Ibraheem Samirah Profile picture
Dentist. Loudoun small business owner. Former Virginia State Delegate. Proud progressive. I diagnose the problems and prescribe them justice.
Feb 25, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
RE-ELECTION THREAD: It's that time again, but this time it's different. You sent me to Richmond to get progress for Virginia's most burdened, believing that it would be of benefit to all. And it happened. But a lot remains.

This is how I plan to build on the successes.

1/ I supported and heavily pushed legislation capping monthly Insulin costs at $50, passing the ERA, protecting queer folk from discrimination, raising the minimum wage to $15, combatting climate change, increasing funding for children, their schools & teachers..

Feb 22, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
✅ Passed my last bill to tackle the massive problem of the lack of housing affordability and associated equity, environmental justice, health, and economic fairness issues facing Virginians in this 2021 not-so-regular session into the Virginia budget. 1/ ⚖️ HB2053 convenes a work group, with every pertinent entity one can think of, for the purpose of removing barriers to legalizing Accessory Dwelling Units in localities, statewide, unleashing a very efficient tool to create Missing Middle housing for the overly-stressed. 2/
Jun 1, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
I represent the DC area in the Virginia House of Delegates. Last night, the police tear gassed me anyway. (1/5) My constituents, along with countless others across the country, were exercising their right to protest yesterday. The cops didn’t care. They instigated riots by firing into our peaceful crowd & charging towards us for no reason.

Elected officials are not spared. (2/5)
Apr 1, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
As thousands of Virginians lose their jobs, many are simultaneously losing their healthcare coverage. It's hard to understate how dangerous & devastating that is during a pandemic.

We need a system where healthcare is a condition of your humanity rather than your employment. 1/5 I introduced legislation just a couple months ago that would have provided Medicare-priced health insurance plans for any Virginian.

While it's not the gold-standard of single-payer healthcare, it's one of the biggest things individual states can do without federal help. 2/5
Mar 26, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
As a doctor I feel that I must speak out. We don't have enough doctors nor places in hospitals to take care of everyone that will get the virus!! We don't have enough personal protective equipment in hospitals. Please let that sink!! In other words, if you get the virus... You're probably not going to get treated. We dont even have enough tests to medically confirm you having it. The tests themselves in their form right now are inaccurate. ALSO, your doctors at the hospitals? They're getting COVID19 & are not being properly cared for. So guess what
Nov 6, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read
What we’re not gonna do is spend two years slow-walking this new majority into the next election season. That’s the old Virginian Way. We need to act boldly on the promises we made to make Virginia affordable, inclusive, & just. That’s how you keep a majority for the next decade. We are going to reject the influence of Big Pharma and the insurance companies and pursue the goal of universal healthcare coverage in Virginia.