JD Vance Profile picture
Christian, husband, dad. Vice President of the United States.
27 subscribers
Sep 9, 2024 9 tweets 13 min read
It has been 50 days since Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party.

In the dead of night yesterday, she finally released her campaign policy page. Here's what I think of it 🧵 ⁨⁨1) Kamala Harris claims she wants to cut taxes for middle class families, but here's what's in her plan:

IRS Audits for working families: Getting audited is a horrendous experience, even if you’ve done nothing wrong. Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to hire 87,000 IRS agents to audit more people. As recently as last summer, 63% of new audits fell taxpayers earning less than $200,000.

The IRS, like Kamala Harris, claims that it’s not going to increase audits on people making under $400K, but the Treasury Inspector General stated the agency’s strategic plan, “did not include specifics on how the IRS was going to ensure it met this commitment.” That’s because they have no intention of ensuring they’re not going to audit middle class families—that’s where they’re going to find the money to pay for their massive spending proposals.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, under questioning in the House, could not deny that 90 percent of new audits under the IRA would be on households earning less than $400,000. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found that the majority of additional taxes the IRS recommended from audits from 2010-2021 came from taxpayers with income less than $200,000.

It’s even harder to pretend that taxing working men and women isn’t their focus when you think about the reporting requirement Biden-Harris signed into law to require businesses to fill out a 1099K form on transactions over $600 made using third-party payment platforms. The reporting threshold before their bill was $20,000.

There’s no minimum number of transactions in their bill, so a single transaction over $600 that triggers the reporting requirement creates more paperwork. Even Senate Democrats have backed different bills to blunt the impact of this enormously burdensome mandate.

The Government Accountability Office found this aspect of the Harris tax record would result in at least 30 million new 1099K forms getting sent out in 2024. The Joint Committee on Taxation found that over 90 percent of the tax burden will fall on middle class families and gig workers.

The Biden-Harris tax plan, as explicitly outlined in their formal budget request to Congress would increase taxes by $5 trillion. That’s going to stack on top of her inflationary climate spending bills and drag the economy down further. It’s been estimated that “the tax changes in the Biden-Harris budget would reduce long-run GDP by 1.6 percent…wages by 1.1 percent, and employment by about 666,000 full-time equivalent jobs.”

That’s nearly a million people out of work and lower wages for everyone in order to shift money towards the Harris Green New Deal—as she said to CNN in her first interview after nearly a month as the Democratic nominee, her values haven’t changed on that policy, which she supported enthusiastically when she was in the Senate.

All in all, the Biden-Harris record has been a massive wealth transfer from working people to the Green New Deal’s constituencies—the Harris tax plan is going to be more of the same, no matter what kind of claims she makes during the campaign.⁩Image
May 13, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
At Trump trial today. Some observations:

1) we started in Trump Tower with a beautiful view of Central Park. Then you come to a dingy court house with people like Alvin Bragg. They prevent his supporters from getting too close to the court house, and they prevent his friends from standing too close to him. The president is expected to sit here for six weeks to listen to the Michael Cohens of the world.

I’m now convinced the main goal of this trial is psychological torture. But Trump is in great spirits. 2) we’ve seen a couple mask wearers. @TTuberville turns to me and says “looks like we forgot our masks.” 😂
Apr 16, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
If your bill rebuilds our defense industrial base at a slower pace than it sends weapons overseas, it's not about America's security. And it's not about our defense industrial base.

At this point, the entire Russia-Ukraine debate borders on fantasy. We need some realism. Don't tell me the Europeans are doing more or will do more. This is too abstract. Tell me, in precise terms, what Ukraine needs to win (or have a chance at winning). And then tell me how much Europe and America together can reasonably provide, and by what date.
Feb 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read

The obsession with funding endless war in Ukraine is, intentionally or not, an effort within the GOP establishment to stop the election of Donald Trump.

It is a plot against the president.theamericanconservative.com/how-congress-i… The basic form this takes is simple: Republican leadership, desperate for Ukraine money, put their own members and Republican House members in a political bind.

