These are a collection of my most intrusive thoughts. H O T C H E E T O S Occasionally there’s some dog stuff.
Nov 6, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The masks are fully off now
For everyone saying “that’s Nick Fuentes he’s always been like this” please try to understand it’s not about HIM, it’s the 22k+ likes, the 450k followers & all the people who voted hoping for this exact thing to happen. The ones that’s were hiding it, won’t need to anymore
Dec 23, 2023 • 12 tweets • 1 min read
My airing of my grievances: A Festivus thread (feel free to add yours below)
1. The blinding LED headlights are top of the list again this year. I’m ready to run for Prime Minister just to outlaw them
2. People who say “I don’t mean to interrupt…” and then proceed to continue interrupting
Feb 27, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Just a reminder that online disinformation is intentional, and it’s rampant on Twitter
It’s used to spread lies & propaganda, cast doubt, to create divide, and elevate certain opinions/beliefs to make them seem more prevalent
But what can we do? Here are a few ideas:
1. Refrain from tweeting or retweeting information that is unconfirmed, or hasn’t been verified
2. Ask for the source of the information. Remember, a screenshot isn’t the same as a link to a reputable website/article. Ask for the verifiable source of the screenshot
Feb 19, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Things we have learned this week (a thread):
1. Doug Ford is clearly running for Premier in the June election. It’s still unclear whether or not he knows that he is the current one
2. Old, racist white people really don’t like 90s hip hop
3. Prince was the second best halftime show ever
4. Gay cowboys and the #RamRanchResistance were the heroes we didn’t know we needed
5. People still freely protesting for freedom still don’t understand irony
Feb 17, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Pat King is live now as he flees Ottawa
His base is asking what to do if/when police move in. Notice that he does NOT reiterate that they should stay peaceful
When asked what the plan is, he talks about himself and provides no direction to those he has left behind
They are making note of a large amount of police presence which suggests this isn’t typical
Side not: judging by his breathing, if they want to take him down, doing it after a 20meter foot chase is likely