James Gallagher Profile picture
Husband. Father. Assembly Republican Leader.
Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The President arrives in CA today on the heels of announcing his vision for taking AB5 nationwide. I would urge caution to the President on replicating CA’s failed policy agenda. 1/ Cost of living is through the roof in CA. The policies of the Democrat super-majority have led to some of the most expensive gas prices in the nation. Some of the most expensive rents and housing costs in the nation. And some of the most expensive utility bills in the nation. 2/
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Instead of going after criminals & disarming violent felons, CA’s Attorney General is threatening fire victims with legal implications if they chose to rebuild their homes. This is wrong. 1/

mercurynews.com/2022/10/10/new… What about areas prone to flooding or earthquakes? Should we not build there either? CA's housing crisis and affordability crisis cannot be solved if state leaders continue with this mindset. 2/
Apr 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Last night, I got word that Governor Newsom would be visiting my District today to talk about the 'climate drought'. Here are my thoughts on his visit... 1/4 We all know that it’s his Administration that is holding up construction of new water storage. Voters passed a water bond in 2014 with $2.7B for new water storage. Yet, eight years later, California still hasn’t built any new large water projects, including @SitesProject. 2/4
Aug 10, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Another way to understand the travesty of how the Newsom Administration mismanaged the surface water in our reservoirs is to look at the difference in treatment between People’s water and Government’s water. People’s water is what comes through your tap and waters a farmer’s field. There have been substantial cutbacks in this water use this year, especially to agriculture. Many districts were mandated to cut back 50% of their use, some have seen as high as a 75% or 95% reduction.
Nov 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The Governor and state bureaucrats can color code counties and change rules as they go, but the basics remain the same: We are all free people who can exercise our freedom responsibly. 1/ The Government can only take what you let them. I don’t think you should close your business, church or school. I would encourage you to keep them open. I don’t think you need to cancel Thanksgiving. 2/
Oct 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Was shocking to hear the Gov’s attorneys argue that in an emergency, all power of the State is vested in the Governor alone including law-making powers - arguing that we cease to be a representative republic with three branches (executive, legislative, and judicial). 1/ Further they argued that during an emergency his decisions cannot be “second guessed” by anyone including the Legislature and the courts. Therefore, they said, his decision to change our election laws overnight without the legislature was right simply because he made it. 2/