Jacob Öberg Profile picture
PhD @EUI_EU, Professor of EU Law @SyddanskUni, author of "Normative Foundations of EU Criminal Justice" (Hart) #EUlaw, #EUpolicy, #brexit. Views always my own.
LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture M @csibike1@mastodonapp.uk 🐠💙FBPE GTTO 🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 3 11 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨"Why Starmer should now play prosecutor on Brexit: A proper audit of the impact of leaving the EU would deliver political and economic benefits to incoming Labour ministers". Characteristically strong column by @robertshrimsley . Key points in brief 🧵
ft.com/content/b82886… There are good political and economic reasons for commissioning a thorough official review of the impact of Brexit. The first and simplest is that it has not been done. /2
Jul 3 14 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 "Keir Starmer to signal Britain is ‘back’ on the world stage." Promising much-needed new direction/reset of UK foreign policy as per @FT report by @LOS_Fisher , @PickardJE & @pmdfoster . Short 🧵with key elements:
ft.com/content/ab8842… " Sir Keir Starmer will use his first weeks in power to signal that Britain is “back” as a leading global player, as Labour prioritises three foreign policy resets — with Europe, the “global south” and on climate change". /2
Jul 2 16 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨Excellent and nuanced critical overview by @pmdfoster & @AndyBounds of @UKLabour 's pledge to enhance the trading relationship with the 🇪🇺 well-informed by much needed expert insights. Short #BrexitReality 🧵with key points ft.com/content/b8b166… Labour has pledged to sign a vet agreement with the EU. A deal could reduce the amount of red tape at the border for plant and animal products, but the scale of any benefits would depend on how ambitious the UK wanted to be. /2
Jun 25 11 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 The most recent sanctions package against Russia is quite ambitious. Some key elements: 🧵 1) The package includes restrictive measures on additional 116 individuals and entities responsible for actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, as well as the following sectoral measures:
Jun 25 21 tweets 4 min read
🚨🚨"Starmer’s Brexit Silence Risks Backfiring If He Gains Power". Labour election campaign designed to keep Leave voters onside but red lines on EU ties will hinder pledge to grow UK economy. #brexitreality story via @EllenAMilligan @BloombergUK 🧵
bloomberg.com/news/articles/… KS won’t have long to wait for a chance to reset UK’s ties with the EU. If his Labour Party wins the GE on July 4, he’ll be welcoming dozens of fellow leaders including Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz & Giorgia Meloni for talks at Winston Churchill’s former home just 2 weeks later.
Jun 24 10 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 Eight years and one day ago....Britain vote to leave the European Union. Some reflections on #brexit from an external European perspective. 🧵 Image As a strong pro-European and EU law academic I was personally insulted by the vote which also came as a shock (I was in Birmingham for an EU law conference when the ref vote took place) as naively I had assumed it could never happen. /2
Jun 19 14 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 Great and very insightful @UKandEU analysis by @shunsakerjr taking stock of UK-EU trade in 2023, the first post-Brexit year not significantly impacted by Covid-19 or the energy crisis. Worth to highlight some key findings. 🧵
ukandeu.ac.uk/what-happened-… One of the most notable findings- which is confounding trade economists- is that the UK’s trade ties with the EU look surprisingly strong. The same cannot be said of non-EU countries, whose share of total UK trade was down. /2
Jun 18 13 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 New comprehensive @UKandEU report says (surprise, surprise) that @UKLabour proposal to improve trading relationship with the EU will have ‘minimal’ impact on cost of #Brexit. Important #brexitreality story via @pmdfoster. 🧵
ft.com/content/9f37b5… The 72-page report from @UKandEU was published as shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves promised to improve EU trade ties by aligning the UK more closely with Brussels regulations and seeking a better deal for service professionals. /2
Jun 17 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 New small publication alert: I have scribbled down some general thoughts on the future of the EU-UK relationship upon the very kind invitation by @AdamsonPaul for @EncompassEurope, particularly focusing on the EU perspective of that relationship . Short 🧵 In light of a potential new UK Labour Government wishing to reconsider the overall EU-UK relationship, it is worth to consider to what extent the EU Member States are interested in more intense cooperation with the UK. /2
Jun 11 13 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 "In today's at least we got #brexit done", @JSimpsonjourno & @GiuffridaA reports on predictable but miserable Post-Brexit ‘mess’ as Italian driver’s lorry held for 55 hours at UK border post in Sevington. #brexitshambles🧵
theguardian.com/politics/artic… Antonio Soprano, 62, who was stopped while bringing plants into the country from central Italy, said he was offered nothing to eat during his 55-hour ordeal and instead was told by border officials that he should walk to a McDonald’s more than a mile away to get a meal. /2
May 28 7 tweets 1 min read
🚨🚨 Excellent by @JananQotd: "This government’s single greatest disservice to the UK has been to misunderstand the US. #Brexit was, from the start, a huge bet on the economic openness of America." /1
