Jonathan Greenberg📟 Profile picture
Zionist. Frmr AIPAC. Recovering Yerushalmi. Dissident Reform rabbi but not a Reform Jew. “Probably a Mossad agent.” “Influential genocide advocate.”
Aug 30, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Two things can be true here:
1) protesting at a Hillel is definitionally and intolerably antisemitic; and,
2) Jewish institutions and organizations need to create harder targets by creating harder Jews. The response to this should be anger, not fear. For goodness sake stop being afraid of these people. Stand up to them. The law and our neighbors are on our side. And if you can’t stop being afraid, don’t let your fear determine your reactions and PLEASE stop announcing to the world (and our enemies) that you’re afraid.
Dec 17, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Mohamed Bouazizi was a 26 year old Tunisian produce vendor. Every day, he would take his small wheelbarrow of produce out into the street and try to make enough money to replenish his stock and feed himself. Getting ahead was a pipe dream.
Local authorities - to protect other vendors or just because they didn’t like him - targeted Bouazizi for harassment and humiliation. They would confiscate his produce, destroy his wheelbarrow, and fine him.
Dec 16, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Total hatchet job from @jdforward which one would expect.

Let’s start with the headline:
The letter has over 220 signatories. Sure, that’s “dozens,” but it’s also “hundreds” and they made an editorial choice to downplay the success of the letter.
1/… @jilvorg is not “right-leaning” except insofar as it has people like me and Bret Stephens on the board. It also has very liberal people on the board. That’s the damn point.
Nov 25, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Re @ZionessMovement and Reema Dodin: I lived in Jerusalem during the Second Intifada - under siege from suicide bombers which Ms Dodin referred to as “the last resort of a desperate people.” That’s a total misunderstanding of the causes and goals of the wave of terror.
So, as a constituent of @SenatorDurbin, I guess I’d want to know if they were aware of the comment and/or the opinion before or during her employment.
More importantly, I’d like to know what her understanding is today of the Second Intifada.
Nov 10, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I was the Midwest Political Director @AIPAC when Andre Carson was elected. When Keith Ellison was elected. When Justin Amash was elected. I’ve seen the way this works. Georgia...don’t believe anything @ReverendWarnock tells you about his views on Israel. Just watch the video. I wasn’t at AIPAC when people like Betty McCollum and Jim Traficant and a handful of other terrible Israel-haters were elected. But the point is that we rarely get to see who they are before they’re in office. These revelations about Rev Warnock are a gift. Accept them.
Oct 8, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
A classmate posts on FB the following:

“I wanted to share that for RH morning at my synagogue, we read Greta Thunberg's recent UN speech as a modern prophet in place of the Haftarah reading. We still did the traditional blessings before and after. It was SO POWERFUL.”
“People have not stopped talking about how powerful and emotional it was, and how they finally understand what a prophetic reading is. If anyone is interested I can share more about it, or if you want encouragement for doing this on YK as an additional/alternate haftarah!”
Feb 12, 2019 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
A thread on how AIPAC functions at the Congressional District level. I served as AIPAC’s Midwest Poltical Director from Feb of ‘08 to Sept of ‘11. I handled 95 CDs in 9 states (98 in 10 states during the ‘08 cycle bc I had three Pittsburgh-area CDs).
1/ Important points to start with:
- I haven’t worked at AIPAC in over 7 yrs. This is just reflective of my time there, tho I think most of it is still relevant.
- AIPAC doesn’t rate, endorse, or give money. No joke. No wink/nudge.