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«Україна починається з тебе»🇺🇦
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Mar 22 16 tweets 18 min read
A little about Witkoff statements...

"These territories are Russian-speaking, and referendums were held there, where the majority of people voted to be under Russian rule" - Witkoff.

Okay, if Mr. Witkoff believes that native speakers can choose which country to belong to, does that mean English-speaking Americans should be part of England? Well, they are native English speakers, right?

Or okay, if he means ethnicity.

But then it's even more complicated... because the population of the United States is 98-99 percent immigrants or descendants of immigrants. For example, 31 million people said they were ethnically Irish (that's about 9% of the country's population). So now, by Witkoff's logic, part of the United States should belong to Ireland? I'm not even talking about other ethnic groups... including over 1 million Ukrainians.

I repeat, I write exclusively as if I thought like this person, and reasoned about the United States the way he reasoned about Ukraine and Ukrainians, and about its territories.
I am in no way questioning the independence and territorial integrity of the United States. And I want my American friends to take this solely as an example of parallels to the words of this man.

2. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the land of Ukraine is the property of the entire people. Ukraine is a unitary state. A separate region cannot decide its own destiny without a general referendum.

Russia held a referendum that violated all international norms. On foreign soil and country... At gunpoint and in the presence of masked terrorists. Without a full and adequate consideration of the people's opinion. Part of the population of these regions was then on the territory controlled by Ukraine and could not take part in any voting. Another large part of the population of these regions were "refugees" and could not vote, since they fled from these regions in the first days of the war. Therefore, this is a false show... But even that part of the Ukrainians who remained on the territory occupied by Russia did not take part in it 100%. The maximum number of people who took part in the voting for one reason or another does not even make up 30-20% of the total population of these regions. And those who did, were forced to vote at gunpoint... which is already an international violation, and cannot be considered a legitimate vote showing the voice of all the people living there.

Let us also remind you about the real legitimate referendum in Ukraine, which has already been held and where the residents of Ukraine already expressed their opinion.
On December 1, 1991, a decisive event took place for the formation of Ukrainian statehood - an all-Ukrainian referendum to confirm the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine.

More than 84% of voters took part in the referendum, more than 92% voted for independence.

🧵⬇️Image Ukraine, including population
Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where almost 84% of voters voted for independence, including Crimea, which was then a region with a predominant Russian-speaking population..
In Crimea, independence was supported by more than 54% of voters, and in Sevastopol - by more than 57%. And this is in a region where Russia has been intentionally Russifying the population for years, deporting Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars from there and settling Russians.
I would like to remind you that throughout history Russia has always tried to Russify Ukraine and destroy its identity, culture and people. But even despite this, despite repressions, famines and genocides, occupation, Ukrainians fought for their independence and freedom. And on December 1, 1991, all of Ukraine voted overwhelmingly for Independent Ukraine.
The historical significance of the all-Ukrainian referendum on December 1, 1991 is that it actually marked the end of the existence of the USSR.Image
Aug 27, 2024 6 tweets 6 min read
The points of the Budapest Memorandum. In addition to what was supposed to guarantee the security and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

There is one more point (5). I would like to draw special attention to it. According to point 5, after Ukraine renounced its nuclear weapons, the guarantor countries did not have the right to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine, even if Ukraine itself was an aggressor and attacked one of these countries first. Exceptions are cases when Ukraine has nuclear weapons, or if it does so in alliance with a country that has such weapons.

In any other case, it is prohibited by all international rules. But what do we see from the terrorist country of Russia? That's right. After the act of aggression, invasion and attempted occupation of Ukraine by Russia. After Russia violated all international laws and after thousands of war crimes by Russians. They are also blackmailing the world with nuclear weapons at the same time.

How to distinguish nuclear war from nuclear terrorism?
Nuclear war is when both sides have nuclear weapons.
Nuclear terrorism.This is when a country renounces nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees.And then this"guarantor"attacks with war and blackmails with this very weapon.

Now think about how the example of Ukraine will affect world security. When the country voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons and was attacked by one of the guarantor countries, to whom Ukraine gave these weapons. Now all countries that want a nuclear arsenal will do it?

