Kieran Drew Profile picture
On a mission to become a better writer, thinker, and entrepreneur • Ex-dentist, now building an internet business (at ~$500k/year)
50 subscribers
Sep 3 6 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday was the third year anniversary of me quitting the rat race.

When I went all in, I hadn’t made any money and had a tiny audience.

Since then:

- Grossed $875,964
- Attracted 241,000 followers
- Built a 35,000 subscriber email list

Here’s the most important lesson I learned about success: I’d spent ten years and over 6 figures becoming a dentist.

I was terrified of throwing away all that effort. But it felt like an anchor slowly dragging me down.


Because I wasn’t happy.

On paper, I was doing well. I specialised in cosmetics and worked 6 days a week to ‘achieve success’.

But I couldn’t shake this feeling I was making a massive mistake.

That I was climbing the wrong mountain.

That there was something more to life.
Jul 25 28 tweets 8 min read
My favourite resource on understanding human behaviour:

“The Psychology of Human Misjudgement” by Charlie Munger.

There’s a reason Warren Buffett called his business partner the smartest man he knew.

Here’s a breakdown of the 25 psychological biases he shares: Image 1) Reward and Punishment Superresponse Tendency

Never underestimate the power of incentives. People will do crazy things to avoid pain or achieve gain.

“If you want ants to come, you put sugar on the floor.”
Jul 18 8 tweets 3 min read
A philosophy that changed my life:


I discovered it when I was diagnosed with a neurological tumour and a broken neck. Since then, every great outcome in my life has stemmed from the Stoic’s ideas.

Here are the 7 most powerful: Don’t aim for happiness.

Most people are unhappy because they base their happiness on externalities. The Stoics instead for ‘Eudaimonia’—a deep-seated joy when living according to virtue:

• Justice
• Wisdom
• Courage
• Temperance Image
Jul 12 11 tweets 4 min read
4 years ago I couldn’t make a single dollar online.

But my business took off when I started studying the master of modern marketing:

Seth Godin.

Here’re 10 ideas that helped me the most (and how to apply them in your biz): Image Narrow your focus.

Most creators cast their net wide to catch attention. But if you try to write to everyone, you write to no one.

Instead, get clear on your ‘One True Fan’.

• Pains
• Problems
• Desires
• Dreams

The smaller your aim the bigger the result. Image
Jul 5 11 tweets 3 min read
I just finished re-reading Mastery by Robert Greene.

It’s one of the best books I’ve read.

There’re so many excellent ideas it’s almost impossible to summarise. But here are 10 of my favourite: Image Mastery is an outcome within your control:

"Mastery is not a function of genius or talent. It is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge.”
May 31 9 tweets 2 min read
A habit that changed my life:


But most journaling routines are boring and repetitive. A year ago, I started a new system.

100x more fun.
100x more impactful.

Here’s how to journal right: Here's the usual journal routine:

· Goal for the day
· 3x daily gratitude
· Nightly reflections

But this stuff just becomes a tickbox exercise...
May 3 16 tweets 4 min read
Today's my 32nd birthday.

Always incredibly grateful to be here—writing to you for the past 4 years has been so fun and fulfilling.

I've gathered thousands of ideas to help me build my writing business.

Here are 32 of the best: Image • The most beautiful word in your reader's mind is 'you'. You should use it often ;)

• Even if you share a story about yourself, it’s never about you. It’s always about the reader. Image
Apr 3 8 tweets 3 min read
How to find your core values in 4 simple steps (the most life-changing exercise you can do): Image What are Core Values?

Most people don’t get what they want from life because they don’t define what that is.

Values aren’t goals. They’re a compass. They’re what motivate you. They’re what makes you feel great. They’re what’s most important.

You find them in 4 steps:
Mar 31 12 tweets 2 min read
Today’s my second year anniversary as an entrepreneur.

Here are 10 of the most important ideas I’ve learned (these are principles to follow every day): Image Never sacrifice reputation for short-term gain.

Reputation is like the engine of your car. You don’t see it, but it’s the power behind your business — you must care for it deeply.

It takes decades to build and moments to destroy.
Mar 12 9 tweets 3 min read
How to sell anything with a simple 6-step storytelling framework:

(a thread with examples) 1) Begin in the action

Selling with storytelling requires emotion and excitement to get people reading to the end (and clicking buy).

The first few moments are most important.

Open the loop.

