Joe B Profile picture
BSc in biology. Holistic research & tools for self-reliance.
3 subscribers
Jul 6, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Higher niacin intake strongly links to higher grip strength, skeletal muscle mass, bone mineral content, & lower body fat, inflammation, & sarcopenia risk.

Dietary niacin directly reduces insulin resistance, fasting blood sugar, & fasting insulin. Niacin / nicotinic acid / vitamin B3 (C6H5NO2) Best niacin food sources (roughly in order of density): anchovies, liver (beef, lamb, pork), nutritional yeast, fresh lean meat, salmon, halibut, cod, mahimahi, mushrooms, coffee
Jun 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
FGF21, a liver hormone that inhibits alcohol intake in mice, increases in human circulation after acute alcohol ingestion and sustained binge drinking at Oktoberfest… FGF21 overexpression increases insulin sensitivity & lifespan without altering food intake, NAD+, AMPK, or mTOR, but instead by blunting the growth hormone/IGF-1 liver pathway.

The starvation hormone, fibroblast growth factor-21, extends lifespan in mice
Jun 17, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
• Society's excess positivity removes our experience of the Other, which redirects our libido back into ourselves, creating narcissism, burnout, and depression. Image • To experience the Other, to be limited in our experience of it, is part of a full life. We need to be restricted from it to maintain curiosity & wonder. In a self-focused achievement-society, we lose imagination & idealization, because information constantly fills the gaps. Image
Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
“Dogmatic thinking consists of defining a body of theory as true, ignoring observations that are not consistent with the dogma, and inventing some catch all explanation for the observations that can't be ignored.” “In dogmatic medicine, symptoms are either in the textbook or in the patient's head. In real science, there is always the choice that the theory (the textbook) is wrong - or perhaps just incomplete. New diseases ... can be discovered scientifically, but not dogmatically.”
Jun 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Berberine worked as well or better than fluoxetine or imipramine for treating behavioral despair & raising monoamines. Berberine enhances SSRIs, tricyclics, & MAOIs for treating behavioral despair.

2 wks of 5 mg/kg
⬆️ dopamine by 52%
⬆️ norepinephrine by 29%
⬆️ serotonin by 19% ImageImageImage Berberine's antidepressant mechanisms:

⁕activates the sigma-1 receptor (altering glutamate & dopamine)
⁕inhibits acetylcholinesterase (raising acetylcholine)
⁕inhibits monoamine oxidase A (raising monoamines)
⁕inhibits nitric oxide synthesis (reducing cyclic-GMP) Image
Jun 6, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Urolithin A is produced by microbiome metabolism of ellagitannins, found in pomegranates, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, & walnuts.

Urolithin A induces mitophagy and prolongs lifespan in C. elegans and increases muscle function in rodents Urolithin A improves muscle strength, exercise performance, and biomarkers of mitochondrial health in a randomized trial in middle-aged adults… ImageImage
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Human geomagnetic orientation is highly sensitive to light wavelength, and blue light plays a critical role in orientation."

Human magnetic sense is mediated by a light and magnetic field resonance-dependent mechanism… "At least some modern humans transduce changes in Earth-strength magnetic fields into an active neural response."

"Biophysical tests rule out all except the presence of a ferromagnetic transduction element, such as biologically-precipitated crystals of magnetite (Fe3O4)." Image
Jun 5, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
“Heidegger concentrates time by integrating the temporal horizons by way of their relation to the self. History as directed time protects time against decay, against its dispersion into a pure sequence of point-like presences. In this, it is the self that provides the direction.” Image “The ‘constancy of the self’, this essence of authentic historicity, is duration, which does not pass. It does not elapse. The one who exists authentically has time always, so to speak ... because time is self, and does not lose time because of not losing him- or herself:
Jun 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Aristotle distinguishes three forms of life (bioi) of the free man: the life of striving for pleasure (hedone), that of producing beautiful and noble deeds in the polis (bios politikos), and that which is dedicated to the contemplation of truth (bios theoretikos).” “The bios politikos is not dedicated to the organization of communal life, because this would involve man in necessary and useful things. Rather, it strives for honour and virtue.”
May 30, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Chronic stress reduces the progesterone-derived neurosteroid allopregnanolone & GABA-A expression. 5α-R inhibitors like finasteride also reduce allopregnanolone.

Effective antidepressant treatments tend to restore allopregnanolone & GABA expression.… In aging, cognitive decline occurs in tandem with a flattened circadian rhythm, and this is driven by a drop in allopregnanolone in the hypothalamus and the ventral striatum (part of the reward system & cognitive-sensory-movement systems).… ImageImage
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Rasagiline, an MAO-B inhibitor & Parkinson's drug, improves brain glucose metabolism and cognitive ability in Alzheimer's patients.

