David Ferreira Profile picture
“¡Alerta, alerta, alerta que camina la espada de Bolívar por América Latina! ¡Y tiembla, y tiembla imperialista, que América Latina se vuelve socialista!”.
Aug 11, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
still with my mind on the Portuguese Revolution, and how certain sects/analysis tried to find the February to October Revolution formula within it (not unique to the Portuguese Revolution, of course, it was done to Spain 1936-1939 & other revolutionary situations) To begin with, the April Revolution poorly corresponds to the February Revolution. There was a military revolt, & therefore a collapse of the Portuguese colonial war effort, but in Portugal there wasn't the famine & state collapse of Russia 1917.
Aug 10, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
thinking about the fascist dynamic of veterans (convinced by their superiors) that they didn't lose the war on front (wwi & colonial wars in particular), it was lost in the rear by anti-war agitation & how diminished this phenomenon was in Portugal 74-75 among veterans. 1.) it was hard to blame the home front in Portugal 73-74 when a fascist dictatorship already existed to impose discipline 2.) the collapse of Portuguese Army happened through their interaction with the African liberation movements, rather than with striking workers at home.
Apr 24, 2019 35 tweets 5 min read
to mark the 45th anniversary of the Portuguese Revolution, I'm reading the original post-revolution Constitution, before all the subsequent revisions to negate its revolutionary and socialist character. Preamble: on April 25th 1974, the Armed Forces Movement, concluding the long resistance of the Portuguese people & interpreting their deep sentiments, toppled the fascist regime.