Let’s sell a pen: Image
Jan 22 11 tweets 3 min read
Einstein called it the 8th wonder of the world:


But few people understand how important it is.

Here’s a 2-minute breakdown of the most powerful force in the world: Image Compounding is where the value of an investment grows because you earn interest on the interest.

Picture a snowball rolling downhill. It starts slow, but it quickly grows in speed and size if uninterrupted.

Take money for example…
Jan 6 15 tweets 3 min read
Over the past 20 months, I’ve grown my audience by over 160,000 people.

Trust me:

Having a following is the biggest cheat code for your life and business (if you do it right).

If I had to start again, here’re the 10 steps I’d take: Image Narrow your focus.

The biggest risk to success is spreading too thin. Try to grow everywhere and you grow nowhere.


Commit to one platform. Master it. Become an authority in the space.

Leverage the reputation to diversify later.
Dec 28, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
I hate boring annual reviews.

The best progress I've made as an entrepreneur comes from asking interesting questions.

Here're 10 of my favourite: What is my north star?

Working hard is dumb if you’re working on the wrong thing. Working hard is dumb if you're working on too many things.

One big goal. Define it and nail it.
Nov 26, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Naval Ravikant once said you will never get rich renting out your time.

The secret?


If you want to earn with your mind and not your time, follow this 5 step blueprint: Image Before we begin:

Naval's advice is to own a piece of a business. There're many ways to do that. The path I'm going to give you is the one I took.

It takes a bit of time, but there're next to no costs.

And it's a hell of a lot of fun.

Let's dive in. Image
Nov 4, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Email is THE best way to grow your business.

• More sales
• Better relationships
• No algorithm problems

Here are the 11 most popular email subject lines I sent during my recent 6 figure launches (swipe for inspiration): Image Topical and controversial: Is Elon Musk ruining Twitter?

People love controversial current events. Keep an eye out for what’s happening in the world - even better if it’s in your niche - then use it as the hook to share your idea.

Example: If Donald Trump wins again… Image
Nov 2, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
I have 206,000 social media followers and 26,000 email subscribers.

But 3 years ago, I had ZERO writing experience. Want to know how I did it?


Here're the only 5 storytelling tips you need to attract an audience: Drop details

People don’t care about stories they can’t see. Use:
· Times
· Senses
· Colours
· Emotions

Transport them to your tale. Image
Oct 5, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
2 days ago, I released a copywriting course breaking down the salespage behind two six-figure launches.

2,000 people requested it.

Unfortunately I couldn't send it to everyone - so here's the entire course direct to 𝕏:

(10 copywriting strategies, first video below👇) Image Video 1

The big mistake people make in their copy… and the one thing you need to decide before you write a single word:

(& the sales page for you to follow along )
Sep 3, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Over the past 20 months I’ve grown my audience by over 160,000 people.

Trust me:

A following is like miracle grow for your business.

If I had to start again, here’re the 10 steps I’d take to do it right: Image Narrow your focus.

The biggest risk to success is spreading too thin - try to grow everywhere and you grow nowhere.

Commit to one platform. Master it. Become an authority in the space.

Use the reputation to diversify later.
Sep 1, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Learning to write changed my life.

In the past 3 years:
• Multi-six figure business
• Amazing connections and opportunities

Here’re the 7 writing frameworks I swear by: Be the Guide, Not the Guru

Online it’s tempting to pretend to be something you’re not.

But the internet's full of experts without experience. Your audience craves connection, not content. Show instead of tell. Share instead of shout.

Much less 'How To's'

Much more 'How I's' Image
Jul 4, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
3 years ago I couldn’t make a single dollar online.

But my business took off when I started studying the master of modern marketing:

Seth Godin.

Here’re 10 ideas that helped me the most (and how to apply them in your biz): Narrow your focus.

Most creators cast their net wide to catch attention. But if you try to write to everyone, you write to no one.

Instead, get clear on your ‘One True Fan’.

• Pains
• Problems
• Desires
• Dreams

The smaller your aim the bigger the result.
Jul 1, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Creators, you’re being lied to.

Consistency is not the secret to success.

You can’t expect to rise above the crowd by copying them.

Instead, what you need are ‘authority assets’.

Here’s how they work: If you want to build a business, attention is just one half of the equation.

Reputation is the other.

You can’t stand out online following the same plan as everyone else. Emails and social media aren’t enough.

You need a way to set yourself apart.