Irfan Master Profile picture
Writer. OUT OF HEART (Hot Key Books) #CKG18 Longlisted // A BEAUTIFUL LIE (Bloomsbury) // Rep: @JodieHodges31 - United Agents
Feb 26, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
Hello! This might get long and emotional but bear with me... It’s difficult to explain what it means to be on the #CKG18 Longlist, not for me but for where I come from and what it represents. Difficult but hopefully not impossible. Let me explain 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 I have always written and I will always write. Since I was published, the reasons why I write have changed. When I was first published I visited a school in Ilford, East London. My first ever Author school visit. I did a short talk, signed some books, took some pics. I felt good.