“The very word ‘SECRECY’ is repugnant in a free and open society.” #SecretScotland
Apr 23, 2023 42 tweets 11 min read
THREAD 1/40 Humza Yousaf is on record for believing the party he leads is NOT operating in a CRIMINAL way. WELL LET ME TELL YOU IT IS and me, IRENE SCOTT is a victim. I have been the target of a witch hunt, claimed secretly to be banter & my SNP MSP & MP have ignored my pleas. 2/40 I asked for help from @HumzaYousaf @ChrisStephens providing enough evidence for them to see this was both libellous and criminal. Rather than help, they covered it up further. Humza’s office even denied he met me, I have the email.
Jul 26, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
1. I suffered a great injustice (based on MALICIOUS LIES) which ended up in the European Court of Human Rights. I was to later find out, that even there the full truth was not presented. Human Rights professionals supporting me felt my story should be known. 2. This resulted in me making a documentary for Channel 4 (Cutting Edge). Shortly before broadcast, an injunction (claiming sub judice) was taken out. It was NOT sub judice, it was a gagging order to stop the truth from being told.
Jun 15, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
The P&J have been running articles this week "THE EXPLOITED-HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE NORTH & NORT EAST EXPOSED"… Scroll down & you will see all the articles.
@TruthVulgarians @mgt_coull26 @andydphilip However, these articles are PREMIUM articles- as in you have to PAY to read-NO FREE articles. In fact the political editor tweets "One more very good reason to take out a subscription"!!!
Jun 7, 2021 9 tweets 15 min read
@lukewmorrison @graham_stu @Scf65Forbes @ScotNational @HumzaYousaf @Scotpol1314 @ILawson27 1/8 I want the WHOLE story known. Many years ago after exhausting the English justice system I took my case to the ECHR. It didn’t go in my favour however I had enormous support because of the injustice I suffered. I was approached by Ch 4 Cutting Edge to make a documentary. @lukewmorrison @graham_stu @Scf65Forbes @ScotNational @HumzaYousaf @Scotpol1314 @ILawson27 2/8 Shortly before it was due to be broadcasted an injunction was taken out, claiming sub judice. It wasn’t, this was nothing other than a GAGGING order to stop the truth from being known.
Mar 18, 2021 26 tweets 6 min read
PART 2- I submitted NHS complaints after what I had discovered in notes & letters- & was keeping @ChrisStephens informed of all that was happening with my GP & the NHS. Complaints closed down by claiming out of time or dismissed (silence me). MP knew this but NEVER intervened. 2 On the 1st September I attended his surgery & he agreed to write to my GP to request a copy of the audit trail. I also stated I believe I was struck off as my GP was uncomfortable with all the DECEPTION. I also shared with him who I thought was responsible for this witch hunt.
Mar 18, 2021 26 tweets 9 min read
PART 1 Lifting the lid on "Scotland's worst-kept SECRET"- ME! Exposing after “enticed” to Glasgow –business “sabotaged” then- BULLYING, PREJUDICE, DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, DEFAMATION reduced to EXTREME POVERTY. This is NOT a SECRET it is-ORGANISED HATE CRIME 2 This is one of 3 threads-starting with POLITICAL COVER UP. The LIES told about me to pull off this SECRET & convince ppl it is genuine/deserved is CRIMINAL. FALSE claims/rumours re’ mental health-a weapon to suppress the truth. After reading you decide WHO is telling the truth
Oct 26, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
1/8 Boots are to offer a coronavirus testing service returning results from swab tests in only 12 minutes. The technology has been developed by LUMIRADx, which has also struck a deal to provide supplies to the NHS in SCOTLAND.…… 2/8 I did a little research-WHO are LUMIRADx?
The CEO is Ron Zwanziger…
He founded Alere in Waltham, Massachusetts.

I heard KERCHING 💰 IHI the AMERICAN Healthcare company advising the Scottish Govt are from Boston Massachusetts