Inez Stepman ⚪️🔴⚪️ Profile picture
@IWF // @ClaremontInst Lincoln Fellow. American. Anti-feminist. Palo Alto disrespecter. Tax the Universities author. @JarrettStepman's wife.
3 subscribers
Feb 6 5 tweets 2 min read
A great and well-reasoned argument for responsibly shutting down the Department of education and spinning its relevant functions and money either back to the states directly or in other departments. However, just one bone to pick about student loans: DeVos correctly criticizes the previous administration’s illegal student loan bailouts, but suggests that we privatize the current loan portfolio instead. This won’t work despite sounding “right.” The key here is realizing 1) taxpayers own these loans already and 2) many - perhaps the majority - will never be paid off. The value of the degrees simply was not enough to cover the sticker price.Image
Jan 28 4 tweets 2 min read
This is one of the funniest exchanges I’ve witnessed on this app lmao Image
It just keeps getting better and better I really encourage everyone to read to the end
Sep 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
As someone who spent quite a few years in the state legislatures wrestling with this, a huge part of the answer as to why red states have squishy, awful Rs is corporate capture. Not the obvious kind of corporate kickbacks one could rail against (although that definitely happens 💯) but the deeper and more difficult to excise kind, because most red states are heavily dependent on these corporations to keep the economics of their states sound and growing. They fundamentally cannot afford to flip corporate America the bird, and it’s a problem. One important and overlooked reason DeSantis is able to do more in Florida is that Florida is a big, economically diverse state that can afford to play brinksmanship games with these people. In the specific case of Texas it’s somewhat self-imposed. Politicians there, for many valid reasons, are addicted to the explosive growth of welcoming fleeing corps with sweetheart deals. And these deals have been good for Texas, economically. Culturally, they’ve cut off the legislature’s balls. It’s clear to me there needs to be some kind of red state cooperative to hold the line on immigration and cultural issues that prevents corporations from playing one low-tax environment against another and pushing their leftist cultural conditions on every red state in turn.
Jul 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Maybe instead of worrying constantly about convincing the demo of unmarried, childless women who lean heavily left to see the light we should be pointing out to the other 3/4 of the electorate that already leans our way that the Democratic Party hates men. Image Democrats support policies that have led to record numbers of men dropping out of the workforce, stripped them of due process rights, skew education system towards feminine skills, support discrimination against them in hiring etc etc and then to cap it off demonize men from the bully pulpit every chance they get. But sure, the right should be very worried about accidentally insulting single women.
May 22, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
I know Harrison Butker’s not-actually-controversial comments have been making the rounds but as it’s graduation season I want to recommend the best of the commencement genre I’ve ever encountered, @charlesmurray’s Advice for a Happy Life: On the special advantages marrying young, without discrediting those of marrying later: Image
May 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Problem with conspiratorial thinking isn’t the sense that those in power are screwing you over, but the diagnosis that it’s being done in a personal way. People love to imagine a cabal of horrors at the top when the reality is that’s an easier issue to solve than what we’ve got. It’s the more banal evils of the bureaucracy, the creeping “norms” of a self-referential circle of thousands of orgs, schools, networks, all made up of former students who mostly said yes to teacher as teacher taught them more and more insane and radical things - that is our problem. It’s a web, a class with interests, all of the above. Not a cabal. A cabal would be what, a few dozen at most? No, this is 10% of the population or more. It’s organic “collaboration” that springs from unacknowledged but common premises in worldview.
Apr 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Today, the Biden admin is releasing regulations more powerful than most real legislation. His Title IX changes:

- Redefine sex in civil rights law to include gender identity, exposing girls and women across the country to men in their bathrooms, sports teams, and locker rooms - Reinstate Obama-era kangaroo court rules for men accused of sexual assault on college campuses that completely flout due process and make mere accusation the standard that can ruin young men’s lives
- Encourage universities to unconstitutionally curtail protected speech in the name of subjective offense and “harassment”; empower schools to enforce rules like punishing children for using biologically incorrect pronouns
- Curtail parents’ rights to know what schools are doing with their own children with regard to “gender transition”
Mar 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Not to repeat myself but:

