Faiza 🦋 Profile picture
Dec 4, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Dogs are Haram’ - There were times when I was reprimanded by my friends for patting a dog’s forehead & they still do. ‘It’s just a pat! And They’re created by the same God who created you’ was my reply to their disapproving stares or atleast that’s what I convinced my little self. It was not until recently I stumbled upon an article which spoke about Muslims hurling stones & killing dogs because they consider it ‘unhygienic’ & then there’s some Muslims who approach the veterinary doc just to have the dogs
Dec 1, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Friday Sermon delivered
on 10th February, 2006 ~
• We should tell the world about the character of the Excellent Exampler, the Holy Prophetsa, particularly, with regard to his mercy and love for humanity. We should enlighten the public, in each country, about the noble character of the Holy Prophet (Sa) , and we should try to become righteous.
• We strongly condemn publication of the extremely contemptible, provocative, and blasphemous
caricatures of the Holy Prophet (Sa).
Jul 15, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
The Promised Messiah (May peace be upon him) says: " Do not think
that worldly wealth, dominion, honour and large progeny can bring
you peace and contentment. The fact is that true peace and
tranquillity, which is the gift of paradise, comes not from these things
but from living and dying for the sake of God. The pleasures of the
world only increase impure desires and thirst. Thus they are like the
fire of hell that never leaves man in peace and always torments him
with anxiety and