Rocky Choi Profile picture
Jan 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
We are asked to have faith.

We are also served by looking at the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, memories, justifications, rationalizations, and internal defenses which cause us to not have faith. Until this is confronted with complete awareness and inquiry, our faith seems fabricated.

Before opening to the possibility of what’s new, we must come to terms with all the doubts, fears, and attachments which hold us back.
Jan 21, 2021 22 tweets 4 min read
Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 – The astonishing case for optimism and faith

Thursday, January 21, 2021 by: Mike Adams… “After the staged, theatrical Biden inauguration yesterday that carries no legitimate legal standing whatsoever, people lost their minds as they fell for the spell of the fake news media that broadcast the Big Lie, in Hunger Games style.
Jan 21, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
”THE DIVE REFLEX (For rapid anxiety & stress lowering and mood elevation)

The Dive Reflex, originally noted in cold water diving, is a first rate vagus nerve stimulation method capable of rapidly chilling down anxiety, panic, stress and body-wide inflammation... well as elevating moods. At first the dive reflex was done by dipping the face from the lips to the scalp line into very cold water for 30 seconds to 1 minute. This would quickly melt away anxiety and stress.
Jan 21, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Strengthen your emotional intelligence and discharge negative emotion with the Tibetan Mindfulness Exercise! “TIBETAN MINDFULNESS EXERCISE

(1) BRING ALL YOUR ATTENTION TO AN EMOTION, COMPLETELY FEEL IT, & IMMERSE YOURSELF IN IT . Bring all your attention to an emotion, completely feel it, and
immerse yourself in it. Allow it to be there and don't try to get rid of it.
Jan 21, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
“The Basic Body Scan Meditation

While many mindfulness exercises for beginners tend to use the breath as the main focus point, this doesn't always have to be the case.

Here’s the deal: In the modern world, it’s easy to spend much of our time in completely tuned out of our body. Often times we only pay attention to it when we’re in pain or feeling hungry.

The body scan is a great way to check in and recalibrate our sense of self.
Jan 20, 2021 30 tweets 5 min read
Situation Update, Jan 20th – Day of Reckoning: Will the republic DIE or be REBORN?

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 by: Mike Adams… “As America watched, a decrepit, mentally incompetent Joe Biden was “sworn in” today, with almost no members of the public in attendance, but with Biden surrounded by now a reported 65,000 troops, just like you’d see in a Third World dictatorship.
Jan 19, 2021 32 tweets 5 min read
Situation Update, Jan 19th, 2021 – Declass delayed, DC militarization goes extreme, Haspel resigns, dirty bomb weapons specialist soldiers deployed

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 by: Mike Adams… “Each day brings new observations and intel to the table, and today’s prognosis is largely negative, given that yesterday’s promised “declass” maneuver by the Trump administration did not materialize.
Jan 19, 2021 31 tweets 6 min read
Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY

Monday, January 18, 2021 by: Mike Adams… “Because of the increasing popularity of the Situation Update podcast, information came my way that lays out a path for justified optimism on what’s coming in the days ahead.
Jan 17, 2021 33 tweets 6 min read
Situation Update, Jan 17th, 2021 – Dems build walls around Trump and DC to keep the people out while America begs Trump for ACTION

Sunday, January 17, 2021 by: Mike Adams… “The overall emphasis for today’s Situation Update (Jan 17th) is that everything has been put in place for President Trump to take decisive action to stop the illegal coup against America, but he is surrounded by treasonous swamp creatures like Mark Meadows...
Jan 16, 2021 36 tweets 6 min read
Situation Update, Jan. 16th, 2021 – “Operation Trust” psyop revealed, DC prepares for large-scale WAR

Saturday, January 16, 2021 by: Mike Adams… “Today’s Situation Update for January 16th is largely bad news, so listen at your own discretion. Trump’s pathways to victory are collapsing, but they are not yet gone. There remain three options for Trump to remain in power and secure a second term:
Jan 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
“What to do when there is nothing you can do...

