J.P. Freire Profile picture
Comms Dir @WaysandMeansGOP. I don’t always whoop, but when I do, there it is. Opinions mine & can be yours for a cup of coffee & 5 mins of your time.
Feb 24 4 tweets 2 min read
Former IRS chiefs who bungled the theft of your tax info & weaponized the agency against conservatives oppose any reforms.

Biden gave IRS $80B to hire 87,000 auditors to go after the middle class. Getting rid of less than 10% of that number has nothing to do with tax season. Image If Werfel were so concerned about treating employees right, he wouldn’t have punished the IRS whistleblowers from stepping forward about political malfeasance in the Hunter Biden investigation. A special counsel investigation concluded they were unlawfully mistreated.
Mar 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Dems' platform:

Don’t go outside
Don’t work
Don’t hire
Don’t go to church
Don’t stand up for your kids
Don’t speak your mind or disagree
Don’t grow your savings
Don’t own a gun
Don’t call police
Don’t produce oil (we’ll get it from Russia)

Don’t do anything. Just be dependent. Don’t listen to your doctor
Don’t live your values
Don’t protest (unless we agree)
Don’t travel
Don’t celebrate
Don’t see family
Don’t shop at the grocery store
Don’t visit the Capitol or meet your member of Congress
Don’t vote in person
Don’t vote at all
Don’t do what we do
Dec 22, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Fraudster set up @PayPal account in my name. Paypal reported payments to @IRSnews who then sent me bill for taxes on money I never solicited or got.

PayPal wouldn’t send me what they reported, either.

IRS hung up on me because of call volume.

This is why people hate the IRS. It’s already problematic that PayPal requires so little verification to set up an account. They are then obliged to send forms to the IRS.

Months ago, IRS customer service (after hours of wait time) said they could clear it up if I signed a form allowing them access to accounts.
Dec 22, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
In this Monmouth poll that tilts heavily towards Democrats, Americans increasingly believe that Biden has done a bad job fighting Covid, and especially worse than their state’s governor. cnbc.com/2021/12/21/ame… It’s a tie at 46%, equal numbers bad and equal numbers good.

But that’s down from a high of 58% “good job” in January when Americans knew a vaccine was available and Biden and Harris were saying that they would be ready on day one.

They weren’t, and that has frustrated many.
Dec 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
They said it wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class. The Joint Committee on Taxation says it does.

They said it wouldn’t worsen inflation. Even their preferred forecaster believes it does.

They said it wouldn’t discourage work. UChicago analysis says it does.

It’s a bad bill All the last minute legislating meant constant disarray and bad surprises. Meanwhile no real legislative victories to speak of.

I’m not even sure the Democrats leading Congress kept up with post office namings.
Nov 5, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Setting the scene for tomorrow’s vote, I want to get some points out.

Between the really misreported polling, the terribly politicized (and bad) policy, and the misunderstood history of TCJA, there’s a LOT to cover and you could be forgiven for not having all the facts. 1. No, the social spending in the Democrats’ reconciliation package is NOT, in fact, popular.

-Most Americans believe Child Tax Credit should be temporary.
-SALT cap repeal is loathed.
-Explain how paid leave/child care proposal works, voters hate it.
Oct 24, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Since this seems like a fairly thorough encapsulation of what Democrats think Republicans believe about taxes, worth taking these arguments one by one... "Democrats want Americans to pay the full amount they owe in taxes. What doesn’t get enough attention is that many Republicans seem not to agree.”

Republicans believe you should pay your taxes. We also think the tax code should be simple—to make it easier for regular people.
Sep 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
YELLEN: The package is paid for—
SEN. TIM SCOTT: How is it paid for… exactly…?
YELLEN: Taxes on large corporations & the wealthy […]

The Facts: Joint Committee on Taxation: These taxes hit lower & middle income earners.
-Tobacco taxes-lower income
-Corp taxes hit workers Even the Washington Post Fact Checker—hardly a right-wing rag—gave this claim 2 Pinocchios, leaving room for more Pinocchios given the likelihood this claim wouldn’t bear out. washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/…
Aug 21, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
So Joe Biden’s big plan is rapid testing starting in January? Not even the finale of Game of Thrones was more overhyped than this. Testing is great. It’s also currently happening. My critique of Biden’s plan is that his breakthrough plan is… what the Administration has already been doing.

Dec 24, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
I can’t possibly be the only one who thinks this, and I’m sure, I don’t know, the awl or something already has a piece on this, but the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer story is a case study in bad management, workplace discrimination, and Stockholm syndrome. Santa had a hostile work environment that was permissive towards bullying, on top of labor conditions in Santa’s workshop being on par with the best of Chinese state-capitalism. Rudolph was constantly excluded from reindeer games, impacting his opportunities and his network.
Aug 21, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Washington is where everyone tells you they wake up SUPER EARLY, work out, get a cup of coffee, then read four different foreign language newspapers, and and then you see that this couldn’t possibly be true when local coffee shops don’t open til 7, because no one is awake. So then someone *else* says it. They like the quiet they say. They like to get a workout in—before work. It sets the tone for the day, they say. At which point you become Poirot. “Oh? Do you run?”
Yes. Of course they run.
All over. It’s always all over, isn’t it?