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Feb 4 23 tweets 6 min read
I think the next US political realignment / the message the Democrats of the future (as different as 2024 Republicans vs 2004 Republicans) run on will be anti-technology, anti-automation, aesthetically “quiet”, and even pro-“family”

Totally not pride parades or ‘hope & change’ Before we get into that, let’s see what won—decisively—against the 2012 RNC Autopsy, winning in 2016, was subverted by the GOP in 2020, and in a hero’s arc, came back in 2024.

I think any clip from @REVIVALNATIONAL could work, but imho, this is the best:
Dec 27, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
The US has record highs in both:

- numbers of immigrants
- immigrants as a percentage of population

Have *most* Americans’ lives directly improved as a result? Have the benefits of the new economy and new society accrued to them? Image Here’s the marriage rate.
Here’s the birth rate.
Here’s the suicide rate. (young highlighted)
And here’s the share in patriotism: Image
Dec 26, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
This isn’t correct.

In its glory days, NASA was all jocks.
Former (and active duty) fighter pilots, submariners, heavy drinkers, smokers, etc.

The American space program was so defined by jocks its *nerds* were jocks, too.

“The Right Stuff” is about this. Image
Two reasons you don’t want to get carried away with way too many “skilled immigrants” are:

1. You shouldn’t displace your own young men

2. You actually want CULTURE FIT more than smarts. The balance of dynamic young men in your society should respect each other and get along;
Dec 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
MAGA Hats 👍
Country Caps 👍👍

This is a looooooon one.
Oct 5, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
They *are* saying “no”, @moveincircles !


Men are withdrawing from education,
Men are withdrawing from the workforce,
Men are withdrawing from the military,
And men are withdrawing from women.

In ever greater numbers, every year: x.com/moveincircles/…Image

18 year old men become 36 year old men in their next 18 years of life, starting from zero.

Increasingly they look at a sexual, financial, social, and racial dynamic at play from their adolescence and see they can’t win and are hated/scorned/mocked.

So they withdraw.
Oct 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Abortion is the driver of the female electorate voting left. It boils down to:

Women keep having sex with guys who do not want to marry them—whose kids they themselves do not even want—and are terrified about being low-status single moms; so they want to be able to kill the kid It’s not exactly a ‘men vs women’ thing — it’s all about unmarried, young (and youngish) women vs. everyone else;

Recent polling in Pennsylvania and other surveys show this.

Every other group besides unmarried women favors Republicans
Sep 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read

The US colonizes Haiti, turning it into a deportation exile zone where all illegal aliens, violent criminals, and former members of the dismantled deep state (and of course Haitians losing TPS) are all sent

The Dominican Republic gets $1 billion annually in border aid There’s no reason that you couldn’t air drop food, construction equipment, building materials, fuel supplies, etc. In fact there should be a US military occupation of the entire Western side of Hispaniola, formerly Haiti, to oversee infrastructure development and gang elimination
Sep 8, 2024 27 tweets 13 min read
On Warp, "cancellation", brand equity, virality, courage, panic, hypocrisy, and reasonableness


For FIFTEEN YEARS, from 2000 (that's right, before 9/11) to April of 2015 (mere months before Trump announced his presidential run), Subway was defined by one Mr. Jared Fogle:Image I realize as a decrepit old man some of you whippersnappers all of 24 in 2024 were BORN in 2000 (insane btw) but this mfer was EVERYWHERE for a decade and a half. Constantly on "television" or "TV"
(TV was like dedicated TikTok in a box)

Here's Jared explaining it all in 2015:
Aug 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is what a lot of political discourse boils down to Image Our national life is dominated by the people in the middle, who are - if not women themselves - highly feminized by school and institutional employment
Jul 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
If you did that, the substance of the abortion debate would be revealed as;

Women keep having sex with guys who do not want to marry them, whose kids they themselves don’t even want, and are terrified about being low-status single moms—so they want to be able to kill the kid Rape & incest (incest??!) are used to bully people into silence but are a tiny percentage of abortions and the women who have the fewest abortions (college educated white/asian) are the most vocal and the ones who have the most (non-college black) are also most often single moms
Jul 24, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
2024 will be won or lost via White America:

Only 55% of non-college graduate whites bothered to vote last time. If just 60% did, Trump would have won.

