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Neighbourhood Planning Forum for the Isle of Dogs Our Neighbourhood Plan was supported by residents at the referendum on the 6th May 2021 & will be Made soon
May 6, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
The big day is here, the referendum on our Neighbourhood Plan
The plan is here and the policies are in the pictures…
Please put an X against the box that approves the use of the Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan
They were designed to improve the planning
1/ & construction process on the Isle of Dogs
Written by residents of the island
Cannot be used to stop development (not legally possible) & not our intent but designed to make development work better for current & future resident
By raising the bar on the quality of what happens
Mar 31, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
A copy of our A5 leaflet with information about the Neighbourhood Plan referendum & why you should vote YES
With more information on our website
Please share with voters in the Neighbourhood Plan area
We also have an A4 version which is being printed
1/ This is the A4 version of the leaflet with more information
The Neighbourhood Plan was written by residents of the Isle of Dogs but it needs a public vote in support for it to full weight in the planning process (has carried significant weight since last April)
Please vote YES
Apr 15, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
The Examiner of our Neighbourhood Plan has recommended that our Plan go to referendum, subject to some modification
Which means based on section 70 (2) of the Town & Country Planning Act the draft plan now has effect like other approved plans
Info here
1/ The referendum though has been delayed by Covid-19 to the 6th May 2021, same date as the London Mayoral election, we will now work on;
a. Publicising the plan
b. Work with Tower Hamlets Council on finalising the modifications
c. Working on the replacement neighbourhood plan
Dec 3, 2019 4 tweets 5 min read
Tomorrow night Wednesday 4th Dec we have two meetings:
Our Annual General Meeting starts at 6.30 pm
We also have a presentation from two Council planning officers about a 'High Density Living' project that they are working on which will lead to new planning guidance next year
1/ Attached are pictures of the presentation
Followed by a General Election Husting from 7 to 9 pm all the candidates for the Poplar & Limehouse constituency have confirmed their attendance
Oct 27, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Tower Hamlets Council is consulting residents on how to spend 25% of any Community Infrastructure Levy money they receive from developers (they have already received £46 million from across Tower Hamlets, £38 million on the Isle of Dogs)…
See below for some workshops and drop-in sessions they are organizing
How that 25% can be spent it based on government regulations and is called the Neighbourhood Pot in regulations…