Joe Hanneman 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Investigative Reporter. Catholic father of 3. “Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can never be an Easter Sunday.” —Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Jul 6 9 tweets 3 min read
John Strand files a second motion for release from prison pending appeal of his #Jan6 conviction for §1512(c)(2) felony obstruction and four misdemeanors. The DOJ has until July 15 to respond. (Image: Paulio Shakespeare/The Epoch Times) 🧵…
Image In the new filing, defense attorney Nicholas D. Smith cited the June 28 Supreme Court decision in Fischer v. United States that limits use of §1512(c)(2) to impairment of evidence in an official proceeding. (Image: Paulio Shakespeare/The Epoch Times) 🧵Image
Jul 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Defendant Tara Stottlemyer through attorney William Shipley @shipwreckedcrew filed a motion to compel the DOJ to provide #Jan6 grand jury testimony showing she impaired "records, documents, objects" or "other things" used in an official proceeding. 🧵…
Image Shipley has already filed to vacate Stottlemyer's felony conviction on 18 U.S. Code §1512(c)(2) based on the Supreme Court ruling in Fischer v. United States. 🧵
Jul 5 6 tweets 2 min read
The filings are complete in #Jan6 probationer @DanielGoodwyn's motion to stay Judge Reggie Walton's order to reinstate monitoring of Goodwyn's computer for "disinformation." 🧵 Image The U.S. Court of Appeals vacated the computer monitoring provision in a February decision, saying Walton "plainly erred" by not backing up the monitoring provision with case law and safeguards for constitutional rights. 🧵
Jul 5 5 tweets 2 min read
DC federal judge Christopher Cooper sets Sept. 4 re-sentencing date for Thomas Robertson after Court of Appeals tossed his 87-month prison sentence for #Jan6 crimes. 🧵…
Image Re-sentencing was prompted by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which vacated Robertson's #Jan6 prison term due to the March 2024 ruling in United States v. Brock. 🧵
Jul 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Larry Brock moves to vacate #Jan6 conviction on obstruction felony under 18 U.S. Code §1512(c)(2), citing SCOTUS ruling in Fischer v. United States. A thread on Brock's motion: 🧵…Image Filed by attorney Charles Burnham, the motion says there is no evidence Brock "impaired the availability or integrity of a 'document,' 'object,' 'record' or 'other thing' used in the #Jan6 joint session of Congress. 🧵/2
Jul 3 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: DOJ telegraphs plan to forge ahead with felony obstruction charges under 18 U.S. Code §1512(c)(2). New court filing suggests a #Jan6 defendant from Texas impaired the use of ballots used in the tallying of Electoral College votes in Congress. 🧵Image In a motion filed in the #Jan6 case against Guy Wesley Reffitt, prosecutors claim Reffitt "intended to stop the certification proceeding and affect the voting and balloting underlying the certification." 🧵
Jun 30 24 tweets 6 min read
The Supreme Court ruling in the #Jan6 case Fischer v. United States has generated huge interest and speculation on what happens next. Here is a thread with background on the case and quotes from the June 28 6-3 majority opinion. 🧵 Image 355 defendants were charged with violating 18 U.S. Code §1512(c)(2) for allegedly “obstructing” the counting of Electoral College votes from the 2020 presidential election by a joint session of Congress on #Jan6, 2021. 🧵
May 8 4 tweets 1 min read
Florida #Jan6 suspect David K. Homol committed suicide on April 17, Panama City police said. Story upcoming. David Homol shown at left with half-brother Dillon Homol. Image Mr. Homol died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the temple, police said. He was facing eight #Jan6 charges, including the assault of two police officers.