Well, it's the weekend, which means it's time for a 🧵 about the @FCC's "Covered List," and how Chinese telecoms equipment might be regulated in the near future. 1/ fcc.gov/supplychain/co…2/ The Covered List is list of equipment or services considered a danger to national security, based on surveillance or cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The current list has equipment from five companies designated: Huawei, ZTE, Hikvision, Hytera & Dahua.
THREAD: The Biden admin has been quietly trying to address the ransomware problem w/ a new interagency task force, per @politico. The headline mentions #hackingback, but the story doesn't give much detail about that idea or its history. Allow me . . . politico.com/news/2021/07/1…2/ "Hacking back" is a colloquial term used for offensive measures in cyberspace. Think of it like a spectrum, with stationary defenses (i.e., firewalls) on one side, and more agressive tools (i.e, wiping data) on the other. Hacking back falls closer to the latter category.