Josh Cook Profile picture
Co-owner & bookseller for Porter Square Books. (See @PorterSqBooks for official PSB stuff.) Author of An Exaggerated Murder published by @melvillehouse. He/him
Jul 6, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
It's Monday, I got a decent night's sleep, so it's time for a big old thread about the book industry. This is going to be something of a long walk, but I think it's worth it. OK, coffee refilled and... Like every other store, at the end of March PSB went to online only sales and, lucky for us, many, many, many members of community followed us. Well, not entirely "lucky," because...
Mar 10, 2020 20 tweets 6 min read
OK, folks, here is your long wonky thread about how to keep your local bookstore open when no one is leaving the house. Links will be to @PorterSqBooks. Your indie is likely to be different in some ways. Onward... 1st, even successful small businesses rarely have a lot of "cash on hand." Bookstores tend to operate on a thin profit margin, so even though they are keeping the lights on, they need money to be coming in constantly to stay afloat. This is why...
Feb 21, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Who's ready for a wonky book industry idea thread? Great. Here's the underlying premise: Bookstore sales have been down year-to-year for the past several months b/c there was no smash hit like Becoming except... at indie bookstore which have actually had flat/modest sales increases over the same time frame. There are a lot of reasons why indies don't need smash hits the way B&N & Amz do, but it really boils down to the fact that contemporary indie bookstores are...