Julien Philippe Profile picture
Moi: 🇫🇷✝️ de Nantes, France #Frexit #NoNATO Nous: 🇷🇸☦️🇦🇲 supports #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #RepublikaSrpska #ArtsakhIsArmenia #NeutralUkraine #EuroRussia
Dec 28, 2020 7 tweets 10 min read
#Albanians terrorists started the war.
They killed those #Albanians who opposed it.
They exposed civilians by hiding in villages & using its inhabitants as human shields.
They used their casualties for foreign media, the more, the better for the propaganda.
What did you expect?😏 2. Ultimately, your #terrorists called the cavalry to help them win an otherwise unwinnable war.
Weak & disgusting as a whole.
10 times more #Albanians died out of it.
But thousand of #Serbs died also.
Then, your terrorists ethnic-cleansed #Kosovo in peace time.
Whose genocide?😏 Image
Dec 13, 2020 23 tweets 37 min read
Let's start a #Serbian & #Yugoslav map thread.
Here I'll share the best material I compiled over 3 years about the #History of #Serbia & #Yugoslavia.
Let's start with a map of companies implanted in SFR.Yugoslavia.🏭
57 are detailed in the link provided.👇
investitor.me/2019/06/17/50-… Image 2. Here comes a #Yugoslav map for foodies.
Unlike for companies, the destruction of #Yugoslavia didn't change the local specialties, which remain the delight of all locals & visitors.
#Meatlovers are like fish in water there, & back in #France I dearly miss ćevap & pljeskavica!🥺 Image
Sep 1, 2020 6 tweets 8 min read
Let's be clear..
#Croats, #Bošniaks, #Albanians & Montenegrin #DPS activists who cry about election result in #Montenegro & call #Serbs fascists are revisionists & ideological heirs of Nazi supporters in Balkans, who formed SS divisions & exterminated Serbs, Jews & Roma in WW2.😏 ImageImageImageImage 2. Fact that some Atlantist, #NATO & EU mouthpieces are upset by this result lies in the fact that NATO turned into a new Axis in the 90s & resurrected the Ottoman, Austrian, Italian, German & Komintern politics in the Yugoslav #Balkans:
Foster divisions & conquer divided people. ImageImageImage
Aug 23, 2020 27 tweets 42 min read
4 covers of "Le Petit Journal" dedicated to #Serbia in WW1. (1/2).
Courtesy of imgur.com/a/TuDPC, found on a Tweet that I cannot find again, hence RT. ImageImageImageImage 4 more covers of "Le Petit Journal" dedicated to #Serbia in WW1. (2/2).
Courtesy of imgur.com/a/TuDPC, found on a Tweet that I cannot find again, hence RT. ImageImageImageImage
Jul 22, 2020 54 tweets 22 min read
Here's an interesting tweet that I dug out because I wanted to talk about #France, after talking about #Serbia this night.
Indeed France betrayed Serbs in the 90s, & has been holding onto it since.
I guess it deserves an explanation, from a Frenchman who's not on a payroll. 2. First, as an Historical reminder, what #France betrayed was something big. 200 years of joint History since a wave of Serbian diplomats & scholars came into France to see what we were doing, & then Prince Petar Karađorđević fought in the Franco-Prussian War on the French side.