Jordan B. Goldstein | The Athletic Philosopher Profile picture
Husband | Aspiring Stay at Home Dad | Trail runner | Fitness & Life Coaching | Tribal Professor | Former Uni Prof | Teach Sport’s Beauty | CREATE & DREAM BIG
May 16, 2022 28 tweets 9 min read
The titans of ancient Greek philosophy wanted you to get jacked and strong

A thread on how the thinking of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle teach us to live an embodied life ImageImageImageImage First off what is embodiment?

It's the idea that body and mind are one entity that drive towards a moral excellence

It's found in cultures throughout the world Image
May 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
How to think like a historian

There are three levels of analysis you need to know

Text: What's said

Subtext: The intention behind what's said

Context: The environment and circumstance surrounding what's said Most people stop at text and think they know the story

But it's clear they miss almost everything

Subtext is the realm of psychology but it's difficult to get into one's mind

It's a lot of projection unless you can understand how that person thinks
Feb 28, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Something interesting is happening in the sport world over the idea of fair competition, specifically re: Trans. Some sport philosophers argue that one's achievements in sport aren't meritorious. Others want the competitive elements eliminated or at least severely reduced. 1/6 Follow the arguments and you can easily end up in a place where fair competition becomes meaningless. For merit, if we cannot claim to be deserving of victory and achievement, it makes the idea of winning or losing meaningless, since the winner didn't earn their victory. 2/6