We're passionate about teaching & learning. Research-based, practical and interactive student workshops and CPD courses, online and in schools.
Jul 10, 2021 β’ 14 tweets β’ 5 min read
Yesterday @EducEndowFoundn released a preview of their report on Cognitive Science in Education.
We're looking forward to seeing the full publication next week, but whilst we wait here is our thread π§΅on our initial thoughts on what they said here (1/14)
First off wanted to start by saying thanks to @TWPerry1 and his team for sharing their thoughts. Their review seems very thorough which identified 40,000 studies, before focusing on about 500 that met the criteria, with 43 viewed as 'high priority' (2/14)
Jul 8, 2021 β’ 10 tweets β’ 3 min read
It's been a day since the end of the #TandLSummit, and we are still buzzing...
Catch up with the talks from our amazing speakers below πππ
All good things have an end... It is now time for our final #TandLSummit speaker: @PhilippaCcuree, who is sharing how to lead CPDL for metacognition.
Why this subject? Despite being talked about so much, there isn't that much research around metacognition. It's challenging to make happen, and the national curriculum doesn't leave much room for it.
Jul 7, 2021 β’ 11 tweets β’ 2 min read
On to our penultimate #TandLSummit speaker: @PearceMrs, talking about embedding an evidence-informed culture in schools, using her experience as a teacher.
Why evidence-informed? Well, evidence allows us to identify practices that do have an impact, but also practices we've been using for a long time that we may need to rethink.
Jul 7, 2021 β’ 9 tweets β’ 2 min read
Back to our talks now at the #TandLSummit with @Thinkingschool2, who is going back through some of the most interesting points raised by speakers and delegates raised throughout the day.
"The most important people in school, after the students, are the classroom teachers", because what has the greatest impact on the students is the quality of teaching.
Jul 7, 2021 β’ 6 tweets β’ 2 min read
Our last speaker of the morning at #TandLSummit is @johntomsett, whose talk is all about curriculum conversations between senior leaders and subject teachers - and what he learned while writing his new book on the subject with @MaryMyatt.
The main problems? Struggling to find shared terminology, and not knowing enough about curriculum design.
Learning the vocabulary of the knowledge curriculum (and what it means!) is key.
Jul 7, 2021 β’ 9 tweets β’ 2 min read
Next up at #TandLSummit is @informed_edu, talking about school leadership, school working conditions and how working environment impacts school staff.
The research around working environments at school has exploded around the last decade, says David. The research he carried with @TeacherDevTrust identified five main traits of a great working environment for school leaders to develop...
Jul 7, 2021 β’ 6 tweets β’ 3 min read
After a quick refreshment break (and many ideas exchanged), we are back for the #TandLSummit with @Samfr's talk: how to think about policy from an SLT perspective.
So, how is policy made?
Identifying a problem, talking to those involved (including teachers), discussing it then tweaking accordingly is how it SHOULD work, says Sam.
This works especially on issues with low media attention, where you have more space to think about it.
Jul 7, 2021 β’ 13 tweets β’ 2 min read
Our next speaker is none other than our very own Edward Watson, here to talk about the research behind Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction. #TandLSummit
As you might know, Edward is our founder and one of the authors of our book "The Science of Learning".
And lots of the studies in this book overlap with Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction, which made us very interested in these connections...