Techni-Calli Profile picture
Global Privacy Counsel at @EPICprivacy, privacy advocate, nerd. Personal opinions, terrible jokes. CIPM, CIPP-US/E/C, FIP.
Jan 29 35 tweets 7 min read
Been a while since I've done a deep-dive/explainer thread, so here's why I am No Fun™ about AI.

Buckle up. There will be GIFs. First, when I'm yelling about AI, it's USUALLY about generative AI and general purpose AI. AI is a squishy term that can mean anything from the text predictor on your phone to advanced facial recognition to algos that recommend how long you should be sentenced to prison.
Oct 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
No. I am so tired, I swear to the lord, the only response I can have any more is a series of emphatic "nopes" as I retreat into a blanket nest somewhere.

Why do they keep doing this.
Oct 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I have an extremely awkward question that I genuinely want some help with. I get asked to talk to law students and others interested in doing privacy law pretty frequently. I'm happy to do it and I'm excited about more people wanting to be involved in this space! In these conversations, people want advice about career path, options, how to stand out, etc. And I really want to be helpful and share what I can.

But I also want to recognize that (i) some of it is luck/right place-right time and (ii) some of it is probably privilege.
Oct 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Well, that's not ominous or anything. Text with "Amazon woul... From this article covering all the ways Amazon tracks you around your home/life and what information they're getting.…
Oct 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm so hung up on the image in this article. They're excitedly advertising that you can use the metaverse?

WHY WOULD I WANT TO GO INTO VR TO USE TEAMS, NO ONE WANTS THESE EXTRA STEPS, I CAN JUST USE TEAMS IN REAL LIFE.… My forever question with these things is just whomst is clamoring.
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Come join @maxschrems and I tomorrow to talk data flows, the new Executive Order, and what comes next! Also, do not be fooled by the pictures in this image - Max is actually much taller than me.
Aug 24, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Going down a little bit of a research rabbit hole on whether targeted advertising actually yields a significant difference in ad-generated revenue and when I tell you that this entire shift to surveillance advertising appears to be based on NOTHING??? I really have to stop doing this sort of thing, I do not have time/energy to keep deciding to write articles based on stuff I'm just curious about, I need to develop hobbies or something.
Aug 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
AI builds an accent mask
Brazil takes Facebook to task
Ad comments
Pic contents
Snapchat BIPA suit settlement

- LOTS of talk about this AI startup that replaces other accents with a more white and American-sounding accent. It's concerning.…
Aug 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Tracking creep on employees
Problems with security
Broker lines
Breach signs
Norway wants some Meta fines

- There was a good round table (featuring my colleague, @johndavisson) on employee surveillance and monitoring…
Aug 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
"This right is sometimes violated so we should all give up even attempting to protect it" is certainly a take. Text reading: Step back, an... Though defending something that others think doesn't exist does make my job seem very cool. Like my entire job is Bigfoot bodyguard or something.
Jan 28, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
"Raises ethical concerns" is the professional way of saying "I have been incredulously swearing in my office since reading about this."

A suicide hotline is sharing data with a third party for customer service software.… Bless this article for directly addressing the way-too-often-used claim that it's not a problem because the data is "anonymized."

I can absolutely pinky-swear to you that "anonymized" often means "we took out individual names." It is frequently not anonymous. Text reading: Some noted that studies of other types of anon
Oct 5, 2021 127 tweets 15 min read
Facebook whistleblower hearing starting up!… Ok, kicking it right off with a huge question: is there such a thing as a "safe" algorithm.
Oct 4, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Look, because I keep seeing people posting SHOCKED tweets about how X person has them blocked but they've never interacted with X person and so X person must be terrible/crazy/a snowflake/etc., here you go.

It's a blocklist. You got caught up in a blocklist. It's not a big deal. Sometimes large accounts (or not-so-large, depending) get people who harass them constantly (or just are really unpleasant/annoying) or who fixate on them and so they will block that person. But that person/their followers just keep coming! From other accounts and new angles!
Oct 4, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
You think someday an oversight body is going to do literally anything about Clearview AI besides the occasional strongly-worded letter or...?… Apparently it's not enough that they're a horrifying unethical company at the conception level, that their database was created in direct violation of multiple TOS agreements, that they won't say no to working with oppressive regimes, that they were legally bullying critics, etc.
Oct 3, 2021 76 tweets 7 min read
Merry Sunday - I have a pile of things to do, but I don't want to do them, so let's usher in spooky season with a Hocus Pocus live-tweet. I have seen this movie exactly once before during a law school party, so this will be mostly fresh impressions.
Jun 28, 2021 24 tweets 6 min read
I love that this webinar on surveillance capitalism (featuring @shoshanazuboff, @maxschrems, @AlexandraGeese) starts with addressing why it's being hosted on Zoom.

Sometimes tech use is just a matter of choosing the best flawed option available. This webinar also offers the option to select your language and auto-translates the audio as you listen. This is incredible and I feel like I've been gifted a Star Trek universal translator.

Sometimes tech is good.
Jun 22, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read

(I think about this stuff a lot for work and also life and also I minored in philosophy and am frequently battling my own spiral-y brain, so...buckle up, I guess.) Privacy allows me to be a human and engage in intimacy and relationships with others.

I realize that's a lot. Here's why I feel this way.

Part of being human is being able to examine and change and define a whole bunch of parts of yourself. Test out beliefs, ideas, identities.
Jun 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
*an ominous David Fincher track slowly increases in volume*… *Reads first paragraph about this assisting patients who can't speak*: Huh, is this a matter of promoting the nice thing to cover the bad thing or a company intending something for good that will be horribly misused?

Am I being overly cynical?

*A few paragraphs later*

I AM NOT Image
May 21, 2021 82 tweets 7 min read
It's time.

It's finally time.

For a privacy lawyer to watch and live-tweet WarGames for the first time.

I feel like there are so many references I'm going to suddenly understand. Oh hey! It's Leo from West Wing!

Entering a...very secret government building?
May 20, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
In response to a few good questions (tweet below):

First, should we be ok with CCTV if it doesn't use FR?

This is a very mileage-may-vary situation. I personally do not think that we should be comfortable with CCTV surveillance for a few reasons.
First, if the footage is stored somewhere, other parties can use FR on it if they get access, regardless of whether FR is connected to the footage at the outset.

Second, constant surveillance literally affects human behavior and conditions us.
May 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I love when I want to fight based on the very first sentence of an article.

"In the past few years, facial recognition technology has become a critical tool for law enforcement..."

NO. IT HAS NOT. Expanded use is not the same as "critical."… Facial recognition is becoming more wide-spread (unfortunately) and so is being used more in cases, but it is not critical (police work functioned for over a hundred years without it) AND it is frequently wrong, as the rest of the article describes.