Izzy's neomarxist nipple piercing, actual human! Profile picture
I'm a fuckin lunatic&you'll like it | 18+ | Lead counsel for Izzy Hands' crack team of defense attorneys | See pinned post for twitfics | fic comms open 🦀⚔️🐢
Afraid Profile picture ✨ yes, i am a simp × ✨ Profile picture Izzy's neomarxist nipple piercing, actual human! Profile picture Stephanie Erin Profile picture Whatbutavillain Profile picture 8 subscribed
Nov 16, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Ed has the deep down fear that maybe he's not lovable, but Izzy has the bone deep knowledge that he isn't lovable, so much a part of him that he doesn't even feel the ache of it anymore (he does--there's nothing to be done) Gonna expand on this but I feel like tepid garbage so it's gonna be a hot minute before I get to the comfort part of hurt comfort
Jul 8, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
“I can’t believe you let Jackie kiss you!” Stede squeaks, hustling to keep up as Izzy strides through the streets of the Republic, two of Jackie’s husbands in tow—not top tier, but not quite bottom of the barrel either, following certain… negotiations.

“We made an agreement.” “How did you think we were gonna seal it, a fuckin’ handshake?” Izzy growls, cheeks hot as Stede’s indignant chittering draws attention. He has a bloody reputation to keep up, for fuck’s sake, though that was shot the instant he walked ashore in bloody emerald bloody damask.
Apr 27, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Roach stands on the beach, hands on his hips. He's spent the past 20 minutes gathering various kinds of seaweed--some of it will go into a stew he's making for dinner tonight, and some he'll dry for medicine and occasional snacks. Now, foraging sack full, he watches the sun set. The trees behind him stretch back for miles, lianas dangling, epiphytes crawling up mossy trunks towards the light. He ought to be alone, by all rights. The rest of the crew has no reason to venture so far from the ship. So Roach can't help smirking a bit with he hears footsteps.
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello everybody this is my friend's dog Mayonnaise MAYONNAISE
Dec 24, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
AMA about my current twitfic or about writing in general (latest thread in the trial fic is more than halfway doneeee) ngl.link/theburlymermaid Sure, who knows 🤷‍♀️ Image
Dec 4, 2022 32 tweets 2 min read
Lol okay I will do this, but also I reserve the right to be circumspect and cagey 1. Lmfao god no
Nov 29, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
👀👀👀👀👀 1. Fave story is a tough call, but I really fucking loved Sore Must Be the Storm for jackhands angst and porn (archiveofourown.org/works/41381700…) and An Innocent Suggestion for sheer nonsense (archiveofourown.org/works/41919309…)
Nov 28, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
This time when Izzy wakes, he feels almost rested. Jack's arms are still around him, stroking gently over his back, his arms. He doesn't want to move too much, needs the softness, the gentleness. He's still not sure what Jack wants, what deal he made with Ed--it doesn't matter. He'll give Jack anything. He just wants to be selfish for a few minutes more. He shifts slightly, not opening his eyes.

"...Iz?" Of course. He should have known he couldn't fool Jack. They used to share a hammock, the three of them, on Hornigold's ship. Jack held him every night
Nov 27, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
The first thing Ed and Stede do is send the crew out to search for Izzy. The crew goes somewhat reluctantly, muttering amongst themselves. It's not that any of them particularly like Izzy--it's hard to like someone so closed off, so tense. But still. They don't *not* like him. So, after a cursory "search", consisting of calling his name quietly into alleys, whistling and making the sort of "pst pst pst" noises more usually associated with searching for cats, most of them simply settle into a pub to have a drink. The captains can search themselves.
Nov 26, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
Izzy cries into Jack's chest for a long time, sobs finally becoming little hiccupping breaths and then, at last, the slow, even rhythm of sleep. Jack shifts them slowly, never letting go of Izzy, until they're curled together on the bed. He tucks Izzy's head under his chin. He strokes his hair, hums softly, half remembered snippets of lullabies he thinks came from his mother, or whatever woman looked after him for a time when he was very small, soft and warm and the scent of bread all mingling together in a strange, almost alien memory. Izzy sleeps.
Nov 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
2/? Ed and Stede can be total dicks in this one, as a treat 3/? Lmao I have managed to make this the most confusing thread
Nov 25, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Ed raises his hands, defensive, staring down the barrel of Jack's gun.

"What the fuck, Jack?"

"You heard me," Jack snarls, "I wanna know what the fuck you did to Izzy."

