The Shocking Reality of what college students are really doing with their parents' hard earned fees money and hostel fees:
Sickening post by a Redditor from AmITheKameena...
"Hello Reddit. I am a student of chemistry and for my project, I had to synthesise capsaicin, and then purify capsaicin from an organic source and compare the purity levels. For one of the synthesis processes, the last step was exposure to UV light... /1
Jun 27, 2024 • 9 tweets • 1 min read
@ElstKoenraad In a strange episode, I imagined a very vivid picture of a future wherein Hinduism may get locked in for major-annihilation if Indians don't recalculate trajectory in the next 15 years. How true is this? Not claiming prophecy, that's Bhajipao Supporters's specialty.
@ElstKoenraad It begins firstly with smaller Hindu/Dharmic sects getting bullied to either convert out of Dharma, or Abrahamise. Eg: Sikhs go into the McSikh pipeline and get Islamised or converted to Xtian; Jains get bullied as they are micro-minorities and secularise or convert out of Jaina.