Rather than accept responsibility, they blame, you guessed it, Donald Trump. Image
Jun 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The question of whether Trump should have kept those documents is fundamentally a political question. Criticize it, attack it, vote against it. But prosecuting a president over his own government’s documents is turning a political issue into a legal one. It’s insane to me that the people who shout from the rooftops about “OUR DEMOCRACY” have taken this position: unelected bureaucrats can throw the elected president in prison for “mishandling” documents. Does Article 2 mean anything? If so Trump did nothing wrong.
Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If Chris was an actual journalist, rather than a regime propagandist, he might note the incredible social and financial pressure to conform to the trans activist narrative. I'm shocked--shocked--that many parents are afraid of speaking openly on this topic. During the campaign, I had about a dozen health care professionals approach me about the atrocious "gender affirming" care they saw in their hospitals and clinics. The stories were remarkably consistent: hasty procedures, lack of informed consent, and so on.
Mar 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Twenty years ago we invaded Iraq. The war killed many innocent Iraqis and Americans. It destroyed the oldest Christian populations in the world. It cost over $1 trillion, and turned Iraq into a satellite of Iran. It was an unforced disaster, and I pray that we learn its lessons. As an 18-year-old kid, I supported the war. I enlisted in the Marines a month after we invaded, and left for bootcamp a few months after I graduated from high school. Even though I was just a kid, I still feel guilty for supporting the war.
Mar 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Creating a banking system where all uninsured deposits become insured through government fiat also poses systemic risks. Many people smarter than me were worried about a bank run. That's certainly a risk worth preventing. But I don't know why preventing that risk required an SVB bailout.
Jun 3, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
None of these would improve the gun violence problem in this country. All of them satisfy the urge to "do something" without actually doing anything useful, at great cost to the rights of people who follow the law. Let's take just one example, "red flag" laws. So all of us agree that we don't want insane people to go and buy a gun and kill people. The question is how to actually accomplish that goal. Importantly, it's already a violation of federal law to sell a gun to a crazy person. So what do red flag laws do?
Mar 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
These 2 neocons want to blunder us into WW3.

What happens when Russia shoots down the plane of a European ally? America will be forced to respond with our blood & treasure.

Mandel & Gibbons are either too dumb to realize this, or they know & are ok with it. Absolutely reckless Are these people unaware of who our leaders are? Do we want General Mark Milley to lecture the Russians about “white rage” after they blow up one of our planes? Do we trust Biden and Kamala to lead our nation in a war with a major power?
Feb 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
McCaffery has spent decades (so has Boot) lining his pockets by encouraging disastrous wars that have nothing to do with our national interest. It's time to start putting our own people first, fix our broken border, and ignore the people who've been wrong about everything. Here's a NY Times story about some of McCaffery's shameless business dealings, all done in the name of "national security"--all with the effect of dead American patriots and rich Washington military "leaders."

Feb 7, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I somehow missed this segment on AirBnB banning Michelle Malkin. The fundamental question for our party is whether we’ll fight to ensure our own voters are able to participate in modern life. No more slogans. It’s time to end corporate tyranny. Aside from the basic principle at stake, this is just a bizarre case. They actually told her husband he’s banned too because she might travel with him? This is just insane.
Jan 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There are dozens of people who protested on J6 who haven’t even been charged with a crime yet are being mistreated in DC prisons. A friend suggested the below link if you’re able to support them. PatriotFreedomProject.com *Even if* the very worst of the Democrats’ claims about J6 are true (they’re not), it is an insult to all of us that so many people are rotting in prison without being offered a speedy trial. These people are political prisoners, and their captivity is an assault on democracy.
Nov 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I took a brief break to watch this Rittenhouse testimony, and it fills me with indescribable rage. I am not a criminal lawyer. I am sure people are right that it's risky for him to testify. But our leaders abandoned this kid's community to lawless thug rioters, and he did something about it, and now a lawless thug prosecutor is trying to destroy his life.
Jul 22, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Awesome day meeting people in Ohio. Started in Wilmington where someone suggested we get breakfast at one of my favorite spots. I met Memphis, a beautiful coon dog at Gigi’s, which helps a lot of dogs all across the state of Ohio. I even thought about bringing her home but figured Usha would divorce me.
Jun 24, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
We have a massive spike in violent crime because police officers are afraid to do their jobs. Any "crime prevention" effort that focuses on job training or gun seizures is a giant distraction. The dumbest argument you hear is that the spike in crime is because of guns. Oh really? Was there an explosion of firearm ownership over the last two years, or did maybe something else happen?
Apr 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"Universal child care" is a massive subsidy to the lifestyle preferences of the affluent over the preferences of the middle and working class. More here from @WilcoxNMP:
Apr 16, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Alright, here’s a story about how the media often shapes narratives instead of reporting the truth, and how a small untruth can morph into a lie that’s repeated again and again throughout the media bubble. But first, let me tell you about Appharvest: Appharvest is an agricultural technology company in Kentucky. I got involved four years ago, and have been a supporter and investor of the company ever since. I’ve seen it morph from an idea into a publicly traded company with the potential to transform our food system.