Rubén Crispín 🚜 Profile picture
🎮 Game developer working at @UbiReflections. 🦦 Shinobi Master 🌸 I'm legally required to say that the opinions expressed are my own.
Jul 15, 2019 27 tweets 10 min read
🌿 In this thread I will show what Post-Processing effects were added to Floppy Disk 💾 and how they were made.

If you don’t know what “Floppy Disk“ is you can take a look at the video below 👇

Let’s go!
#Unity #Indiedev #indiedevhour

First of all, what I’m referring to when I talk about Post-Processing 📽️?

“Post-processing in videogames refers to filters or effects that affect the camera’s image buffer before the image appears on the screen 🖥️.”

You might be familiar with Anti-aliasing, Bloom, Motion Blur.