MAOIs prolong dopamine availability and decrease toxic downstream metabolites… In aging, MAO-A increases 6x in the heart and MAO-B by 4x in the brain, leading to gradual increases in oxidative damage and reduced ability to make new mitochondria or recycle damaged cells.… ImageImageImage
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Goethe explains the problems with dogmatic scientific paradigms, how thinking becomes stuck when people are awed by the thinker and ideas, forgetting to critique and inquire to make further progress and discoveries. ImageImage We make true scientific progress when we scrutinize our own experiments and conclusions, repeatedly analyzing connections that we may have missed, or realizing our original associations were mistaken. Image
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Because there is no time for thinking, and no rest in thinking, we no longer weigh divergent views: we are content to hate them. With the tremendous acceleration of life, we grow accustomed to using our mind and eye for seeing and judging incompletely or incorrectly-- Image and all men are like travelers who get to know a land and its people from the train. An independent and cautious scientific attitude is almost thought to be a kind of madness--
Apr 21, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
Vitamin A directs tissue development at the level of genetic expression.

Healthy expression of the dopamine system requires vitamin A, specifically, the D2 receptor, which regulates motor ability, learning, memory, motivation, appetite, and digestive motility. Acetylcholine, which interacts with dopamine in regulation of movement and cognition, is 30% lower in rats deficient in vitamin A.

"Our results stress the basic role of vitamin A in the maintenance of basal ganglia motor function in the adult rat brain." "Acetylcholine (ACh) c...
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
More sunlight vindication.

"this systematic review did not report an increased risk of developing cutaneous melanoma among individuals with outdoor occupations." Office workers have a "large excess" of melanoma on the torso and limbs, in contrast to other indoor work. nnEMF, circadian disruption, existential stress?…
Apr 13, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Phytoestrogens administered to mothers at Auschwitz plummeted the IQs of children born years later

The average child's IQ of the time was 110, but these children had between 80–100, on average 85 IQ.

If only the father had been in the camp, their child showed no such damage. 🧵 At first we might ask: isn't it more likely the stress and malnutrition that caused this damage?

But very bright children emerged from mothers in smaller concentration camps and Russian prison camps.

It always consistently and exclusively traced back to Auschwitz survivors.
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Zero-calorie additives that contribute to fat gain, leaky gut, and diabetes:

• Sucralose (diet drinks, gum)
• Saccharin (sweets, pastries)
• Aspartame (diet soda, gum)
• Cellulose gum (ice creams)
• Polysorbate 80 (ice creams)
• Carrageenan (tons of processed foods) 'Common food additives and ... Rapid introduction of artificial sweeteners coincides with spikes in obesity in the USA.

Obviously there are many factors, but artificial sweeteners and emulsifiers are contributing to metabolic illness. 'Time line of artificial sw...
Mar 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A single dose of a selenium compound (CMI, an organoselenium) completely prevents the depression and anxiety normally induced by chronic stress, by reducing oxidative stress, maintaining neurotrophic and neuroendocrine factors, and modulating mTOR.… "Summary of the mechan...Image
Mar 4, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Magnesium reduces migraines (and stroke) in women by regulating vascular smooth muscle.

High estrogen (40 to 200 pg/ml) dose-dependently wastes Mg2+ ions.

At 200 pg/ml, Mg2+ levels decrease ~30% versus controls. ImageImage Women prone to PMS tend toward more severe peaks and drops in estrogen and progesterone, or have higher cellular sensitivity to the fluctuations.

Nutritional status and light environment modulate the fluctuations and sensitivity.… Image
Feb 26, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) is elevated in Alzheimer disease neurons…

The gradual loss of neural communication.

Stress and inflammation elevate MAO.

So this can be mitigated; prevented.

Reducing MAO tends to enhance mood and cognitive ability.

Download my free article on MAOIs for strategies, natural and pharmacological, to lower MAO and protect the brain.
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Magnesium aspartate (732 mg/day) was given to cocaine and opiate addicts

After 12 weeks, 77.4% of the supplemented opiate users were clean, compared to only 53.6% of those given placebo.

Cocaine craving was also lowered by the magnesium supplement, compared to placebo. Magnesium is needed for monoamine neurotransmitters to bind to membrane transporters, as well as for ATP to become its active form and liberate its energy.

Wherever your genetic-environmental Achilles heel is, low magnesium will manifest accordingly.