Jennifer Lloyd, PhD ( Profile picture
Inclusive education, early child development, autism, statistical methods / Music, photography, #BeautifulBC 🌿 / UBC employment ends Spring, 2025.
Nov 2, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
The number of young people have come to me asking for life advice, given that I left living in Vancouver for a cheaper and quieter life on Van Isle. My advice is always the same:

If you don't have family, work, or medical reasons to be in Vancouver, leave and never look back. Primarily due to expense. But when you also factor in housing crisis, crowds, traffic, noise, etc., in addition to any student loans they may be paying off, life in Vancouver is, in my experience looking back, unsustainable if wellness & starting or growing a family is a goal. /2
Oct 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Scary. Please read.

I was just in a heavily populated outdoor public area. A man stared at me from a distance and made a beeline directly towards me, staring right into my eyes the whole time, looking angry.

I got a powerful feeling to get away from him. So I started to run. /1 I ran such a distance that I looked back and I could see him in the original spot staring back at me, gesturing at me to come to him and flipping me the bird many times.

Unfortunately, I was alone and the only way out of the area was to head back somewhat in his direction. /2
Sep 15, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm not an expert in harm reduction. I'm just a concerned Vancouver Island resident, like you.

Yesterday, I was in a neighborhood that has a centre offering to test drugs for the user, presumably to ensure they were safe. (?)

As I drank my coffee & looked at this centre... /1 I pondered just how bad the drug crisis must be that these centres exist in the first place & the extra risks that users face if such centres don't exist.

Then I wondered how I'd feel if a family member were a drug user. I'd want a centre like this to be available to them. /2
Nov 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Know a parent of an autistic child?

Offering to babysit, suggesting they go away for a weekend, etc. nice ideas in theory, but practically not possible.

Instead, drop off a casserole or dinner, text them a song they might enjoy, drop off hot coffee, set up a video chat, etc. /1 Further to offering to babysit:

Unless you are incredibly familiar with the child & their specific needs, routines, & preferences, it can introduce more uncertainty & stress into the mix not having parent there.

Just something to think about if you're unfamiliar with autism. /2
Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Ongoing problem w/ shoulder: I recently experienced healthcare that was the best of my life. Two students & a researcher worked alongside the specialist MD. All discussed the issue in a congenial & collaborative way, including me in the discussion. I felt valued & listened to. /1 I'll share more as the situation evolves, but I can say the quality of care I received from this MD & his team was special & attentive. I'm still thinking about it today, as is my mum who accompanied me. Best feeling of all? I don't feel anxious in this MD's hands. Total pro. /2
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I did 3 degrees in 12 years. All my framed diplomas & awards have just ended up in a dusty corner of my closet. I think about the meaning of that sometimes.  Photograph of framed degre... Although I love my work, my boss, and some of the privileges that my job gives me, the pursuit of higher ed came at some immense costs in my personal life. /2
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Please try to understand the difficulties people face when they run in social circles and/or have extended families that have all moved on from the pandemic... except for them.

It's a lonely and confusing place.

#covid19bc There is a weird liminal space we live in -- a dissonance-- where we know the science & we can see what's happening in the news...

and yet, we look around us & see that we are the only ones still being vigilant. It makes us ask ourselves if we are somehow being unreasonable? /2