Steven Savage Profile picture
Official Twitter profile for Mr. Steven Savage!
david Christoph Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 17, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read

🧵 A thread dedicated to DeCringe
Jun 16, 2023 41 tweets 15 min read
🚨 AGENDA 47:

President Trump has released his plans to revive America and lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace.

Please share this Twitter thread dedicated to Trump’s 2024 policy proposals.

1. Official 2024 Announcement
🚨 AGENDA 47:

2. Free Speech Policy Initiative

“If we don’t have FREE SPEECH, we just don’t have a FREE COUNTRY. It’s as simple as that. If this most fundamental right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights and liberties will topple just like dominos one by one.”
Apr 23, 2023 26 tweets 9 min read
AGENDA 47: A thread dedicated to Trump’s 2024 policy proposals.

President Trump has released his plans to revive America and lead our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace.

1. Official 2024 Announcement 2. Free Speech Policy Initiative

“If we don’t have FREE SPEECH, then we just don’t have a FREE COUNTRY. It’s as simple as that. If this most fundamental right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights and liberties will topple just like dominos one by one.”