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Now is the time for the championing of Ludwig von Mises. Let’s put a stake in the heart of the zombie J.M. Keynes
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Jan 10, 2019 8 tweets 5 min read
@AOC @DailyCaller 1/ They just want to get you off message. Don’t fall for it. Keep telling everyone how they will all need a new car powered by solar energy by 12 years from now. Tell them about the spending for medicare for all that will require their taxes increase more than 100%. @AOC @DailyCaller 2/ coverage they have now will be taken away, and someone in some govt office will decide on what medical treatment they need. Tell them about the long waits to see specialists and have surgery, and all their medications that won’t be available at any price.
Dec 26, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
@aClassicLiberal 1/ I read this post when it first came out. I love Reason. OTOH, they are foolish in their attempts at even-handedness. Their “both sides” parallel is inapt, misleading, and destructive to the interests of conservative politics. “Trump is authoritarian” is a canard. @aClassicLiberal 2/ The Left is not authoritarian—it is totalitarian. In the U.S., the right is not authoritarian, it is Liberal in the 18th-Century sense of that term. No party will ever be close to perfect. Conservative thinking accepts this fundamental reality.
Dec 12, 2018 21 tweets 8 min read
@Ocasio2018 Ok, let’s compare and contrast: King clueless on a mobile phone. Old guy, not news. AOC - Member-elect of that august body the US House of Reps, regularly displays deeply lacking basic knowledge of US civics. @Ocasio2018 Also AOC, claims academic major in economics. Evinces not one indication that she understands fiscal policy, budgets, costs of programs, or the very most basic facts of how much money comes from whom and why congresspeople have arrived at their spending and taxing decisions.
Oct 23, 2018 12 tweets 8 min read
@petersuderman @NoahCRothman The spectre of Trump the Nazi. This is patent exaggeration; quasi-conservative pearl-clutching. Besides saying words you don’t like, what has Trump done that frightens you, @noahcrothman ? @petersuderman @NoahCRothman 2/ Your “devotion to ideas” has already ceded vast political ground to leftism. Trump’s rhetoric exposes the left in a way so-called decent people never would. Political expertise is not an American value. It is a blight on our liberties. Trump is exposing it and rooting it out.
Oct 23, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
@SykesCharlie 1/ You (& of course the WS) have missed what Trump is about. Fortunately for the rest of us, your ossified point of view is being marginalized. Trump’s import is exposing the Left, fighting them, and winning. @SykesCharlie 2/ Your economics, foreign and national security policies, your cultural perspectives, and your politcal tactics — they are all fighting the last war. The danger is not Trump, not in the least. The danger is the By Any Means Necessary left.