ft.com/content/8f229e… "A bilateral trade deal with Washington was meant to offset the loss of unfettered access to the EU market. That no such deal emerged was bad enough (though as predictable as sunrise)". /2
May 23 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 I think @DavidGHFrost has given @UKLabour a very clear recipe for success in government. Undoing #BrexitShambles piece-by-piece is the way to go in getting #britain back on track as a modern and quite prosperous liberal democracy. /1 Britain "rejoining" the EU single market and striking a customs agreement with the Union are essential pieces in the ambition to create growth and for stimulating the UK economy. This is a shared understanding by most serious economists. /2
May 15 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 "In today's it's only going to get worse", @JSimpsonjourno reports on Brexit border IT outages which delay import of perishable foods and plants to UK by up to 20 hours with retailers rejecting orders. #brexitshambles🧵 theguardian.com/business/artic… "Businesses have described the government’s new border control checks as a “disaster” after IT outages led to lorries carrying meat, cheese and cut flowers being held for long periods, reducing the shelf life of their goods and prompting retailers to reject some orders." /2
May 3 9 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 Excellent analysis by @SimonPease1 critically addressing Starmer’s red lines which has put him in an impossible position on Brexit. But there is optimism here too: Simon argues that with courage KS could break through his own red lines. 🧵eastangliabylines.co.uk/starmers-brexi… "Even with the ‘red lines’, Labour will have positive policy choices that can makes some difference. There can be some further rapprochement with the EU; there can even be limited agreements, broadly under the heading of “dynamic alignment”."
Apr 26 13 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 "In today's the curtain is coming down on Britain" @EllenAMilligan has an excellent and detailed report on how Britons finally taste full #Brexit as costly and complicated border checks are about begin. #brexitshambles via @BloombergUK

"Just down the corridor from where Danish Crown’s pigs are slaughtered, boned and prepared for export as bacon, six staff have a new task: filling in customs and health certificates made necessary by the UK’s split from its largest trading partner. "/2
Apr 26 10 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 "In today's no plan & no resources" @SpeedMaddie & @pmdfoster reports on @CommonsEFRA letter demanding clarity on plans for the UK’s post-Brexit border controls after @FT revealed that crucial checks on imports would not begin by 30 April deadline. 🧵
Image @CommonsEFRA said it was concerned that a government plan to initially set the rate of checks to zero for all goods when the border comes into force was a sixth delay “in all but name”. /2
Apr 12 15 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 "in today's Labour does not still have a comprehensive EU policy", @pmdfoster , @AndyBounds and @GeorgeWParker commendably reports on @UKLabour's obscure and limited European strategy. Small 🧵
ft.com/content/56f9a2… First of all, we need to start with Labour's red lines (because they are looming large over everything else): "Starmer will rule out Britain rejoining the EU single market, the customs union or adopting free movement". /2
Apr 8 14 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨 " In today's let us start a trade war against ourselves" @JontyBloombiz forensically examines the substantial damage (higher prices and empty shelves) caused by the 'self-harm' Brexit import checks. via @TheNewEuropean 🧵
theneweuropean.co.uk/the-self-harm-… "4 years after Brexit & five delays later from April 30 the UK will start inspecting food imports from the EU & charging importers for the checks. The delays have been for two reasons – the UKG didn’t get its act together fast enough & it is worried about the checks’ effects. "/2
Apr 5 11 tweets 2 min read
🚨"The UK was in the EU for 47 years. Yet the Acquis Communautaire is unknown to us. If we wish to renew ties with EU, we must understand it". @OscarWoofs owner has an excellent @BylinesEast piece here on the significance of the EU acquis for the UK. 🧵
eastangliabylines.co.uk/the-acquis-is-… "As the debate about returning to the EU persists, it is essential to understand the importance of the acquis communautaire, also known as the community acquis, the EU acquis or just acquis." /2
Apr 2 8 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 Fascinating #rolingbackbrexit piece by @Sherelle_E_J . Whilst I am clearly on the side that considered #Brexit doomed from the start (at least when it means leaving the EU SM), there are some interesting insights into the #brexiteer "freedom" mindset worth recapturing: 🧵 "If, as a nation, we are unwilling to maximally benefit from Brexit by leveraging our freedom, then we should decisively minimise our losses and re-enter the security of the EU fold." /2
Mar 28 9 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 Must-read letter by Lucy Manzano head of @Port_of_Dover Health Authority to @CommonsEFRA absolutely obliterating @DefraGovUK's plans for the implementation of the UK Border Controls. Tldr; this looks to be a real disaster. #BrexitReality
Image "By allowing both RoW & EU goods to arrive & leave the port without any control (as there will be none) and cutting ASF funding by 70% and then down to zero, Defra is creating an entirely needless gaping hole in this border (if they do not review this ‘contingent decision’) ". /2