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Intelligent Fanatics are the world’s greatest business builders. We love to study and learn from them.
Jan 10, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
All the knowledge that ever existed, or ever will exist, is already here. If you can tune in to the correct frequency, like a radio you can pick up any information you want.

Nature is one of the least ‘tuned into’ places, yet it holds all the answers. This is how the San people of Africa stand up to lions 5 times their size without a fight:…
Oct 22, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
It takes a lot of work to make something look effortless.

Bill Gates once said the following about Steve Jobs's presentation skills:

“I was never in his league. I mean, it was just amazing to see how precisely he would rehearse." In preparation for his 2005 Stanford speech, Jobs walked around the house for days, reciting it over and over.

“The kids watching their dad spring past them in the same kind of trance he’d sometimes enter in the days before MacWorld."