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Editor @RRHelections A conservative election blog where we report on down ballot races, redistricting and politics from the right perspective.
Nov 17, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Democrats like to complain about FL being "gerrymander" & want CA's "independent" redistricting commission taken national. Democrats won 8/28 House seats (29%) in FL with Harris winning 43% of the vote while in CA GOP won 10/52 (19%) House seats with Harris winning 58%. 🧵 1/ Image
Florida redistricting is governed by the FL Fair District Amendment which mandates which mandates 100% geographical based criteria for drawing seats. No political considerations (not even "fairness") can be used. As a result Florida has the 2nd most compact House map in the US. 2/Image
Nov 10, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Here's a quick 🧵on how New York Democrats used lawfare & raw power to force a mid-decade redistricting in NY that allowed them to pick up 4 new House seats in NY winning 19/26 seats (73%) while Kamala Harris was only winning 55% of the vote statewide 👇 1/ Image When the GOP controlled the NY state Senate Democrats spent years fighting for an Independent Redistricting Commission to draw NY's lines. In 2014 they got a Constitutional Amendment passed which was suppose to outlawed gerrymandering in NY. 2/
Nov 9, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
How badly are current Congressional maps gerrymandered to favor Democrats? Republicans are on pace to have their best popular vote performance in a House election since 1928 & beat the Democrats nationally by over 5 points but still will only have a bare majority in the House🧵 Image Illinois is without a doubt the worst gerrymandered state in America. Kamala Harris won only 53% of the vote in Illinois but Republicans will win only 3 out of 17 House seats (17.6%) because Democrats drew Illinois Congressional districts to look like this👇 2/ Image
Aug 11, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
Here's a 🧵with a rundown of all the numerous times Tim Walz either lied about his military service record or sat quietly while others publicly misrepresented Walz's military service for him. Let's start with this on. Tim Walz thanked Nancy Pelosi at a press conference in 2007 in which she said while introducing him that “we appreciate his service on the battlefield.”
Dec 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
If you want to know why Republicans look aghast at so-called "Independent Commissions" just look at how the California Redistricting Commission was gamed by Democrats to gerrymander seats in their favor. This packing of GOP votes is a pretty clear gerrymandering tactic. The CA Redistricting Commission purposely snaked Kevin McCarthy's district to soak up GOP votes in order to make 2 potentially competitive seats Democrat.
Oct 6, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The irony of North Carolina redistricting is that the rules allow Republicans to draw a map like this were put in place by Democrats in attempt to gerrymander Republicans out of power. The reason Gov Roy Cooper (D) can't veto the maps is because Democrats in 1996 took away the gubernatorial veto to prevent a Republican governor from vetoing their gerrymanders.