streets, trashing everything. CWA is a dark art understood by live players - UK white working class a very easy target With events in France and now the UK, the West in terms of the Fukuyaman consensus is facing a stress test in terms of how it copes with social engineering and psychological warfare against its post-2008 hollowed out "civil society" - there is little if any defence
May 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Talking about madhabs as sterile entities without monetary consciousness, without military authority, subjugated to hollowed out US-proxy state bureuacracies under the auspices of peasant-power dynamics and street agitation is a disservice and a failed project Reimagine the madhab - these are entities that in the hands of a new postmodern elite can make them relevant once more. Abandon crumbling corrupt forms of money and adopt a new standard for monetary consciousness
May 8, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
The dishonesty everywhere is running peak levels as the genocide is revealed - the cop out of from Amreekans that the nasty Joo is behind everything bad in the land of the pure has failed - Israel is an attack dog of Transatlanticism - only peasants disagree If people dont understand why the Empire has used Israel it means they fundamentally don't get how power works, what's at stake and even more fundamentally they have no idea how the world works today
Apr 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
No one can know anything - the same people who got Russia/Ukraine wrong, Sino-American relations wrong will also get the Iran-Israel dynamic wrong too - the age of unipolar nothing ever happens is well and truly over now The heuristic of nothing ever happens was contingent on unassailable American power - that time has passed - now things are difficult to read - they have been for a few years now
Oct 29, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Qutb as a literary force is necessary reading for Muslims. His larger disocurse on Sovereignty however is mired in second or third order concerns about legislation and the symbolic importance of Sharia It is what at times makes him difficult to read or follow when trying to put his scholarship in conversation with practical issues of statecraft - there are large unfounded assumptions about a sacred history of statecraft that sets one up for failure
Oct 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The problem with Zaytuna or CMC isn't straight-forward "they are selling out" although tempting to reach for such a conclusion. Muslim academic institutions have a role to play - I think more than condemnation its about educating the Muslim masses about the hostile "Other" What I mean is that these institutes and similar liberal arts intiatives have a persistent weak spot - failing to identify clearly the enemies of Muslim aspiration and breaking down their ideologies so the masses are aware. Hindutva, strains of technocratic Zionism etc
Aug 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
BRICS going for the jugular with commodities, natural resources and energy - getting Iran, Saudi and the UAE aligned in the same bloc was something unable to be done by the Americans. BRICS have an effective lithium monopoly and all critical energy transition metals The only ones down on BRICS are the ones who are still viewing the world through arrangements of debt and hyper-financialisation, naively think this is sustainable for decades to come
Aug 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We need contradiction to return to Islamic expression. Parallel and contradictory strands of the Islamic Secular diverging and clashing. Iqballian Cypherpunk Ethic may be what is required for the individual soul But my research and reading into the Islamicate Cybernetic unfolding in the GCC leads me to believe on a larger macrolevel that a Muslim mastery of cybernetics must be considered inevitable - there is no other option
Aug 6, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
This is economic illiteracy posing as critique For e.g. see the interesting evolution and overlap between British Imperial and Mughal fiscal policy researchgate.net/publication/28…
Jul 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
If you read purely as a book of ethnography and field work in exploring how Western Muslims are trying to access networks of scholarship then its useful for outsiders (not Muslims already plugged in) - so that is an acheivement The rest of the book unfortunately is simply incoherent to put it politely -
for e.g. it's written with little to no regard for the ongoing political, economic and technological developments in the GCC, and
Jun 25, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Disagree with everything Francis Fukuyama stands for but he's brilliant and most of all forthright and honest about his project - will look back at him as the greatest amongst the Imperial Court's philosophers - because he follows his core thesis to areas where he may not like That's a type of religious devotion I can at least recognise. Fukuyama now understands that to undergird "liberal democracy" one must have a Technique in the administrative/deep state - americanpurpose.com/articles/valui…
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Saudi-Iran detente, Emiratis leaving US led maritime patrol, Gulf countries along with Iran setting up their own maritime task force to guard the region's waters, Qatar back into the GCC fold and a lot more for those watching the region - couldn't have thought this five years ago Islamist romanticism is not what does this is about - what is it about then? A collection of Muslim polities able to demonstrate competent governance across a number of different fields. The flavour of this emerging regional network will be strictly technocratic