How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is at least trained to evaluate evidence. His wrongness about Covid was due to overconfidence in his ability to model and calculate, but that's mostly not what he would be doing in an administrative position. National Bureau of Economic Research has good norms about avoiding directly prescriptive language. Your paper can analyze single-payer healthcare and report costs and benefits given the model you wrote down without then saying, "And therefore we should do this!" pick on this thread to illustrate how misleading these critiques can be -- they are often as ideologically motivated as the papers they critique. are huge and policy-relevant questions now or in the near-future (e.g. SB 1047). The world is not going to wait on our toolkit to catch up. We need to do the best we can with the tools we have available, and develop new ones appropriate to the urgency of the question. kind of work by applied economists that I expect will *publish well* over the next 5 or so years are studies that say things like, "We study the introduction of the PC/electricity/cars/agriculture/etc... and use this to learn about skill-biased technological change.", they apparently had promising internal scientific results that were never shared, even after the project was abandoned. How many other groundbreaking results for abandoned projects are gated within pharma companies and never see the light of day? UBI proponents say: a UBI will fix market failures. People who don't have access to credit will start businesses. People afraid to seek medical care will get needed care, improving health. The (excellent) study above finds little evidence for these. is not binary. Humans are very good at say 10,000 cognitive tasks (the specific number is made up). GPT-4 is very good at 50, and superhuman at a handful. Subsequent models will be more capable at a broader range of tasks. particular implementation will involve controversial normative and empirical assumptions -- is efficiency always desirable, will transfers happen to achieve efficiency in practice (no), were people informed about risk when we estimated their willingness to pay, etc... especially like that @ChadJonesEcon considers the value of potential mortality reductions from AI, which seems essential and overlooked in this debate, and that now needs to be integrated with the considerations above. cardinal and understandable mistake that grad students make is to think: "I have been working on X project for 2 years and it is my first project. If I don't have a paper, I have accomplished nothing. So, I'll keep trying to write a paper I know should not be written." know that cost-sharing leads people to indiscriminately cut back on care. They don't just cut back marginal stuff -- they also do less of valuable stuff. We saw this in the RAND experiment (below):