At the same time, russia, as an aggressor country. Which violates all international rules. Which invades sovereign states. A country of international terrorism, including nuclear blackmail. Continues to occupy a place in intercity instances (UN, etc.)

Yes, we all understand that russian terrorists and war criminals violated the Budapest Memorandum long ago when they invaded Ukraine. Yes, we all understand that these are people without honor, morality and dignity, who do not care about morality and international rules. But any act against Ukraine using nuclear weapons will be an act of international nuclear terrorism. No matter what "false doctrines" the aggressor russia tries to justify it with. russia invaded Ukraine, not Ukraine invaded russia. And all military actions on the territory of russia are a consequence of its aggression against the sovereign state of Ukraine, which has every right to self-defense after an attack on it, including the destruction of military facilities and infrastructure on the territory of russia (the aggressor), which contribute to genocidal terror against Ukrainians.

Next time the russians will say: "Give me half of Europe or I will use a nuclear bomb." Or they will tell the US to give them Alaska or they will use nuclear weapons. So what? Concessions to terrorists only give them free rein for further terror and evil.

Since when do we bargain and negotiate with terrorists? Who don't give a damn about all international rules and morality.Image
Aug 1, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
When Russian fascists tell you that their "special military operation" is aimed at protecting the Russian-speaking population. Look at the eastern cities and regions of Ukraine, where before the war there was the largest russian-speaking population, and you will see with what particular cruelty they destroy these cities and the people living there: the cities of the Donetsk region, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lugansk and others.

All these statements of theirs about an attempt to protect russian-speaking people, who have never been oppressed there, it's just a lie that tries to justify its main goal - the destruction of Ukrainians and Ukraine, the occupation of Ukraine, genocide and terror. And they don't give a damn about russian-speaking Ukrainians, they hate all Ukrainians, regardless of what language they speak, their age, gender, religious beliefs and other things.

It all started with the occupation of Crimea by russian terrorists. Then, unfortunately, Ukraine made a mistake and decided to act diplomatically and did not give the order to our soldiers to open fire. Unfortunately, we all see what the attempt at "peaceful negotiations and solutions" with the occupiers led to. This only untied the hands of the aggressor and gave him a reason to act even more aggressively, feeling impunity and permissiveness, and the fighting and war moved to the East of Ukraine.

In this picture below, 2014. Then Ukraine almost liberated Donetsk and Lugansk regions from russian terrorists and their mercenaries.

But what would have happened if Ukraine had acted then the way the russians are acting in Ukraine now: wiping entire cities off the face of the earth, killing civilians. Then the war would have ended in 2014, and all these occupiers would have been completely destroyed.

But Ukraine did not want to do this with such casualties among the civilian population, destroying its own cities. And now we see who is actually destroying cities and killing civilians: look at what russia did to Ukrainian cities - Mariupol, Bakhmut and many others. And look at Donetsk and other cities that are controlled by russian terrorists, and you will see a huge difference in who was actually bombing Donbas all this time. In addition, there is a lot of evidence from local residents who have repeatedly said that Russian mercenaries periodically bombed the territories under their control specifically to create a picture for propaganda and accuse Ukraine of shelling.

Ukraine, even during the military actions in the East of Ukraine, tried to act in such a way as to prevent the death of civilians and the destruction of cities as much as possible.
Ukraine's attempts to resolve issues through negotiations, peace treaties, which russian terrorists have constantly violated and are violating, have only led to even greater war and aggression on their part.

Ukraine will not make such mistakes again. Ukraine wants peace. Ukrainians do not want to lose their loved ones and want to live peacefully and happily on their land. But not through a false peace, to allow russia to accumulate new forces for a new war and aggression. Before the appearance of russian occupiers on our land, we had peace. All people on the territory of Ukraine were alive. Ukraine never wanted war and did everything to prevent it. But russian fascists will not stop until they are stopped by force. The more you make concessions to the aggressor and terrorists, the more tragic and large-scale consequences await you, up to even greater wars.Image ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Jul 8, 2024 12 tweets 8 min read
Another deliberate terror and war crime by the russians.

