Dr Rev J. “Professor Jiggly” Kirchartz, KSC, KHS Profile picture
Post-Post-Modern Renaissance man. #botALLY #SubGenius #Pope maker of @YinzBot (RIP) and https://t.co/qhd7qT8Dj9 pronouns: he/him
Nov 7, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Thinking about how if we don't do anything about climate change, like right now, we'll get rudimentary self-replicating artificial robots working well enough just in time for humanity to go extinct, functionally replacing ourselves with machines. We'll be the gods of a new species of intelligent machines who are left to sift through our digital detritus, dig through our physical filth, and birth their own technology and innovation.
Jul 11, 2019 43 tweets 10 min read
As a job-hunting senior dev - this industry is jacked - all I know is that I know nothing - and all companies want to hire is an expert in their highly customized stack that nobody else uses like they do.

Reliance on contractors and high turnover rates aren't helping. The recruitment industry only seems to be making it worse; every year people quit their recruitment firms to spin off new ones & the established firms replace them with younger people; and ignorance about the roles that they fill is rampant - they're just matching nonsense words