January Makamba Profile picture
Minister for Energy, Tanzania | Member of Parliament
Colm Rasdale Profile picture Kevin Mremi Profile picture Taglo Twins Profile picture Joseph Evarist Profile picture shabani kalaghe Profile picture 9 subscribed
Aug 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Thread on Simba signings. Simba has done a decent business during this transfer window. My best signing is Israel Mwenda, a beast of a fullback and, at 20 years old, already a national team starter. He is the future Simba on-field leader. He should start more often at Simba. 2. The age of the new signings shows that Simba is creating the squad for the future. A more comfortable - or lazy - move would’ve been to collect 5 older but experienced players (or pick up older players from a foreign team that crumbled 4-1 at Mkapa and in CAFCL few months ago)
Apr 2, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
1. [UZI] Majanga na mitihani inatoa fursa ya kujifunza mambo mapya. Nimetumia janga la Ugonjwa wa Virusi vya Korona [COVID19] kujifunza masuala kadhaa (hasa ya virusi na maambukizi) kutoka kwenye maandiko ya kitaaluma na mazungumzo na wataalam. Napenda kuchangia niliyojifunza. 2. Kwanza neno Corona. Corona ni neno la Kilatini. Tafsiri yake kwa Kiswahili ni taji. Corona hutumika zaidi kuelezea “taji la mwanga” linalovika au linalotokana na nyota, jua au mwezi. Jua linapozama, unaona jua na duara la mwanga linalozunguka jua. Hilo duara ndio Corona.
Nov 24, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
[HADITHI FUPI] Tizama vizuri viti walivyokalia waheshimiwa kwenye picha. Hivi sio viti mahsusi ambavyo Rais na viongozi wageni wake hukalia wanapomtembelea Ikulu. Kuna hadithi fupi ya hii picha 1/ Novemba 2007, nikiwa Msaidizi wa Rais Kikwete, tulipokea ugeni kutoka Ikulu ya Marekani ukitueleza kwamba Rais Bush anafikiria kutembelea Tanzania Februari 2008 – yaani miezi minne ijayo. Tulielezwa wachache sana. Nikapewa kazi ya uratibu wa ziara hiyo kwa shughuli za Ikulu 2/
Nov 11, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
[THREAD] In this clip, you won’t miss the distinctive shouts of an African-American man directed at Muhammad Ali. His name is Drew Brown Bundini. Bundini has been at Ali’s corner for all his fights – during his triumphs and when his body gave away and couldn’t fight anymore 1/ Bundini’s constant task: shouting encouragements and reminders to Ali and psyching him up before and during fights. He was a friend, a corner-man, a trainer, and a booster to Ali during his entire boxing career. He came up with phrase “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” 2/
Nov 5, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
[THREAD] 1. Great #CSOWeek #WikiYaAzaki2019 festivities. I’d like to contribute to the week’s deliberations by posing some few questions with hope that they will further the important agenda of creating a civil/better society in Tanzania. Here we go: 2. What is the impact of this week’s festivities/conversations in CSOs overall objectives, mandates and functions and how do we measure that impact? And how do we know we have achieved value for money in terms of impact and cost of organising the week?
Oct 22, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
[SHORT STORY] 8 years ago yesterday, Colonel Gaddafi was killed. I met him two years before he was killed. The sad images of his gruesome end always remind me of an interesting and complicated soul sitting two meters away from me and talking for hours. Here is the story. 1/ It was 2009, and I was working for JK. He was AU Chair then and, in Jan., we were heading to Davos for WEF. We got a call from Gaddafi, who was to take over the AU Chair that month, that he wanted to consult before the Summit. So, on our way to Davos, we passed through Tripoli 2/
Aug 30, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
[THREAD] Today I officiated a meeting on Msimbazi River, under the Tanzania Urban Resilience Programme we are undertaking with the support of @UKinTanzania and @WBTanzania. This is a climate and urban planning project. I shall talk more about it later. First the context: We are into the new Millennium. We may have many names for it but it will surely be an Urban Millennium – where almost the entire humanity will eventually live in urban areas. Africa was late but now is catching up - but faster than we are prepared.