Eric Blandford - @GunOwners GA State Director, 2A Advocate, Political Commentator, Check out my gun videos:
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Apr 3, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Our Country has been a giant organized crime syndicate since we got off the gold standard. They just have hidden it from the public view effectively for a long time. Now that the dirty laundry is getting aired out, they know their only recourse is to manipulate the info you get.
There’s an increasingly high likelihood that this isn’t going to end with a political solution. When the political solutions are spoon fed from controlled opposition without consent of the Governed and certainly not beholden to the Governed, you have tyranny plainly and clearly.
Mar 29, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
This is likely going to be an unpopular opinion but I’m going to say it anyway. I was going to say this on your show last night @MarioNawfal but I didn’t have the opportunity. We shouldn’t throw the trans community under the bus just because one person committed a terrible act.
I think it’s a strange lifestyle and don’t necessarily agree with it, but this is a free country and our people have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We have the right to bear arms. It’s not going anywhere. Guns aren’t going anywhere.
Feb 7, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Unfortunately, I have a scheduling conflict so I cannot attend the @RageAgainstWar_ rally in D.C. on February 19th. I do want to share some of my views on their message. The empirical and expansionist role the United States has seemingly taken on isn’t healthy or responsible.
If my grandfather knew I was typing this, he would probably disown me. He was very much into McCarthyism and while those were different times, he certainly wanted to carpet bomb every Communist country as a result. I have participated in one of our Wars myself.
Feb 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I want to provide some context for how guns are purchased online, because a lot of people are getting into guns and some people legitimately just don’t know how the process works (especially our law makers but I digress). Basically, find the gun online that you want to buy.
I would suggest a reputable retailer with a known track record. I won’t make suggestions here but there are many. You put the gun in your cart and checkout just like buying any other commodity online. The website will usually ask for a copy of the FFL.
Jan 23, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The strangest thing about the War in Ukraine is neither side has managed to establish air superiority. Tanks, BMPs, etc have shown to be death traps and of limited logistical benefit. You have small groups of Infantry running around killing BMPs basically for sport.
It reeks of incompetence and some unknown or unseen circumstances we aren’t privy to. Either the CIA knows something damning we don’t, or the plan is total ground warfare designed purposely to consume more and more weapons, thus insuring perpetual resupply from the West.
Jan 22, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Here’s why I will make the case for PSA as a budget option entry level AR-15. They certainly did well in our meltdown videos, although I know that’s an extreme situation. I’d say you have a good data pool considering how common these guns are now.
You may hear mixed opinions on how well they run, or how long they last, but there’s also a heck of a lot of them. After all, it was PSA that wanted “common use” of AR-15s. I’d say a majority of it’s users have had a positive overall experience in the long run.
Jan 22, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I’m going to piss some people off…that’s fine. The left wants to complain about the Police making bad calls and hurting people. The police are literally trying to build a training facility to…train…and improve their skills and you don’t want that to happen. Make up your mind.
You don’t have to be anti or pro police to agree that if the police are going to exist they need the best training possible. In time and with correct officer discretion things will improve less mistakes will be made. It also requires cops to hold their own accountable.
Jan 22, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
On Trump: For me it’s a love hate relationship. I definitely commend him for continuing to live rent free in the heads of his enemies. That’s probably what I admire the most out of him. He’s like a cockroach that won’t die and I respect that. Very much.
He has tenacity and grit. Both are admirable traits. He’s generous. My big hang up is I tried to warn y’all that his use of executive fiat would have long reaching negative consequences for the 2nd Amendment community. Boy did I have a crystal ball or what?
Jan 20, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I joined the Libertarian Party for many reasons. Reasons that admittedly have taken me a considerable amount of time and thought to come to the conclusion of. I love America more than anything. Probably too much.
Despite our imperfections and apparent deep generational wounds that refuse to heal, I feel there is hope. I will always be a free and individual thinker and will always judge people by the merits and flaws of their character.
Jan 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Guys…don’t be a weenie. Walk up and ask her out. If you get her number, don’t sit around and wait for the phone to ring. Be scarce. Say “well I can fit you in for a few hours on ____ day”. They love that Shit. 💁🏻♂️
Make sure she knows if she says no that she’s the one missing out not you. Dammit I need to stop. 🤣
Jan 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
It’s incredibly short sighted and disingenuous to blame guns for violence. Our problems are WAY worse than that. Society needs to confront the bull in the room and admit that even with the violence in the inner cities contributing to a bulk of gun crimes,
they are also victims of the times. Victims of circumstance. They live in poor, fatherless households. They have no hope. They have no future. They only know the bad behavior they have been taught and that has been reinforced by the cruelty of the streets.