Let me remind you that the time it takes for the Kinzhal missile to approach Ukraine, depending on the location of its launch, is sometimes just a matter of minutes.
There are many children in Ohmatdyt with serious illnesses, including cancer. Many children are also connected to life-support medical equipment. It is physically impossible to evacuate all the children to a bomb shelter in such a short period of time. The russian fascists who launch missiles are fully aware of what they are doing. This is a purposeful theoretical action directed against civilians and children.

With one goal: to kill as many as possible.

But even if it were not a direct missile hit, but a consequence of the work of the Ukrainian air defense, which shoots down these missiles. Launching missiles into a densely populated city is already a war crime and terrorism.

If there are no russian missiles, there are no hits. If there are no russian missiles, our air defense has no need to shoot them down. If there are no russian missiles, there will be no deaths or destroyed buildings. Any responsibility for all this lies entirely with russia, which launches these missiles at peaceful cities. Meanwhile, comments from russian terrorists in Telegram channels:

“Mothers with sick children were evacuated from the Ohmatdyt hospital… Am I the only one thinking about a second strike on them with the Kinzhal missile?” Image
Jun 23, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
1. Study the Geneva Convention and the rules of surrender first so you don't write such nonsense. There was no capitulation here. If a Russian terrorist wanted to surrender, he would have done so a long time ago: Ukraine provides many options for officially surrendering and saving lives.

2. These terrorists came to kill Ukrainians, to the land of Ukrainians, to their home. This orc had not done this before, but killed Ukrainians... and if this drone had not killed him, he would have continued to do this. If you don't want to fight, the rule is simple - go home. It was not the Ukrainians who came to his land, but he who came to kill the Ukrainians.

3. Why don’t you actively post photos and videos of Russian executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war who have already surrendered according to all the rules? Why don't you be so active in exposing thousands of Russian war crimes and Russian terror against the population of Ukraine. Maybe we should just stop equating the victim and the aggressor. Ukrainians did not attack Russia. If you feel so sorry for the “Russian boys”, go tell them to go home.

And we don't care about terrorists and occupiers.
Every Russian occupier killed will no longer be able to kill Ukrainians and our soldiers. And while they are on our land, while they are killing our people and bombing our cities, we will destroy them.

Until the war comes to your home, it is very easy to talk about it from afar. It is very easy to overlook the thousands of deaths and destruction. It is very easy to talk about forgiveness, to be a moralist and a peacemaker, when Russian terrorists did not kill your loved ones, destroy your home and raze your city to the ground. When they didn't rape your wife or daughter or kill your children. When they weren't trying to take your freedom away. What they did to millions of Ukrainians. When your country is not subject to barbaric invasion, terror, genocide, it is very easy to sit in a warm chair and teach others how to live and what to do.

Every Ukrainian lost a relative or friend in this war. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians were killed by Russian fascists. Thousands of Russian missiles were fired at peaceful cities. Millions of shells. Violence, robbery, genocide. This is in case someone wants to teach Ukrainians how to fight and what to do!

So it's better to just shut your mouth!Image If this orc really wanted to give up... he would have done it from the very beginning, like those Russians in the video. But he fought to the last... he killed Ukrainians. And only when the moment came when he realized that he himself could be killed, he began to gesticulate hypocritically.

This is war. There are official rules for surrender. But here the russian occupier did not notice them. And the Ukrainians did not violate any rules of the Convention
Jun 1, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Ukrainian soldiers in russian captivity or after it.

Now compare how tired and exhausted our soldiers are when they return home from captivity. And what well-fed and healthy russian prisoners of war return from Ukraine to russia during the exchange. And you will no longer have any doubts about which country the Nazis and terrorists are actually located in. Russia violates all international rights, moral and human principles.

I'm not even talking about torture, murder, shooting of Ukrainian soldiers by Russian terrorists.

The return of our soldiers, our guys and girls from captivity is always a small victory and a big holiday for us.

Despite the fatigue and terrible conditions of detention of prisoners by russian fascists. In the eyes of our soldiers, joy for returning home🇺🇦🫡 Ukrainian soldiers in Russian captivity or after it.

And Russian soldiers in Ukrainian captivity or after it.

