Jordan Davidson Profile picture
Editorial Director, Author: So When Are You Having Kids? @SoundsTrue (Dec 2022) Rep'd by @Stacy_Testa ✉️
Nov 8, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
A year ago, a doctor injured me irreparably. It changed my life and I’ve been in consistent pain ever since. It’s uncomfortable, but I think it’s important we talk about medical error because it’s incredibly difficult to engage with a system that hurt and continues to hurt you. Last year during a routine egg retrieval, the doctor stuck the needle into my spine instead of my ovary. My chart says "abdominal retrieval" because of how my ovaries sit. Either she didn’t read it or ignored it, because I got zero eggs and a spine infection. A blonde woman laying in a hospital bed, her hands are banda
Feb 25, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
It's almost March, which means it's almost Endometriosis Awareness Month. If you are writing or editing anything about endometriosis here are some things to keep in mind that will make your life a whole lot easier. (1/) Endometriosis ≠ endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Endo is tissue similar to the lining of the uterus. Need a source? I love @nature's disease… But even @MayoClinic now says "tissue similar to," so there is no reason for you not to. (2/)
Dec 18, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
Turns out sometimes it’s really hard making a baby. For those who don’t know how babies are made, here’s the story of the birds and the bees and the 900 other people who sometimes have to get all up in your beehive. That’s right, it’s thread time. A few years ago my periods stopped. I used to get my period twice a month and so having no periods was welcomed at first. I saw my doctor & she suggested the usual, stress, but I pushed & so she ran tests. After about two months of testing, she called and asked if I was sitting.