Jan 13, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
A tornado hit my town yesterday. I’d like to share some things I learned: 1. My spark plugs and air filters were dirty on my generators, so it took me a few extra minutes of cleaning to get them running. Do your PMs regularly on your generators. 2. I had sufficient fuel on hand. 3. Rotate your water stores. Some of my bottled water is close to being out of date but it’s still good luckily. Lesson learned. 4. Having a wood burning stove or fireplace is ESSENTIAL. We’ve been able to cook, etc no problem.
Sep 27, 2022 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
I have a solution that can be a mutually beneficial situation for all political parties. Grab a coffee. The biggest issue between left and right is they argue on policies they don’t agree with, and one side doesn’t want to live under the thumb of the other. It’s understandable.
1. To say we aren’t divided would be an understatement. I’m nearly 40 and I’ve never seen it like this. Will we even be a Country in 100 years? I think the answer is yes. But we need to be smarter about this. The left complains about gun control.
Sep 26, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The elites are just as fallable as you and I. Probably more than the average person. Of course, they will never admit this or be subject to their short comings. I’ve been around enough sons of millionaires to know most of them are entitled little c****.
Look…nobody blames Hunter Biden for having it large. If you were the child of a really well connected person, you’d likely find it hard to resist the temptation to essentially do whatever you want short of murder (hell maybe this flies too…who the hell knows).
Sep 22, 2022 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
Why nobody wants to join the military. Grab a coffee. Recruitment numbers are way down. Sign on bonuses are at an all time high. The Government has no problem recklessly spending money on the military, so what’s the problem? I’ll tell you.
1. No faith in the administrative state. Come on…Is this one really so hard to figure out. Most combat arms troops generally come from right-wing or conservative backgrounds. You’ve been spending the last 4-6 years dragging police and military through the mud, most conservative.
Sep 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
If the historical circumstances of gun control at the time the 2nd Amendment was adopted is the standard for laws related to firearms regulation as Bruen states, then all civilians should have access to the same weapons as the military, arguably by requirement.
I’ll go as far to say that obviously it should be up to every person if they want to be able to defend their Country. The Government shouldn’t stop those of us who want to form militias, train, and keep and bear all arms the military has in their unit MTOE.
Sep 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
I strongly believe there’s a giant straw man in regards to the @ATFHQ and their choice to offer an “amnesty” registration period for braced handguns. There’s the obvious reasons of course, but then again…maybe some not so obvious reasons.
1. The NFA is unconstitutional and they know it. Think about it. If you make a pistol into an SBR and pay a $200 stamp you’re doing that voluntarily. In this case, they are saying “do this or else” in regards to guns that they already know people have.
Sep 10, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
The nature of violence and technology in the human condition: 1. Like it or not, we are violent by nature. Whether by competing for resources, territory, or fighting over the best people to reproduce with, violence is a mechanism and means to an end for the human condition.
2. Governments deal in wholesale violence. They have carefully and expertly used their wit, imagination, and influence to persuade poor people to die for often times imagined causes for centuries. The very death caused might even be the whole point. To cull the herd so to speak.
Sep 5, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Balkanization: 1. It’s already starting in the big cities if we are being honest with ourselves. Actually every major city in the entire US. There’s this strange hive mentality that exists that some behavioral scientist will explain way better than me 100 years from now.
2. No matter who thinks their views are right it’s irrelevant in the big scheme of things. What is relevant is that these groups of people think so drastically different from each other that it’s becoming clearer by the day they can’t coexist without killing each other.
Aug 27, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
I think I have the Feds figured out. Grab a coffee. 1. Most of them are very well educated. That’s not a problem of course, but in the vein of our society a lot of the very well educated people tend to be elitist narcissists who think that they know everything.
2. People without “a title” or a “piece of paper” or credentials are viewed as low lives and unworthy. They view their position in Government as a way to assert their personal beliefs and dogmas against people they view as incapable of making their own decisions.
Nov 29, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Just so the Republicans know, this is what gun owners want: 1. National Carry Reciprocity (Constitutional Carry) 2. At a minimum suppressors, SBSs, and SBRs removed from the registry with a longer talk being about abolishing the NFA completely. @GOP@JudiciaryGOP@GOPLeader3. Restore the importation of Russian and Chinese firearms and ammunition 4. Remove the ban on 7N6 ammunition 5. We want a leash put on the ATF and their utter disregard for checks and balances, not mention confronting them about the registry they are blatantly creating.