You may be watching events in your country and the world and feel overwhelmed. What can you do? I wrote about this before.

You are a prepper Yes, you are. Otherwise, you probably would not read this article. So by definition, you should be better prepared than most other folks.

Again, go back to basics and stop panicking about this (if you are).
Jan 16, 2021 29 tweets 5 min read
Situation Update, Jan. 15th, 2021 – DECLASS begins, CNN complicit in capitol raid

Friday, January 15, 2021 by: Mike Adams… The Situation Update for Jan. 15th, 2021 covers five key breaking stories, all with “bombshell” implications for world events:

1. Capitol raid official narrative collapse; CNN complicit in the staged event, radical Leftist arrested, FBI admits Trump didn’t cause the riot.
Jan 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
“The mind is ruled by psychological biases. Such biases twist the mind into believing some things are true, when they are not. Two of the most powerful biases are hope (or, described differently, optimistic belief that something may be true) and fear. When someone hopes something may or may not be true, such as that a friend did not betray him, then he may actually believe in a lie told to him by another, or told to himself, that the friend did not betray him, when in actuality the friend did.
Jan 14, 2021 71 tweets 12 min read
Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 – An astonishing theory: FEMA and the US military will save America at its final hour

Thursday, January 14, 2021 by: Mike Adams… 1) “Today’s Situation Update for January 14th examines the two competing theories for the outcome of the rigged 2020 election.
Jan 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
“Remember these 5 things.” Source: Selco… 1) The system is fragile, and usually corrupt. It takes care first for itself. Do not blindly trust it. I’m not saying the system is necessarily your enemy, but I am saying do not trust it. (See this article about the system:…)
Jan 14, 2021 8 tweets 1 min read
1) Knowledge is only power when applied.

Actively consume information with a specified purpose, while applying discernment and avoiding confirmation bias.

Never passively consume information without a purpose. 2) For example: Stay informed of news to expand your understanding of what is happening around you

From the understanding and information you’ve gleaned from the news, apply it to maintain safety, reinforce preps, and improve relationships.
Jan 14, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1) News can sometimes seem like a nuanced way of complaining about all the things that are wrong on this planet. Sometimes, it seems as if it is always encouraging you to focus on all the problems in the world without offering up solutions. 2) The answer is not to stick your head in the sand, pretending problems don’t exist. Of course, by all means understand them completely.
Jan 14, 2021 29 tweets 5 min read
Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021 – Competing Trump scenarios; breaking the spells of FEAR and SCARCITY

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 by: Mike Adams… 1) “On the surface, it appears certain that Trump has thrown in the towel and is preparing for Biden to be sworn in as president. If that’s true, then all conservatives, Christians, gun owners and Trump supporters across America must prepare to be persecuted like never before.
Jan 13, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
If triggered at any point by news, ask A) “What weakness or limitation is being uncovered within self?“ B) ”How might I resolve any mental-emotional baggage arising from this weakness/limitation?” C) What, if anything, am I trying to avoid that I’m being asked to face by staying informed through the news? D) What might I be trying to avoid by not being informed through news?
Jan 13, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
If you’re going to stay informed, squeeze the most value out of the information you’re getting by asking how to make it all positively work for you and everyone else... No use absorbing as much news as you can if you A) don’t treat it as a potential call to positive action B) are unconsciously using it to feed your addiction to ‘negative‘ content

Make sure the decision to stay informed always works for you and never works against you!
Jan 12, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read…

“Situation Update, Jan. 12, 2021 – Sources FRACTURE on outcome: Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare?

The CIA clowns who spread deliberate disinformation across the ‘net are doing an outstanding job of pushing noise and confusion. As a result, my sources are have now fractured into split realities, where in one reality Trump has given up and surrendered while in another reality Trump is about to achieve a decisive victory and astonish the world.