How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App point that the monetary operations behind fiscal policy aren’t important either practically or rhetorically is so easy to refute. Look at what happened to government bond yields in deficit countries in the Euro periphery post-crisis. The same basic pattern across the board is an essential good, people will not survive long without it in these conditions, and in the real world (rather than the textbook world) people have unequal abilities to pay. So prices don’t allocate efficiently according to need, they allocate according to ability to pay that firms aren’t profit maximisers triggers a lot of people, but it’s true. Short term profit maximisation is not the goal of firms in oligopolistic industrial capitalism. The goal of firms is their continued reproduction. can expect minimum wage hikes to increase employment and wages because wage rises increase effective demand and employment is determined by effective demand, which also further influences wage growth. can make the case that QE has exacerbated inequality. But QE is a result of neglect of fiscal policy in terms of managing demand. Fiscal policy managing demand and targeting full employment is in no way the same as attempting to stimulate through cb asset purchases. finer points matter. Summers etc argue that savings gluts from China create an excess of saving over investment that pushes equilibrium interest rates down. every agent has rational expectations, ie knows the true model of the economy, then effect of inflationary policies will be anticipated and thus real effects nullified (policy ineffectiveness proposition). from the standpoint of innovation or productive investment, by far the most important determinant of investment is the state of aggregate demand, which redistributive policies would improve. the topic of internal coherence, it was established long ago that the essential ingredients of the mainstream approach (that are purported to give it it's coherence) - microfoundations and the aggregate production function - are not coherent at all. Yet they persist. doesn't really want to get into an academic debate (what he terms word-games) and instead says that for all practical purposes MMT is just a restatement of functional finance. Okay, but even functional finance has a lot to teach the sound finance Marxists & neoclassicals. the same decade that the microfoundations craze (the idea that macro relationships had to be based on optimising behaviour of microeconomic agents) took off, a series of results were published that showed you couldn't derive a stable, unique equilibrium from micro behaviour