James Courtright Profile picture
Pastoralism, natural resource management and conflict in West Africa / @Clingendaelorg Reseach Associate / prev @ICWAnews / @theANEKED / #Kolda 🇸🇳 haa mayde
Dec 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
#Fulani herders are once again being threatened with expulsion in central #Ghana. Here’s some context on what’s going on, based on some of my work over the last year. Earlier this week Tabital Pulaaku Ghana, a civil society group focused on issues affecting Fulani communities, issued a statement “pleading” with a paramount chief in Ashanti region to not evict Fulani herders from his area.
Oct 8, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
For the past fifteen months I've been summarizing testimonies from The Gambia’s truth commission for the @theANEKED TRRC digest 1/15 Gambia’s truth commission was well covered in the Gambian press, but there are countless details that will never get the full attention they deserve outside the country 2/15