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Apr 30, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
russian terrorists fired cluster munitions at civilians and the city of Odesa. This is another terrorist act and war crime that these terrorists have been committing on the territory of Ukraine for more than one year, killing people and children.

But in just 2 days, all the hypocritical murderers and fascists will spread propaganda and manipulate facts, remembering the events in Odesa on May 2, 2014... on all propaganda channels you will be able to see further accusations of Ukrainians of Nazism, how bad Ukrainians are and more.

But let's take a closer look at what exactly happened that day in Odesa and in the House of Trade Unions.

Let me refresh your memory a little. And also a reminder to all vatniks, russian bots and pro-russian puppets.

See the entire thread on this topic🧵⬇️⬇️⬇️ russia had the same plans for Odesa and Kharkiv as for Donetsk and Lugansk.

They call for the creation of an “Odesa People's Republic."
With further annexation and absorption of this area by russia.
They are planning to seize government buildings, and on March 3 they already tried to seize the building of the Odesa Council and replaced the Ukrainian flag there with a russian one. Basically, the same scenario as in Donbass.
Feb 15, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
Propagandists like Tucker, who are now telling how good it is in Russia and Moscow. I advise you to go not to the capital of Russia or St. Petersburg, but to other regions of this country and see how millions of other Russians live.

All these pictures of poverty and devastation in the cities and villages of Russia will not be shown to you on Russian federal channels. Such propagandists and puppets of Russia in the West will not show them to you either. They will show an embellished picture of Moscow, St. Petersburg... but will not show the rest of the population and cities of Russia, living below the poverty line. They won't show you the problems of this country. All these years, their propaganda has constantly brainwashed and incited hatred towards the West and Ukraine. Most of the Russian shows were devoted to the theme of Ukraine. But not a word about Russia's internal problems.

Why doesn't Russia and its government need beautiful neighboring countries nearby? Because it will expose them, and their people will have a question: why do we, having so many resources, live worse than others?

The true face of Russia. Instead of taking care of your country, your people. They need to find an illusory enemy who will take their eyes off their problems: West, Ukraine…
They need to “save” and liberate Ukraine from the West and the United States, destroying its cities and people with missiles. They don’t need a strong and prosperous Ukraine nearby...

Someone will object and say that in almost every country in the world there are disadvantaged areas, abandoned cities, etc.
Yes, I partially agree. In any country in the world you can find disadvantaged areas, homeless people, etc.
But the difference between these countries and Russia is that these countries do not spend billions of dollars on crazy occupation wars while their own country and most of the population live below the poverty line.
The difference between Ukraine and Russia is that Ukraine, despite its internal problems, which, unfortunately, also exist, does not invade foreign countries with the aim of occupying their lands. Moreover, by abandoning the world's third-largest nuclear weapon, Ukraine showed that it is a peaceful country and people and does not want to attack anyone and has never wanted war.
But Russia will always be an imperialist terrorist state. There will always be little territory for her, there will always be little blood. She will always want to destroy other peoples and enslave them. Everything else is just empty excuses and lies in attempts to hide the true face of Russia.

⬇️🧵 Today Ukraine launched a missile strike on russia.

But wait, it's an ordinary russia, in its normal state. Her cities and villages. Apparently, this is the same "dirty bomb."

Feb 6, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
When pro-Russian puppets tell you that Ukraine is “escalating” by striking Russian territory or territory occupied by Russia (Crimea is Ukraine). Show them these shots. I would like to remind you how Russian terrorists are using the Crimean Bridge. Supply of weapons and military equipment, so that they can then kill Ukrainians and bomb Ukrainian cities. Do you feel the difference? When Ukraine strikes ammunition depots, logistics and other facilities of Russian terrorists who attacked Ukraine. And when Russia attacks a peaceful city, civilian objects, residential buildings, hospitals, kindergartens and schools, etc.

What other escalation could there be? Russia is destroying civilians, killing children and destroying cities in the center of Europe! What escalation could there be from Ukraine? Should we silently watch as they try to destroy us? Or has defending your home, your freedom, your life and the lives of your loved ones become a crime? Anyone who says that Ukraine does not have the right to respond to Russian aggression and strike its territory in order to destroy objects that serve as sources of their terror... are accomplices of its aggression and terror. In the first photo, military engineers, programmers who set the trajectory to Russian missiles that kill Ukrainians and bomb peaceful cities.

