~Jachnun Supremacist~ נפתלי בן מתתיהו Profile picture
Business & Property owner | Enjoying life | Father was 🇾🇪 Mother is 🇵🇱, both ✡️ |
Nov 29, 2023 20 tweets 24 min read
Alright, so this got community noted but it’s become so engrained in the antizionist mentality to whitewash historic persecution of Jews that it’s probably best to debunk this once and for all.

Firstly, Jews had communities scattered throughout the Arabian peninsula, leading up to the Land of Israel, due to popular incense trade routes. They had virtually all disappeared circa 11th century, except for the Jewish community in Yemen, as a result Islamic conquest.
The next parts of this thread will be detailing persecution of Jews for each respective country throughout MENA. The information can be found in a chapter of Ben-Dror Yemini’s book “Industry of Lies” called “The Jewish Nakba.”

Square brackets with numbers indicate footnotes with citations, I will add screenshots to the citations for each tweet they appear in.

For the purpose of this thread I will only stick to those persecutions and pogroms pre-1948. This is also not a comprehensive list as the book, likely for the sake of keeping the chapter as brief as possible, sticks mainly to a summary of events.
Oct 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
UNRWA had fuel and medical equipment stolen from them by Hamas and can’t even call out the organization by name. Image Lmfao Image
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1) In February of 1934 the JTA reported how antisemitism had become virulent in Iraq, spurned on by Nazi inspiration.

2) Shafiq Ades was executed in public by hanging in 1948 after a show trial accusing him of selling weapons to Israel, read more here: jewishrefugees.org.uk/2022/11/shafiq…

Image 3) The AJC released an extremely detailed report in 1949 about the dire conditions of the Jews in Iraq leading up to Israel’s War of Independence.

Most of it is summed up here:
3) jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2021/01/after-…

Dec 9, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Since this is in the news again a thread:

1/ Image - There is no new information being presented in this report. This is all taken from documents and testimonies which have been investigated.

- What’s new is the recommendation for the ministry to apologize on behalf of the health system for the involvement of individuals.

Nov 8, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Apparently there is a thread going around about Yemeni Jews and the operation that helped rescue thousands of them claiming they were “exploited” because of their threatened status. Ironically the person who wrote this thread also has me blocked. 1/ Let’s get something clear, as with any operation there are pros and there are cons. The cons are things some Yemeni Jews are still fighting for today such as having items (books, jewelry etc.) that were said to be too heavy for the plane found later on in museums.

Sep 26, 2021 19 tweets 6 min read
Thread on this analysis:

The decision to justify your conclusion over the 2014 war data specifically is a giant flaw in of itself. In a proper analysis the paper would look to see if the iron dome succeeded in changing the way Israel responded to rocket attacks from Gaza.

1/ To choose the only war out of the 3 (not 4)* after iron dome deployment, where the abduction and murder of Jewish teenagers were clearly an important factor in shaping the Israeli response, is dishonest at best.

Dec 26, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Umbrella terms like Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi, which literally signify geographical regions, should not be confused with what nusach someone follows. Even Yemenite Jewry can be considered an umbrella term as within you had Adeni Jews, Habbani Jews, Sana’ani Jews etc.

*Some* of the unique differences that each of those communities had were developed as a result of where their communities were located in Yemen rather than being impacted by which tiklal (siddur) they used.

Dec 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Phenomenal video of Yemeni Jewish poems that were written in the 16th and 17th centuries sung by Israeli Yemeni Jews. There are no English captions unfortunately for those who don’t speak Hebrew, however, I’ll add a few interesting bits of info below with the link at the end

1/ There are 18 poems in the entire 50 minute video. I’ve mentioned in the past that Shalom Shabazi is regarded as the poet of Yemen. 10 out of the 18 poems here are written by him, including the one in the clip from the first tweet.

Dec 19, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Maybe comparing Mizrahi Jews to Trump voters isn’t exactly the best idea. Especially not if you’re trying to convince us we’re wrong in our perspective. This article also misses a lot of points regarding why Mizrahi Jews have zero trust in the left.

1/ The socialist elite class were those who looked down at us and our traditions as “backwards.” They also have a habit of talking to us like they know what’s best for us, instead of actually listening to us and having constructive dialogue.

Nov 30, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Today is #JewishRefugeeDay where we remember the 850,000 Jewish refugees from the MENA region forced to flee after Israel won the war for its independence. In Yemen 16,000 Yemeni Jews were already in the camp set up near Aden by the time approval was given for their evacuation. Once word got out that they were allowed to leave many Yemeni Jews dropped everything, took what they could and made the dangerous trek (largely by foot) towards Aden where evacuation was approved. Between June 1949-September 1950 over 350 flights helped rescue nearly 50k Jews.
Nov 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Since this is gaining traction it’s worthwhile to point out another document worth reading through thoroughly. Ben Gurion’s testimony to the UN in 1947.