Ed shakes his head, face creased with confusion.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, man!" "I didn't do anything to Izzy. Shit, I even let him stay as first mate, I think that was pretty fuckin' generous after everything."

Jack sneers in disgust.

"Oh you let him, did you?" he says, "The best fuckin' first mate in the Caribbean and you LET him stay, huh Teach?"
Nov 24, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The bathwater steams as Izzy steps into the room where Stede has drawn a bath. Ed is already perched on the side of the tub, hair loose around his shoulders, favourite robe slipping down his arms as he trails a hand through the water. The scent of Olivia's herbs fills the air. Stede smiles at Izzy, pulling him in for a soft kiss and Izzy smiles up at him shyly.

"Come on, you lot," Ed says, "Water's not getting any warmer."

Stede has just begun to unbutton Izzy's shirt when he pauses, snapping his fingers dramatically.

"Drat," he says, "Washcloths!"
Nov 20, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
After the bodies are cleared and the carpet scrubbed--a team effort in the end, with Stede promising bonuses to everyone who helped, despite Izzy's insistence that pirates don't get bonuses for doing their fucking jobs--Vane's remaining crew is gathered on the Revenge's deck. The surviving alphas cluster together, bloodied and resentful. It doesn't escape Stede's notice that the betas, who had been left behind to watch Vane's ship, make no move to approach their compatriots. Stede stands before them, Ed and Izzy flanking him, arms folded, glowering.
Nov 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Rotating Izzy who would do anything for Ed, who's always been so grateful for scraps, saying yes when he's invited to join Ed and Stede in bed, even though he can't stand Stede touching him. Stede, the absolute lunatic, noticing the way Izzy tenses whenever they're together. Stede, the fucking madman, knowing Ed can't be happy without both of them, determined to win Izzy over no matter what it takes. Starting with little gifts, then realizing those don't work on Izzy like they do on Ed. Trying new tactics--backing Izzy up in front of the crew.
Nov 18, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Ed bursts through the door a split second after the gun fires


His eyes are wild as he takes in the scene, blood dripping from a cut in his lip. Izzy is already in Stede's arms. Vane's body lies sprawled on the carpet, fingers still twitching slightly, head a ruined mess Ed steps over the corpse with barely a glance, pulling Stede and Izzy both into his arms.

"Fuck," he says, "I'm sorry, he should never have gotten past me."

Izzy wraps a hand in Ed's shirt, pulling him in closer, presses his face into Ed's chest. His face is blood-stained.
Nov 17, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
Izzy sits on the bed, knees pulled to his chest--the window has been covered with thick blankets to cast the room in darkness but a tiny sliver of light allows him to peer out at the ocean. He watches for Vane's ship. Stede paces nervously, checking and double checking his pistol As he watches, he sees the fog begin to pour down over the deck, strange and acrid smelling, shrouding the Revenge in a uniform grey mist. Izzy can't help but smile--Ed always falls back on the classics. Won't do much with Vane, of course. Bastard's known them for too long.
Nov 16, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
The crew works quickly, quietly. Izzy's never seen this sort of grim-faced determination from them before. They follow Ed's instructions instantly, without even a hint of complaint even from the scribe, who'd usually have invented an injury or illness or simply disappeared by now Instead he helps Pete haul barrels while Ivan and Fang clamber about in the rigging, makes sure things are ready. Jim checks the crew's weapons, efficient, methodical. Frenchie, Wee John and the Swede make sure the cannons are in working order. John doesn't even try to fire them.
Nov 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Izzy drops the jacket on the kitchen table as they file out the door.

"I'll meet you up there,"he says grimly, then heads towards the captains' quarters. He has a feeling he might need his sword.

His ribs twinge as he straps it to his hip, but not as badly as they should. Olivia's bath really had worked wonders

Stede and Ed stand together at the rail. Stede stares down the length of a spyglass, Ed squinting into the distance as though he can see what Stede sees through sheer force of will

Izzy moves to stand with them. Ed wraps an arm around him
Nov 15, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
They almost make it to the mess without anyone spotting them--almost.

"Fuck's sake," Izzy mutters as Lucius almost runs headfirst into them in the companionway. Lucius stops, open-mouthed, taking in Izzy's emerald green jacket and somewhat oddly cut pineapple-patterned trousers. "Well," he says after a minute, "Don't you look festive"

"I'm not in heat anymore, I can fuckin' stab you," Izzy growls. Lucius's lips twitch with a suppressed smile

"I mean, maybe, but I think the jacket's not going to help, you are SWIMMING in it--ah, okay, no need to shove!"