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Dad -founder Digijaks, Author: https://t.co/EOTTMKvwMF Subject Matter Expert Cyber + Reputation Security CEOs/Celebs | Cyber Incident Response | Legacy Check
7 subscribers
Oct 19, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
As a former advance guy, I can say this. When microphone/camera/light/weather/audience/stage/podium/ does not work or something goes wrong, you don't stand there like a stick. You start meeting voters. Don't just walk back + forth like a convict waiting sentencing. Oh, wait. I mean. Oops. Sorry, didn't mean to throw that monkey wrench into an already non-operating wheel. :-)
But seriously though, if your stupid microphone goes down, you wing it. You make voters feel appreciated and grateful to be there, not wanting to leave in droves per minute.
Jul 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
In 2016 election, for multiple reasons including active client work at the time, I was one of the earliest subject matter experts warning about Russian hacking combined with botnets and fake websites were aimed at USA to harm our election and support Tru*p.
Here we are.
Pt.1 > Then we did not have @CISAgov or really @US_CYBERCOM to defend the country the way do now.
America was wide open to disinformation attacks against us from malign hostile foreign nations.
Today this is better because of these two orgs. But the real time danger still here.
Pt 2>
Mar 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I have been toying with releasing a second addition. There has been so much that has come out since I wrote this. Access to long term research on social networks is not what it was before. But I could simply add chapters based on news reports, and court judgements since. When I wrote botsagainstus.com I ended up self publishing after my literary agent who is literally one of the best in NYC faced severe pushback from major publishers. At the time the Mueller investigation was still ongoing, I was "just some cyber guy", not a trump cabinet.
Jan 24, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
So - all the people yelling there was no "collusion" while there was active conspiracy and collusion and bribery and money laundering going on... Russia owned Trump then, does now. FBI + Secret Service have problems with figuring out who in their worlds are part and parcel too. When I started yelling about Russian involvement in 2015/2016 this was not on my dance card in consideration of things to look at. Sad. But. Time to clean house. Trump needs to be arrested for being modern day Benedict Arnold level traitor/espionage.

Dec 12, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I advise w cyber + reputation issues for large companies, governments + individuals alike.
I have some observations about this place now. 🧵

1. It is private company, not utility or public private entity.
2. It is owned by very small group of people who are activists.

more> 3. If you owned a store, and someone, even a great customer came in and kept insulting you for whatever reason, you would throw them out, ban them from coming back. Same applies here.
4. There are ways to execute constructive criticism that don't involve getting banned.

more >
Nov 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
New twitter is like old twitter, so let's go over the basics.
1. There is lots of fud
2. There is lots of abusive behavior again
3. Anyone can block anyone at any time rather than engage in ridiculous arguments designed to make you feel bad
4. New activist leader

> cont 5. Key to any social media platform is a. who you follow, and b. cleaning up your followers to get rid of spam, bots, and negative 'karen' types, you can block anyone.
6. Understand twitter lists and how to use them
7. *6 continued: use block function to get off lists

cont. > 2
Oct 24, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
When I worked for the Clinton White House primarly as an advance staffer, I was traveling around the U.S. a lot. Even then there was huge number of white supremacist groups in parts of the country. That was when no internet, so they were isolated. Now, have found each other. 1. Have found each other and coordinating now through social media direct messaging, vibr, whatsapp, telegram, + email and websites. The people doing this are all nasty, trash people who are specifically creating content to groom white christian males to become American Taliban. 2.