From: The metaphysical, physical, and technical history of each major and minor cosmos. by Fludd, Robert, 1617
This book has some amazing illustrations. Lots of technical drawings covering a range of things, an extensive work.…
This was the image that first captured my attention. Fabulous. Begins a huge section on music.
Mar 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Twitter will not let me post the link, so I had to break it.
https: //
In Yugoslavia…
Jan 25, 2022 • 21 tweets • 9 min read
⚡️Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae
"The Great Art of Light and Shadow" 1646
The Selenic Shadowdial
or the Process of the Lunation
Mar 14, 2021 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
It's time to break out your superpowers, my friends. Human capacities your adversary is not equipped with, these are your weapons.
The biggest is Creativity, they have none, can only copy and mimic and invert another's. Humans are naturally endowed with extraordinary creative powers, just look at all the things we've come up with. Exercise it, create something-anything, even if it's serves no purpose.
Sep 23, 2020 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
There's been a systematic effort over decades to dehumanize people. Recognize it. "Identity" issues are a big one, labeling ourselves, black, white, gay, straight, liberal, conservative, personality types, etc & everything in between (always more), they all serve to dehumanize.
It's really gone into overdrive with identity politics & a bazillion genders. When ya hear the word, "identity" or speak, "I identify as.." Stop. Just stop. Identity is the artificial replacement for an individual. An individual is a WHO, an 'identity' is a WHAT, a thing, an it.
Sep 14, 2020 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
The Predator
A companion for life.
They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.
Sep 13, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If your state shows rising covid cases, or deaths, it's fair to ask what CT threshold they are using for PCR tests. It's rigged to raise cases. Should be a standard set across the board. If it's 40, then expect never ending cases. 30 should be the max, have heard <24 recommended.
There is increasing evidence that they rarely transmit.
Jul 31, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
My hope is that doctors who wish to treat their patients without so much interference, simply break from industrialized medicine and go independent. Time to cut out the middlemen. Go to direct care, no insurance, just affordable care. It worked just fine like once upon a time.
The Bureaucracy is always the problem, corruption and incompetence inevitably settles in. A beast that grows and grows to unsustainable levels. Just like big government, it needs to be eliminated where possible and minimized where needed. It cannot be allowed to gain power.
Jul 28, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This is what your irrational fear will get you. A vaccine that is designed to genetically modify you. It will augment your DNA and you will no longer be an organic human, nor will any of your children thereafter. You will be trans-human and there will be no reversing it.
Once you are genetically modified you will also be patentable. You will be owned as a product because you are a modified organism, and not of nature. But hey it's great because you won't get covid! Until it mutates but no worries, there will be booster shots surely to save you.
Jul 16, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Liberalism can degenerate into a cult of victimhood that permits our sadistic desires to be passed off as unimpeachable virtue. Her warning is newly urgent today.
To be alive is to be afraid.…
A “humanitarianism unshaken by skepticism and unmindful of its limitations,” she concluded, can indeed be crueler than more obvious and brutal forms of violence it seeks to resist.
Jul 3, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Your heart radiates magnetic-energetic power, most potent to 3ft away, it carries information. When near to another's there is exchange, communication, and amplification.
Social distancing neutralizes this power.
Yet is it encouraged for those expressing destructive energy.
This power is tangible. A real force, with impact. When all else is taken from you, this living power you retain. That others wish to neutralize it indicates that it is probably more useful than you knew. Know now, your heart's are powerhouses, and when connected are unstoppable.
Jun 26, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Research prowess is no longer as important as willingness to mouth the appalling commonplaces of political correctness in the hallowed corridors of academe.…
I have watched the universities of the Western world devour themselves in a myriad of fatal errors over the last two decades, and take little pleasure in observing the inevitable unfold. It is a failing of human reason.
Jun 26, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I can't read the article due to the paywall but does it take into account how the border crossers flooding into Arizona are pumping up our numbers?
How Arizona…
“after admitting scores believed stricken with the virus from Mexico’s nearby border town of Mexicali.”
Jun 17, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I do agree that it should be illegal for employers to discriminate based on race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation, but we've got a problem in this country with the judicial branch. Judges are not legislators and this separation of powers is there for a reason.
We've been seeing far too much judicial overreach. They should not have absolute power and any hint of political bias should get them thrown out pronto. The Flynn case is a another example. A judge is not a prosecutor, not a legislator, they are to rule according to law, period.
May 4, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
U.S. Patent 7,776,521
The CDC has got to go. This has been planned for a long time, by a criminal syndicate with far reaching tentacles.
Read this a couple times and then again.
Let it sink in.
Feb 12, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Lefty friend actually said to me today "This could be the thing that finally gets rid of Trump for us, if there is an economic downturn due to the Coronavirus crisis." Don't know why I was shocked, he lives and breaths the CNN narrative. They will stop at nothing, NOTHING.
So hey there is an upside to 1000's sick & dying and the survivors impoverished! Chin up, it's all so worth it if Trump loses the election. This possible scenario renewed his hope after impeachment fail, hey! Armageddon just may do it! I was speechless really. Umm what, ..really?