In the second photo, the "employees" of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Jan 25, 2024 12 tweets 7 min read
Total and chronic lies of Putin and the Kremlin fascist regime.

In the first part, Putin lies about how he will never change the constitution and run for a 3rd term as president.
Afterwards, he manipulates the constitution, saying that the constitution says “two terms in a row”... and therefore in 2008-2012 he transfers this position to Medvedev, and he himself becomes Prime Minister, although everyone understands that this was only a formal transfer of power, and that Putin continued to unofficially govern Russia. After 2012 he returns to the post of President. Over time, he changes the constitution and resets the terms of the presidency, which gives him the right to run for office more than 2 times in a row. Again the lie that he will never do this.

Second part. Putin promises that he will never raise the retirement age while he is president. And again he breaks this promise.

The third part. Putin says that the Russian Federation has nothing to do with the Wagner PMC. But after the full-scale invasion and rebellion of Wagner and Prigozhin, Putin states that from May 2022 to May 2023, the Wagner PMC received direct funding from the state in the amount of 86 billion 262 million rubles. Again another lie. Lie. Lies to the whole world. Lie to your own people. Lies to ourselves

Jan 20, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
When an ignorant person claims that some part of a sovereign country should belong to another because it used to be, you open a Pandora's box. All countries in the world at some point in history were part of another country. Let's share everything in a new way?
If we now start dividing countries into territories as they were 100 years ago... 200... or 1000. Not a single country will remain within the same borders.
The borders of all countries were once different. There were empires. Kingdoms. Principalities. Empires have fallen. State borders have changed.
Crimea is part of Ukraine by all international rights. If part of the country is occupied only because this part of the territory was once part of another country. No country will remain within its former borders. Crimea was also once Greek, Tatar, etc.

Many countries were once someone's colonies (including such great countries as the USA, Canada, Australia, etc.). But now these are independent countries. And we respect these countries, their people, their freedom and independence. Many territories once belonged first to one country, then to another. And so throughout history they passed from hand to hand. But now there are internationally recognized boundaries that must be observed and respected. Otherwise, the world will continue to exist in an eternal chaos of conquest, occupation and war.

Today one person wrote to me, he left a comment under my tweet about the Ukrainian Carpathians, writing that they once belonged to another country. I didn’t argue with this person, I just sent him to a ban. Although I could give him many arguments in favor of the fact that the Carpathians at one time belonged to the Principality of Galicia (successor to Kyivan Rus). So, what period of history do we start with? Now this is Ukrainian territory

I respect other people’s opinions, I respect freedom of speech, but anyone who encroaches on the territorial integrity of Ukraine by spreading such theses, imitating the Russians, or he will say that some territory or city of Ukraine is part of another country, will be banned without warning.

We respect the borders of other countries. And we don't claim other people's lands. Learn to respect Ukraine and its people. Kyiv existed hundreds of years before the appearance of Moscow and many cities in the world. So you don't need to tell us who we are. Ukrainians have been living on their land for thousands of years.
We are a people with a great and rich history and culture. We are a peaceful and friendly people. But we will not allow us to be humiliated and take away what rightfully belongs to us. Our ancestors sprinkled these lands with their blood.Image Russians love to appropriate foreign lands so much. And say that once it was theirs. Can remind them. Whose Kaliningrad? Whose Karelia? Whose Kuriles? And how they themselves were a colony of the Golden Horde for several centuries. And is there anything Russian in Russia at all?

Russia itself is a country of enslaved colonies. Where they made mankurts from other nations. Make them forget their culture and who they are. And is there really such a nation as "russian"? Or it's all just a large enslaved colony.

russia loves to steal foreign culture, land. russians love to appropriate the merits of foreign scientists, famous people. Including Ukrainian ones. In fact, the entire culture and science of russia consists of the merits of people of other nationalities that they stole.Image
Nov 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read

We will never forget, we will never forgive. ⬇️🧵
Nov 7, 2023 4 tweets 8 min read
A little bit about the nuclear arsenal.

Let's briefly see if this arsenal is the same myth as the myth of the second army of the world and the "great" russian army.

