Ilya Matveev Profile picture
Political scientist formerly based in St Petersburg, Russia. Currently a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley #NoWar For any inquiries:
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Feb 13 7 tweets 1 min read
Confusion everywhere, people do not understand the stakes in the current moment.

Russia can either lose or win this war, and this is decided right now.

Russia's main goal has never been to occupy and annex territories, but to subjugate Ukraine and crush its sovereignty. Ukraine has been fighting valiantly (and successfully) to prevent this outcome.

Jan 3 10 tweets 2 min read
Meanwhile Vladislav Surkov (ex grey cardinal, now a disgruntled retiree) wrote an article very openly calling Russia imperialist.

Not only is it imperialist, according to Surkov, but it also inspires other imperialisms.

1/… He also notably calls the Minsk agreements "the first partition of Ukraine". But... but... The Kremlin was earnest about Minsk, the agreements were about re-integrating the Donbas into Ukraine! And now this! I wonder what Aaron Maté and his bunch would say.

Nov 10, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
I feel like most of the debates about the resolution of the war in Ukraine miss the point. It's not about the occupied territories, NATO or security guarantees. It's about the future of the Ukrainian army.

A 🧵.

Most people agree at this point that the liberation of all the occupied territories is unrealistic.

Jul 15, 2024 9 tweets 1 min read
Fascinating how Putinist the so-called "Project 2025" is both in terms of ends and means. Goals such as completely banning gender-affirming care and sexuality education: done and done in Russia.
May 14, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Recent staff changes at the top in Russia reveal Putin's thinking about his entourage. Essentially, he divides his people into three categories: experts on the Anglo-Saxon conspiracy, old heavyweights and guys actually capable of working ("technocrats").

Putin's clear preference lies with the conspiracy experts, as he's become such an expert himself. He likes to talk to them and hang with them, discussing Russia's historic mission and Western perfidy.

Mar 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I am devastated by the news from Moscow. The death toll is terrible. I will not speculate about the perpetrators. Nor will I tolerate gloating comments here. One thing I will note though. After such an attack, one wants to know the truth - and this is precisely the thing the Russian authorities cannot deliver.
Mar 17, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Despite everything, there is a tendency in the West to see Russian "elections" as actual elections.

That is, Putin's "victory" is seen as reflecting genuine popular approval of the economic performance, military successes etc.

It just doesn't work this way in dictatorships.

Syria's Assad "won" with 92% of the vote while the civil war was raging across most of the country. It wasn't even clear which territories "voted" in his "elections".

Tunisia's Ben Ali "won" with 90%. A year went by and he was ousted by a popular movement.

Feb 21, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
Sorry I can't stop with this tweet

You know what's especially ironic? As part of the "smart voting" strategy, Navalny called to vote for the second most popular candidate in single-seat elections across the country. That candidate was usually from... the Communist Party.

1/ For Navalny and his team, this was a tactic in the conditions of electoral authoritarianism.

They understood full well it's impossible to replace the authorities with voting in Russia, but they believed one could make a dent in the regime's stability...

Jan 21, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Rustling through the pages of (relatively) old papers.

10 March 2022. Alexander Khramchikhin, a military expert who is highly patriotic and loyal to the Kremlin, but not devoid of common sense, struggles to find reasons for the invasion of Ukraine.

1/… He makes several points:

- Ukraine was not going to be admitted into NATO, both because of territorial conflicts with Russia and unwillingness of some NATO members to admit Ukraine.

Dec 24, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
Ekaterina Duntsova and Russian electoral dictatorship. A 🧵

1/ Image Ekaterina Duntsova is a local activist and journalist from Rzhev, a small town in central Russia known mostly for the gruesome WW2 battles that happened there.

Nov 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Very dangerous developments in Ukraine

The conflict between Zelenskyy's office and Zaluzhnyi is apparently real. Within this conflict, people close to Zelensky leaked to WaPo what is effectively an admission that 🇺🇦 is responsible for Nord Stream.

1/ The purpose of the leak is to blame Zaluzhnyi for the Nord Stream attack while claiming that Zelensky did not know about it.

Oct 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Alexey Navalny's team @ACF_int found this 15,000,000 EUR estate in Marbellla, Spain, owned by a Russian Duma deputy Alexey Chepa.

Chepa did not bother too much to hide his ownership - the estate is listed under the name of his 22 y.o. son.

1/ Image While Chepa himself is under sanctions, his family isn't. According to Navalny's team, the house looks occupied and, in all likelihood, his family members continue spending time there.

Aug 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This article is riddled with factual inaccuracies. The author is not aware that most Russian investment in Ukraine and elsewhere came through offshore centres such as the Netherlands, so he underestimates Russian economic influence in post-Soviet states. He is also not aware of the details of Russia’s energy trade and its energy blackmail of Ukraine, as a result of which Ukraine actually paid a higher price for gas than some Western European countries.
Jun 23, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
What happens now is both relatively insignificant - and highly illustrative of Putin's system and its likely future.

So what's happening exactly? Prigozhin has gone rogue out of sheer desperation. Behind it is a mix of frustrated ambitions and war-related psychological problems.

Jun 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Today the Russian parliament unanimously voted to *completely prohibit* gender transition in the country.

All medical procedures associated with it are outlawed. Changing the gender marker in the official documents is banned.

Even the Ministry of Health opposed the new law, claiming that it will increase the number of suicides.

May 20, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Anatomy of failure

Everyone knows that the health spending in the US is mostly a private burden (carried by businesses and individual citizens).

The share of public spending in the overall health expenditure in the US is among the lowest in the OECD group - 51%, as compared to 71% OECD average.

In other words, the US government forces companies and individuals to carry half of the burden of healthcare directly.

2/ Image
May 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Mikhail has remained in Russia despite multiple not-so-subtle hints to pack his stuff and go. Strategically, as well as morally, I understand his decision because I see the work on the ground that he's been doing (he's no Kasparov alright...)

1/ Yes, it's risky and yes, it's almost certain to lead to the regime's response. But someone has to do it if one is serious at all about political change in Russia. (Again, contrary to Kasparov's vile nonsense.)

Mar 23, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Still can't stop cataloguing losses...

In a new policy paper for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung I explore the negative consequences of the war for the social situation in Russia.

1/… I focus on five dimensions of the social crisis: 1) poverty and declining living standards, 2) the impact on industrial areas, 3) supply and personnel problems in healthcare, 4) troubles in the non-governmental sector, 5) demographic decline.

Mar 22, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
So many bad takes on Putin-Xi summit here based on wishful thinking.

The summit is a huge win for Putin and makes Xi dependent on him - not the other way round.

The most important thing that came out of the summit was Xi expressing his full confidence that Putin would win in 2024 elections (with Putin never even publicly committing that he would run).

Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Russian budget is apparently in deep trouble. The government finally agreed on a "windfall tax" of 4-5% on "excess profits" of non-energy companies, hoping to collect some 300 bln rubles in revenue.

Before the war, such attempts (announced by individual public officials such as Andrei Belousov) were easily repelled by the organized big business. The government's overall strategy was to minimize any sudden changes to the tax regime - and they took this goal seriously.

Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The latest issue of Russian Politics journal is dedicated to the evolution of the Russian political-economic order.

Together with Oleg Zhuravlev we contributed an article on the (mostly failed) attempts at building a developmental state in Russia.

1/… Contrary to some authors, we don't see Russia solely as a "kleptocracy" where everything revolves around rent-seeking. For one, if it were true, the war would not have happened - one of its consequences is the radical reduction in rent sources for corrupt public officials.
