Ken Silva Profile picture "Reporting… It is really the life of kings.”- H.L. Mencken. Reporter, Headline USA; occasional contributor, Libertarian Institute
justcheckinout Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 15 9 tweets 3 min read
Trump shooter Matthew Crooks reportedly had an account on the popular gamer chat app, Discord.


🧵 Image As referenced in the above image, the FBI has been ramping up its efforts to infiltrate gamer chatrooms.
According to a GAO report from February, last year "the FBI worked to increase engagement with gaming and gaming-adjacent companies"…
Apr 23 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING🚨 The FBI's controversial memo targeting Catholics was inspired by an investigation into a schizophrenic man

I've got the records to prove it

🧵… 1. A DOJ-IG report revealed last week that the FBI's memo was inspired by an investigation into a 'fascist' Catholic that the feds had been monitoring since 2019.

The FBI infiltrated a church w/ at least one informant as part of that investigation, according to the IG
Feb 18 5 tweets 3 min read
Interesting that the doc shows footage of the NSM while discussing O9A. I'm not aware of any explicit NSM-O9A link, but NSM was co-founded by an FBI informant and the husband of an avowed, LaVey-style Satanist.

Bill White, the main source of my Fed Files series, said he left the NSM due to Satanic infiltration, making startling allegations. When I asked NSM co-founder Cliff Herrington (who must be in his 80s by now) about this, he surprisingly confirmed his wife’s Satanic connections
Sep 15, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
In light of today's monumental ruling that exonerates three Whitmer kidnap defendants, let's look at the key points of the case.
The Null brothers and Eric Molitor had quite an uphill battle, starting with the AG's office spreading lies about them during pretrial proceedings.
🧵 1. A judge presiding over the case bungled basic facts by issuing a ruling that declared @brandon_caserta and Daniel Harris as kidnap conspirators -- despite the fact that they were found innocent last year.…
Mar 31, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock had reportedly told people around him he was a “government experiment,” and would often lie in bed “moaning and screaming” in mental anguish.
This week, the FBI released records related to those claims.… An FBI agent apparently asked a hospital worker about rumors that Paddock had been on a “psychiatric hold”—when a patient is being mentally evaluated, often involuntarily.
“[Redacted] told [REDACTED] that Paddock had been at Mesa View on a psychiatric hold and that [REDACTED]."
Mar 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In August 2020, an FBI undercover agent code-named “Red” unsuccessfully tried to foment a plot to assassinate Colorado’s AG. The next month, an FBI undercover agent with the same code-name and physical description appeared in the Whitmer plot...… After reviewing audio recordings and other information, three people involved in the Whitmer case have concluded that the “Red” in Colorado is the same person as Michigan “Red,” whose real name is special agent Timothy Bates.