Nuclear charges, unlike conventional bombs and shells, cannot be put in a warehouse and forgotten until they are needed. The reason is the process constantly going inside nuclear charges, as a result of which the isotopic composition of the charge changes and it degrades quickly.

In russia ,not only has the service life of old Soviet nuclear warheads for missile warheads expired,but there is also no plutonium to make new ones.They cannot be made of old Soviet plutonium,as in it,as well as plutonium in warheads,the isotopic composition has irreversibly changed.

Since the early 1990s, weapons-grade plutonium has ceased to be produced in Russia, the reserves of which need to be changed every 15-20 years for use in missiles. Not changing weapon plutonium in rocket detonators is the same as using wet gunpowder with a pistol.

A few years ago, a retired GRU colonel who inspected the mines said: half of mine-based missiles in Russia will never take off again; and those missiles that take off are likely to fall on the territory of Russia itself or will be shot down by NATO air defense systems.

Undoubtedly, Russia still has warheads that could become a potential threat. I am in no way suggesting that Russia's nuclear arsenal poses no threat at all. As in general, their missile systems, even those that do not carry nuclear weapons, still pose a threat to the world. Unfortunately it is so. But their quantity and quality leave much to be desired. And if you take into account the incredible corruption of the Russian army, many nuclear warheads are in rather poor condition.

Most of the developments were made by the Ukrainian enterprise Yuzhmash, whose specialists played an important role in the program of extending the service life of these missiles before the annexation of Crimea. The fact is that the guaranteed 20-year safe operation period ends.

However,as you know,in 2014, all programs of military cooperation between Ukraine and Russia were terminated.The task was transferred to the State Rocket Makeev,which specializes in ballistic missiles for submarines and has neither sufficient experience nor qualified specialist.

Therefore, in recent years, the extension of the resource of missiles has occurred, as they say, in fact - that is, one or two missiles are fired, the technical condition of the rest is assessed and decides whether to extend the shelf life.

Americans are aware of the state of the Russian nuclear shield. Therefore, the doctrine of "Quick Global Strike" has now been adopted, according to which in order to neutralize 80% of the nuclear potential of the Russian Federation, it is enough to strike four critical points.

In addition, if we are talking about strategic nuclear weapons. We are dealing with a whole chain of commands to run it. Putin himself can't just press the button and launch missiles. Other people participate in this system.
And no matter what kind of people loyal to Putin sit at the command posts. They understand that nuclear war is the end of everything. To them and their families. I don't think they'll want to engage in self-destruction for Putin's sake and for the whim of a madman.

The world must stop being afraid of Russian threats and blackmail. And no matter how crazy and murderous the Russians are. But the instinct of self-preservation will work. They understand that at the first launch of a nuclear missile. They'll get a hundred in return.
Therefore, as I said. Nuclear threats are part of the psychological impact. They are only trying to intimidate. But as we see, some in the world succumb to this blackmail.

If the world continues to show weakness in the face of fascism, terrorism, dictatorship. This will only provoke chains of irreversible events, and untie these criminals' hands.

Treaties with Russia are not worth the paper on which they are signed. These liars, hypocrites and murderers will violate all agreements when it is beneficial to them. And the first ones will stab a knife in the back. The Budapest memorandum confirms this.

Ukraine has abandoned the world's 3rd largest nuclear arsenal. In exchange for guarantees of security and territorial integrity from the United States,Great Britain and Russia.And one of the guarantor countries, Russia, cynically and meanly violated all guarantees and agreements

Now think about how the example of Ukraine will affect world security. When the country voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons and was attacked by one of the guarantor countries, to whom Ukraine gave these weapons. Now all countries that want a nuclear arsenal will do it?

Ukraine has abandoned nuclear weapons, the third largest in the world. But in return: we were attacked by one of the "guarantor 🇷🇺" countries. And now we need to constantly ask the second guarantor to give missiles with a range of 300 km to protect ourselves from "guarantors 🇷🇺".

Personally, I am against nuclear weapons and their use in general. There will be no winner in this war. And if you refuse, then everyone. But when countries like Russia, North Korea etc have these weapons, having nuclear weapons as a deterrent against a terrorist nuclear country like Russia is a must. And so that these countries always understand that any use of nuclear weapons by them will receive a mirror response.

