James Woodfield Profile picture
Habitat: mostly coast & countryside. Delighted, appalled, intrigued, outraged, hopeful. I want my country back. 💙 🇪🇺 😷
May 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Braverman has told the House of Lords not to defy the “will of the British people” by blocking her Bill, despite it enabling plans which even the King has allegedly described as appalling.

It’s no wonder that people make comparisons with the Reich.
Consider this: ⤵️ “A dictator does not need to follow the will of the majority. He must however have the ability to use the will of the people.”

- Joseph Goebbels,
Nazi minister of propaganda

Braverman tells the people what their will is, then tells Parliament to obey it.

Goebbels again: ⤵️