College educated whites went 54% Democratic Party in 2024. If only 50% did, Trump would have won.cookpolitical.com/swingometerImage Every other type of political calculus is basically innumerate and the people spouting it are dumb.

Just raise the turnout of people with lower than potential turnout whose affiliation is favorable, and win any swing affiliation among people who regularly vote.
Jul 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Youth unemployment in the US vanishes, corporate profits slightly decrease, prices slightly rise, male labor force participation skyrockets, farm payrolls and ancillary jobs increase outside of the biggest metropolitan areas, traffic decreases, etc. It befuddles a particular type of High IQ Immigrant, but the US has many local economies where it’s all Americans and only recently (40 years) hugely employed immigrants

For its majority history and broadly prosperous times, it was—being frank—WORKING CLASS WHITES doing it all
Jul 18, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Trump knows better than to adopt a strongly worded and high-attack surface area position

People who loathe social conservatives but are excited for an end to “wokeism” (like Hanania) read this as an end to social conservatism, but Trump is how you get Gorsuch + Kavanaugh + ACB I do not think Trump is a social conservative and I think social conservatives know Trump is not a social conservative.

Roe v. Wade did get overturned because of a President going to prayer breakfasts and speaking about the Holy Spirit and the like; Image
Jul 17, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
You can see atavistic American features in this man as he transmogrifies into a modern Anglo-American. This is what happened at the first Thanksgiving when Puritans got drunk and realized the King only ruled in name.

If you give it long enough, he’ll be able to reconstruct something like the Boston Brahmin accent
Jul 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
There are endless stories of this in the West

I will let you in on a secret: they won’t stop.

The only solution is organized, professional violence—either by total capture of the State or by its replacement.

Put your energies into building wealth + organizing politically.
Image If this stuff truly upsets you:

You need to 10x yours and your peers’ wealth. You need to become organized, politically undeniable, and popular. You have to be in a position of property ownership and political sway that you can influence the State or meaningfully challenge it.
May 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
India won’t catch up with China because even if they were given all of the infrastructure seen here the food would be stolen.

That’s their core problem, it’s character, not wealth. I’m bullish on India long term

Their Hindu Nationalist govt—long overdue since independence—has improved much

But Indians are still overly concerned with appearances, the “fashion” of improvement, not deep invigoration of the national character, requisite for material change Image
May 3, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Two feasible pro-civilizational efforts:

1. Get more low density low cost housing to talented young people whose labor travels by internet, so they reproduce

2. Get laboring talented young people to someplace with low density low cost housing and internet, so they reproduce I have previously offered my thoughts on how we should conceive of, and measure the success of, social and institutional alternatives to the mainstream culture and educational regimes: Image
Apr 3, 2024 25 tweets 6 min read
Buckle up. Genes. Physiology. Inheritance.
Apr 2, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Americans Love Florida - great piece from @NateSilver538

"And here a truth that some of my progressive readers might find uncomfortable: Americans love Florida. Lots of people are moving there, and relatively few people are leaving."

Here are some datapoints:

Miami has a small, but burgeoning tech/finance scene with many large global anchors from Founders Fund to Citadel.

Despite higher interest rates, it still leads the country in new firm starts of all kinds:
Mar 8, 2024 22 tweets 6 min read
Biden will win.

We'll hear coping just like after the "red wave" failed in 2022 or the "stop the steal" coping in 2020 - MAGA has its head in the sand about THREE things:

1. Demographic Shifts (among *Whites*)
2. Abortion
3. Recency Bias

Let's look at each of these: 1.
Trump won in 2016 with tiny margins of victory in Michigina, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania - among non-college educated (working but often middle class) exurban whites: a lot of people who were union workers or would have been non-voters showed up.

But did Trump 'win whites'?
Feb 23, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Doesn’t matter

They could openly admit firing only white people in the name of “retention equity”

The only way it ever stops is if white people politically organize to pursue their material self-interest *as* white people, which is literal white nationalism, which you’d reject What do all of these new prominent right wingers expect? Why is anyone surprised about this? What do they think opposition to the Civil Rights Act was about? Why do they think the Southern states fought integration, or why middle America opposed forced bussing? Etc, etc, etc.