Nov 2, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
What are the main actions Russia is currently taking in the information space:

1. Large-scale bot attacks. Whatever the owners of social networks say about this phenomenon regarding their fight against bots. This problem remains relevant to this day. The screenshot below is just one example of how Russians have recently begun sending out their propaganda en masse through bots. There are also several examples of how bots and pro-Russian puppets write and spam the same text from different accounts.

Russia invests a lot of money in its propaganda and spreading its narratives around the world. And it uses various mechanisms for this.

(🧵⬇️ thread)

2. They try to limit and block the Ukrainian context as much as possible. This is also done by individual owners of social networks, who themselves often spread Russian narratives and propaganda. In parallel, it is very beneficial for Russia to distract the world’s attention from the war in Ukraine with other events in the world. Which is what she is using now. Therefore, social networks are filled as much as possible with various information that would distract people from the war between Ukraine and Russia. I am in no way trying to say that there should be no other information in the news other than the war in Ukraine. And that other events may not be so important. No. I'm just saying that Russia is using all this for its own purposes. Trying as much as possible to divert attention from Ukraine.
Oct 31, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
When recently I see all these articles consisting of forecasts, expert opinions... some of them claim that the war in Ukraine has reached a dead end... that Ukraine will not win or at least return the occupied territories.

I want you to watch and remember this video.

I also want to remind everyone that a few days before and in the first days of the full-scale invasion, many military experts, including generals in the West, predicted the fall of Ukraine and Kyiv within 72 hours. Today is the 615th day of the full-scale invasion (the war itself against Russian terrorists has been waged since 2014).

Kyiv stands.. Ukraine has cleared the Kyiv, Chernigiv, Sumy, Mykolayivska regions of the Russian plague. Ukraine regained control over most of the Kharkiv region.
Kherson (and this is not just a small city, but a regional center) and part of this region were liberated.
And Ukraine will return all its territory. And Ukraine already returned under its control half of the territories occupied by Russian occupiers after February 24, 2022.
And also destroyed 300 thousand Russian soldiers, and thousands of Russian military equipment.

And no matter what the skeptics and “experts” say, we will win this war and return all our lands, which rightfully belong to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Columns of the russian occupiers at the beginning of the war. And what happened to them next (to watch to the end).

From the series "We will capture Kyiv in 3 days."
A little information about the scale of Ukraine's war with russia.

Since February 24, Ukraine has been holding defense along the front line with a length of more than 2,400 km. And even now, the active line of military clashes is about 1000 km. Image
Oct 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

My Ukraine. «Ну як тебе не любити, Києве мій»



After the victory, my friends, we are waiting for you all to visit.

Oct 29, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
I would like to remind you of several interesting factors about how Putin and Russia’s rhetoric about NATO has changed, as well as about Ukraine’s accession to NATO.

In 2002, in Rome, when asked by a journalist about how Ukraine’s accession to NATO would affect relations between Russia and Ukraine, Putin replied that Ukraine is a sovereign state. And she herself has the right to freely choose her future, including the future of her security. And that Russia is not against if Ukraine and the Alliance decide that Ukraine will become a member of NATO.

Now these liars are using NATO expansion as one of the reasons for their invasion. And this despite the fact that Ukraine has never been a member of this military bloc, and there were no plans to admit it there in the near future. And we all understand that all these reasons for the invasion are manipulation and lies in order to justify their aggression, terror and attempt to occupy Ukraine.

Regarding the second part of the video, Putin says that NATO expansion is unacceptable in 2022.
Some time later, when he is asked about Finland and Sweden joining NATO. He says he doesn't mind.

NATO is the Defense Alliance. Even Article 5 of NATO implies collective security in the event of an attack on one of the Alliance countries. But this in no way obliges all NATO members to fight for a country that is itself an aggressor. Even if he is a member of NATO. Therefore, Putin’s manipulations that if Ukraine had joined NATO, it would have attacked Russia and started a war between NATO and Russia is a complete lie. Article 5 does not oblige one to fight for a side that itself is the aggressor. But only to protect a NATO member from attack and invasion by other countries.

