Indigo | Synthetic Assets on Cardano Profile picture
Cardano’s #DeFi Synthetics Protocol🔮| iAssets: $iUSD $iETH $iSOL $iBTC | Indigo #DAO Powered by $INDY |💜Unleash synthetics with
Sep 27, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ 🌀Indigo Protocol V2.1 is coming to Mainnet!

Algorithmic interest rates, more flexible interest settlement, revived real yield for $INDY holders, and more!

This upgrade brings enhanced iAsset dynamics and boosts protocol health.

🧵Thread👇 Image 2/ 🧠 Algorithmic Interest Rates

⚖️ V2.1 brings dynamic rates that algorithmically adjust based on the health of the Protocol’s collateral. No more static rates—interest responds to the conditions of the system!
May 31, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/🧵🔐 Indigo Protocol Adaptive Quorum Biasing (AQB)

This feature strengthens Indigo's fair DAO Governance with flexible voting thresholds dependent on voter turnout. AQB ensures majority $INDY rule while deterring manipulation. Let's break it down.👇 #IndigoProtocol Image 2/🗳️💡In most voting systems, a proposal passes when yes votes outnumber the nos, past a static threshold. This is not ideal for long-term #Governance health, participation, and risks manipulation.

With AQB, the quorum (or the yes votes needed) shrinks as more $INDY is cast. Image