Author of DARK ÆON -
Transhumanism editor - War Room
Tech | Religion | Heterodox skeptic
3 subscribers
Jan 26, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
"Plagues, Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers: The Human Domain of War"
New Rand Corp report just dropped —🧵
Their first D&D scenario is sure to go viral: It's 2028. People suck, and always have. China spreads an engineered rona virus—but only after vaxxing their military and top officials. Having pozzed the planet, the PLA then invades Taiwan, presumably to snag chips to build an AGI super computer god.
(Breakdown in thread below)
Read the full China scenario. I swear, Rand is scraping schizoposts and Q Anon forums for material.
Of course, Rand comes down on the side of pro-vaxx, harsh pandemic controls, and yes, using genetic testing to sort military recruits (even as they poo poo the term "eugenics").
Sep 4, 2023 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
Dark Aeon is written so the reader can flip to any chapter and dive in.
Perhaps you're curious about eugenics or the biodigital convergence? Techno-satanic hubris? Digital immortality? Artificial annihilation?
Techno-religion and civilizational transformation | Transhumanism, Inc | Humanity as "stepping stone" to the Machine | AI worship | Brain chip communion
Jan 25, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
People have lost their ever-loving minds. It's as if Covid was a techno initiation rite into mass lunacy.
January 2020, things were getting weird. By April 2020, it was clear we were heading to dystopia town.
Summer of 2020, with riots and restrictions, autumn/winter of 2020, with a bogus election and a bogus vaccine, January of 2021 with a bogus "insurrection" and a bogus inauguration...
Jan 24, 2023 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
People believe the darnedest things. I'm tired of hearing about it
At a JP Morgan conference in January of 2019, Particles for Humanity presented a bleeding heart case for tagging hapless hut-dwellers with under-skin implants.
The implicit rationale is these societies will never achieve sufficient organization to keep vaccine records.
Dec 27, 2021 • 25 tweets • 10 min read
Christmas got me thinking about Jesus and the rise of Christendom. It's amazing. The story of a humble preacher -- catalyzed by his unjust execution -- suddenly spread through Europe and then around the globe.
The Logos defies science and reason.
In my view, science is a cold mirror for religion. It reflects spiritual realities in material terms. Scientism arises when that reflection is seen as ultimate truth.
Data visualization is an iconography of Scientism -- a living, materialist mythos.
Dec 14, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Technocracy is rising all around us.
We’re watching a cultural revolution.
If LSD was a precursor to the PC...
If ubiquitous TVs are a precursor to the Metaverse...
If 24/7 screen time is a precursor to neurotech...
If wall-to-wall propaganda is a precursor to brain-editing...
If social media is a precursor to virtual hive minds...
If smartphones are a precursor to biometric surveillance...
If mandated jabs are a precursor to microchip implants...