Against the backdrop of all this, all these fairy tales and Russian propaganda that Ukraine wanted to attack Russia is a lie. (I remind you that until 2014 Ukraine was not a member of NATO and there were no plans to admit it there, at least in the near future). And if Ukraine wanted to attack, why did it give up nuclear weapons? Why didn’t she carry out a massive militarization of the country, but, on the contrary, reduced the army? Why now, when the war is already going on, does Ukraine not enter Russian territory with its troops? After all, propaganda says that it was Ukraine that wanted to attack.
How to understand that russia, putin or russians are lying?
It's simple, their mouths are open.

They have always lied and will lie to the whole world, each other, to each of you.

Oct 28, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The most terrible secret of russia, its true history.

russia is the only country whose archives have been classified for more than 100 years. Because these archives do not contain the history of the country. These archives contain lists of endless russian crimes. Ukraine was under the occupation of the USSR, and not in the Union with it.
Ukrainians, in addition to fighting the Nazi occupation during World War II. Ukrainians still had to fight against the occupation of the Bolsheviks and the USSR. The fight against repression, the artificial Holodomor, in which millions of Ukrainians died and which was Moscow’s genocide against the Ukrainian population. Artificial Russification of Ukraine, deportations. Attempts to destroy Ukrainian culture and language.
Millions of Ukrainians became victims of both the Nazis and communists. Just like millions of Ukrainians gave their lives in the fight against them. And the struggle of Ukrainians from Muscovy itself goes back hundreds of years.Image
Oct 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
To all the armchair experts who, in their gaming chairs and warm houses/apartments thousands of kilometers from Ukraine, talk about the war in Ukraine, criticize the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, or think that they know anything at all about the war, about military strategy or about the Ukrainians. Who have never been to Ukraine or to the front. Who have no idea about the nature of war. Go to the front for at least one day... and then a lot will become clearer in your head.

We invite you to come and show this live with your own example of how to liberate territories. No? In such cases, close your mouths. And don't tell us about slow progress. You have no idea what price our soldiers pay for the freedom and future of Ukraine and Europe.

All these people in the video risk their lives every day for the sake of their home and loved ones. So that the Russian plague and terror do not come tomorrow to other cities and villages, and these settlements do not become “new” Mariupol, Bucha, Bakhmut, etc.
My words in no way concern people from foreign countries who support Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Which even thousands of kilometers away help Ukrainians bring Ukraine's victory closer.

I'm just talking about sofa experts and critics. Or about pro-Russian puppets and bots. Who like to write all sorts of nonsense, lies and propaganda on the Internet about the war in Ukraine. Which has nothing to do with realit
Oct 24, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Archive. Interrogation of Russian prisoners of war.

The first of them, when asked why he came to kill Ukrainians, directly answers that for the sake of money.

The second, calls himself a "good Russian" and does not feel guilty that they came to someone else's land to kill people, and that Russia launches missiles at peaceful cities of Ukraine.

They never repented or regretted what they had. And if they had not been captured, they would have continued to kill people and bomb cities. For the sake of money, fun. For the sake of the fascist idea of the Russian world. For the sake of his bloody power. Everything you need to know about them
Oct 22, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
A russian neo-Nazi Milchakov admits in one of his interviews that they tortured, mutilated or killed Ukrainian soldiers who were captured. At the same time, he is not talking about 2022, but specifically about 2014... which once again confirms the fact that Russian terrorists have been fighting on the territory of Ukraine since 2014, and all Russian propaganda about the civil conflict in eastern Ukraine is a lie. It was Russian terrorists who invaded the territory of Ukraine in 2014, annexing Crimea and provoking a war in Donbass.

I translate part of the interview:

«In 2014, there was a situation, Novosvetlivka. They took khokhla in the captivity (as Russians offensively call Ukrainians), he had a tattoo "Glory to Ukraine" on his hand. His hand was cut off... our people wanted to marinate this hand in a jar..."

On the second cut of the video, he directly admits that he is a Nazi. In addition, even before 2014, this psychopath was noticed for filming the murder of animals (dogs and cats), he cut off their heads and posted these videos on the Internet.