There’s a certain type of anti-woke liberal whose primary enemy is still you, for realizing where this was going way before they did Not being one myself, I’m honestly offended on behalf of the Christian moral majority of the 90s because the people who styled themselves “rational” and “data-driven” have reacted to the MM basically being right about the direction of everything by doubling down on contempt.
Feb 9, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Having watched this long interview, I think Tucker did a decent job. He let Putin talk & talk but this is his interview style (not a great one imho for this reason). Tucker’s Qs were challenging, not obsequious. More thoughts on the substance of Putin’s answers when I have time. There’s value in Americans listening to this version of history, but unfortunately not in their current state of knowing none of their own. Like zoomers reading the Bin Laden letter and nodding along. Fortunately, the average American fell asleep 15 mins in. Still, an act of journalism.
Jan 11, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Animals must be rescued from the fur baby people.

A dispatch from idiot island, where the people who are still triple masking rule and liberal women who drove off their husbands hold sway, follows: My husband and I thought, after the sad natural passing of our wonderful, missed, and very elderly dog, that we would get a new kitten to keep our middle-aged cat company. And there are hundreds of stray cats and kittens all over NYC, so like two naive people, we thought doing the good deed of giving one of them a good home was going to be easy.
Dec 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It is observably true. Our guarantee was +200 pts or $ back, I never once had to issue the refund w 100s of students. The SAT is a completely bankrupt test devoid of any of its 90s and prior content. The right here is just defending the skin suit of a long-hollowed out thing. I know “studies say” (many of them done on previous iterations of the test) but I’m sorry in this case I believe my years of direct experience. The SAT is eminently gameable and teachable.
Dec 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So true, the fact that living the same exact way I’ve lived for half a decade on our income is now bankrupting us is due to “vibes” It’s definitely not the fact that a tin of sliced ham for sandwiches at home is $16
Oct 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The entire focus around things like choking and faux-violent sex was blamed by left and right on men in this endless “discourse” when it was obviously women requesting it in casual encounters and men awkwardly complying This isn’t even close to new. Ayn Rand’s initial popularity with 50s housewives had little to do with her philosophy, if you catch my drift
Sep 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
He was a prisoner there, you absolute scumbag, as many ethnic Poles were in addition to their Jewish countrymen Another thing Stalin and Hitler had in common was the systematic destruction of every institution, class/profession, and individual that might have formed the basis for resistance to occupation. Professors, officers, rounded up and shot in the woods or sent to camps.
Sep 25, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Ok the moral preening in absence of ANY understanding or knowledge about what happened in the 1930s-40s on the swath of land between Warsaw and Moscow is really starting to get annoying. There were two monsters on the European continent, not one. Start there. Siri, why was everyone desperate to surrender to the British or Americans in 1945?
Aug 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes, the scourge we should be addressing in this city is not it becoming an open-air asylum or crime haven but definitely ice cream trucks Just a couple months ago I was chased into a bodega by two menacing ice cream trucks wanting to rob me
Jul 19, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Buckle up kids, we’re gonna talk about how we could solve the student loan crisis and punish woke universities for their totally undeserved chokehold on the pipelines to power all in one fell swoop. 🧵 Image 1. Student loan crisis is real, esp for <40. Cost of college is outpacing value of a degree & resulting “credential treadmill” is making all of us-those who get degrees & those who don’t-worse off. Status quo is bad for everyone except universities, which are benefiting massively
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Do any of my male followers run the social calendar in their marriages (to women)? I definitely run the social calendar. Husband still forgets social commitments when I’ve told him at least four times that “we have something this Saturday”
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Some on both the left and the right turning themselves into pretzels re: Ukraine to avoid acknowledging that nationalism and democracy aren’t contradictory If you think Poland isn’t sufficiently “democratic” because right wing parties get elected, let me introduce you to Ukrainians sometime
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My take on this whole debate is offensive to all sides. I think the T is very much the intellectual heir to feminism, not gays. It’s true that gay marriage is only imaginable in society that has jettisoned the idea that men and women have different and complementary roles. But it’s kind of a detour.
May 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a hilarious list, and not just because Clarence Thomas and Erdogan are on a list of “evilest white people” lmao

Robert Moses outranks Mussolini, Lukashenko outranks Stalin(!!!) and Trump outranks Bull dogs-n-hoses Connor Props to @MattWalshBlog for being in the running with Pinochet