1/ “I understand the Arab case and I fully realize it. It is very simple. They state they do not care what happened, and nobody ought to care what happened fifteen hundred or two thousand years ago. We are here...”

Jul 2, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

Jews are always told how they should identify and what part of the identity they need to remove in order to be viewed as equal while as a diaspora. First it was change/drop your “religion”, then it was keep your “religion” but drop your national identity (peoplehood). 1/ It never worked and all it does is create a “picking and choosing” of our identity to define us when it really should be viewed as a full package. A package that involves shared history, language, traditions etc. with minor variations in each due to being a diaspora. 2/
May 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The issue with the way the nakba is commemorated is that it pushes a narrative that Israel is the aggressor. It’s not so much about remembering those who were unfortunately caught in the middle of a war but tries to portray it as though Israel caused the war. It displays one side as completely innocent and the other side as completely guilty. It distorts cause and effect and places the consequences of the war on the side which had tried to avoid it through diplomacy via partition.
Apr 8, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read

This is going to contain videos of the personal story of Miryam. A Yemeni Jew who came to Israel without her parents as a child in the late 1920s and through all the hardships still managed to raise a family. The interview was conducted by her daughter Avigail. The early part of the story involves arranged marriage which in Yemen occurred at a very young age. To understand the mentality I recommend reading this link, or at the very least the screenshot attached

Link: jwa.org/encyclopedia/a… Image
Mar 1, 2020 50 tweets 15 min read
Things to remember when reading this thread:

1) This was 80-100 years ago, coincided with WW1, and a rather drastic change in rule over the region (Ottoman to British). As well similar rifts like this existed among other people during that time. We’ve become much better (Israeli society as a whole), progressed and improved since then.

2) Pointing out historical injustices does not mean I’m suddenly an antizionist or think we shouldn’t have self determination over our historical homeland.
Feb 8, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Rabbi Natan’el al-Fayyumi

Natan’el lived in Sana’a in the mid 12th century during a time which was very difficult for Jews in that region due to the rise of Shia Ismailism. He was the spiritual authority of the Jewish communities in Yemen and helped strengthen them. He is the author of “Gan HaSikhlim” (garden of the intellects) which is sometimes considered the Jewish version of Ismaili doctrines. In it he raises essential questions about existence and tries to provide answers.
Dec 12, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
As a Jew who’s proud of his heritage I’ve been called:

-white supremacist
-Jewish supremacist
-baby killer
-apartheid apologist
-ethnic cleanser

I’ve been told to go back to Europe too many times times to count.

These accusations have come from every end of the spectrum, and even a few from those claiming to be a part of our community.

That my paternal grandparents fled Yemen and restarted their lives in Tel-Aviv during the 30s doesn’t seem to matter.

Nov 24, 2019 181 tweets 81 min read

The Second Intifada saw a bloody wave of suicide bombings within a span of 5 years which was extremely traumatic for Israelis.

This list details the attempted bombings that took place in Israel from September 2000 - December 2005. The Gaza pullout didn’t happen until August of 2005 and the first segment of the barrier in Judea and Samaria wasn’t completed until July 2003. The data was compiled on January 2006 by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.
Oct 29, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
You had a discussion 2 years ago with someone convincing them that a 2 state solution isn’t viable because we “occupied it for selfish reasons”. Not only that but you also seem to be fully advocating for genocide (see follow up tweet) Not only did you try to drag a holocaust survivor on their opinion regarding the conflict by making antisemitic parallels to what they had personally experienced, you wish to completely remove us if you could.
Oct 13, 2019 12 tweets 5 min read

Aharon Amram is an Israeli Yemeni Jew who became a singer, composer, and researcher of Yemeni Jewish traditions. He was born in Sana’a in 1939 and came to Israel during Operation Magic Carpet in 1950. In school, his inclination for music was noticed. When he was fourteen he participated as a regular guest on Sa'adia Damari's radio show “Kol Yisrael Le'oley Teiman" (the voice of Israel for the immigrants of Yemen).
Sep 2, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
It never ceases to amaze me how people can call Israel “apartheid”. Not only does it ignore the 25% minority population that we have that have full equal citizenship and are fully integrated in every aspect of Israeli society. It also ignores this haaretz.com/1.5115464 While this is from 2010, it’s not in any way “new”. Let’s take a look a couple cases where this had occurred before this “court decision”.

June 5 1997:

“Second Palestinian land dealer murdered for selling land to Israelis” jta.org/1997/06/05/def…