How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App being one myself, I’m honestly offended on behalf of the Christian moral majority of the 90s because the people who styled themselves “rational” and “data-driven” have reacted to the MM basically being right about the direction of everything by doubling down on contempt.’s value in Americans listening to this version of history, but unfortunately not in their current state of knowing none of their own. Like zoomers reading the Bin Laden letter and nodding along. Fortunately, the average American fell asleep 15 mins in. Still, an act of journalism. know “studies say” (many of them done on previous iterations of the test) but I’m sorry in this case I believe my years of direct experience. The SAT is eminently gameable and teachable.’s definitely not the fact that a tin of sliced ham for sandwiches at home is $16 isn’t even close to new. Ayn Rand’s initial popularity with 50s housewives had little to do with her philosophy, if you catch my drift thing Stalin and Hitler had in common was the systematic destruction of every institution, class/profession, and individual that might have formed the basis for resistance to occupation. Professors, officers, rounded up and shot in the woods or sent to camps. a couple months ago I was chased into a bodega by two menacing ice cream trucks wanting to rob me definitely run the social calendar. Husband still forgets social commitments when I’ve told him at least four times that “we have something this Saturday” you think Poland isn’t sufficiently “democratic” because right wing parties get elected, let me introduce you to Ukrainians sometime’s true that gay marriage is only imaginable in society that has jettisoned the idea that men and women have different and complementary roles. But it’s kind of a detour. to @MattWalshBlog for being in the running with Pinochet