Jamie Coutts CMT Profile picture
Chief Crypto Analyst, @Realvision | Built the crypto research product at Bloomberg Intelligence | Freedom over Fear. Always. #Bitcoin
o.Pedro Lapenta Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 29 14 tweets 5 min read
#Celestia ($TIA) price action looking very positive after a big pullback the past 3months. Data Availability (DA) activity looking healthy as well.

Some quick and very under-researched thoughts on TIA price action, network demand, supply, and comparative valuation.Image Firstly, I have not done a deep dive on TIA. So feel free to shred these thoughts with more educated takes. Here to learn.

On the technicals, I like what the absolute price chart is showing—signs of recovery and gaining momentum once again. Image
May 22 16 tweets 4 min read
Bitcoin's Collateralization Mission

I wrote a report for Pro-Crypto subs @realvision last month -- below is a🧵and for those with no patience, the TL;DR;

The global order is shifting: U.S. Treasuries lose appeal, gold re-emerges, and trillions in assets get tokenized on blockchains. Millennials and Gen Z will inherit $80T. Bitcoin’s network value grows with decentralized staking, and whilst not without risks, its feasible $BTC quickly becomes a key collateral asset in the crypto economy and symbiotically enhances PoS networks.Image 1/ Bitcoin's journey towards becoming a global reserve asset involves developing greater utility and robust collateralization use cases. Shared security and staking are key innovations driving this evolution.
May 21 8 tweets 3 min read
In the Dec-23 @Realvision Pro-Crypto report, I discussed strategies to outperform in the bull cycle, especially the Alt-Season phase.

Drilling into the ETH vs. BTC ratio, here is a quick technical update, including the momentum strategy for navigating the 🍌zone.

🧵 Image ETH vs BTC
This ratio perhaps more than any other, is the most important sentiment gauge for the cycle.

At the time of the report, the ETH/BTC ratio was at an extreme 'undervalued' level (365d z-score) but trending lower. The setup was there but I prefer to use a momentum filter for a trend change. Its been 6mths and other assets have outperformed that I like ($SOL, $NEAR) and so that was the right decision.Image
May 16 13 tweets 5 min read
📊 Global Money Supply and #Bitcoin

Its attempting to punch through multi-year resistance. Some thoughts from my recent piece @RealVision

2/ 🌐 The Global Money Supply index tracks M2 money aggregates from 12 of the world's largest economies, all in USD. In our fiat, credit-based financial system, the money stock often moves in one direction. Significant drops, like in 2022, are rare and typically brief. Image
May 10 7 tweets 2 min read
Momentum, in absolute and relative terms, is the cornerstone of my #crypto asset methodology. Most understand how to apply it to price but few appreciate how to integrate it with network fundamentals . Lets take a quick look at $NEAR. Image Absolute Price Momentum:
Has been consolidating since March. The technical pattern looks extremely bullish if it breaks this resistance ard $7.60 which is where a cluster of volume has traded these past months.

This is a high conviction set up if it breaks the pattern neckline, producing a target above $10.50 (+30%).Image
Apr 12 18 tweets 6 min read
While #Solana's outperformance has waned in the past month, it is still the best-performing network in the past 12–18 months by a country mile. Do the fundamentals justify the outperformance, or is it just a result of market hype and speculation?
🧵on Solana's network health and frameworks for valuing #blockchain assets. While narratives and information asymmetry still have primacy in #crypto markets, the nascent field of blockchain fundamentals provides investors with a framework to cut through some of the noise and evaluate asset performance and relative valuation within the ecosystem.
Apr 5 18 tweets 6 min read
#Bitcoin is facing some macro headwinds, with several indicators in my macro state regime model turning negative in recent weeks. However, the longer term liquidity cycle remains extremely favorable for $BTC and #crypto in general.

Lets dive in 🧵 Image Over the past several weeks, most of the macro/ liquidity-related factors relevant to the Bitcoin price have turned lower.

Some of these factors are more important than others. Image
Jan 2 8 tweets 3 min read
While the ETFs are undoubtedly a massively bullish catalyst for #Bitcoin, one of my global liquidity indicators has reached levels correlated with the assets best return periods.
// Thread // Image Whenever the indicator hits 5 or 6, conditions are extremely favorable for Bitcoin, #crypto and all risk assets. And when the indicator hits 3 or lower, long positions usually get rekt'ed
Dec 7, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
A breakdown of the final section of the recent report published to @RealVision Crypto Pro subscribers -- "Scaling the Heights: A Roadmap to 100 Million Daily Crypto Users"

It's a 🧵with plenty of charts. Let's dive in.

#crypto #blockchain #ethereum #solana Image Thesis: After a period dominated by innovators/early adopters, the structural uptrend in blockchain users is on the verge of the next major inflection point. The convergence of self-reinforcing tech, will address bottlenecks/UX issues, driving it to mainstream for the 1st time. Image
Dec 5, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Observe the🤡cart that is TradFi news' attempt to excuse away why this magic internet money thing is rallying (again).

"But we told you, it was dead" Image Its going to be another tough couple of years @business @crypto @VildanaHajric if you keep this up
Nov 20, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
My Bitcoin trend following strategy has given 3 winning trades out of 12 since the peak in 2021.

Pretty awful, right?

No, this is exactly how trend following strategies work and why over the long term they are one of the very best ways to harvest alpha

🧵 Image Dont focus on winning vs. losing trades especially over short time horizons.

Trend systems will make you eat custard during choppy sideways ranges until the trend/momentum is established. Most people give up on their trend systems during these periods. Image
Nov 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Bear market/Bull market, adoption of #blockchain technology continues unabated. Not having exposure to one of the largest structural trends of the next decade could be costly.

5 million daily #crypto users today, is likely to be 100m in less than 5 years.

🧵 Image As of Q3 2023

▶️Daily users exceeded 5 million
▶️Up 14% from 2022
▶️Quarter-on-Quarter growth has averaged 29% since 2019

▶️Market value of smart contract blockchains -60%
from ATHs
▶️+27% from 2022 Artemis xyz, Token Terminal
Oct 11, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
When risk allocators analyze BTC portfolio potential, they look through the % rtns, & focus on risk-adjusted metrics (Sharpe, Sortino ratios). And while $BTC is the 2nd best asset in 2023, what happened in 2022 is the far more important story🧵 Image Rather than looking at the good years, allocators must focus on the horrible ones. And they should also look at the relative performance of all assets in those severe drawdown years. This sober approach illuminates the critical shifts in global asset dynamics. Image
Oct 10, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
In the hyper-competitive world of smart contract #blockchains, fee income is a critical driver for asset prices.

Currently, >60% of fees are derived from the #Ethereum L1 & L2's but in terms of addresses & Txs, the alternative L1s have a much higher share of "activity"

🧵 Image Previously, we introduced a novel way to assess financial strength, the "Fee-conversion rate" i.e. fees per unit of activity (Tx or address), in the same way as average revenue per user (ARPU) is used for online, software, telco businesses.
Sep 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Few projects are showing this kind of price action in crypto. YTD @MakerDAO is up in relative and absolute terms.
It may have something to do with⬆️fees,⬇️issuance & credible governance efforts. All of which are sorely lacking in the space if insto's are to take it seriously

1/ Image Monthly revenues have doubled since the start of the year

2/ Image
Sep 28, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
It looks like we are about to see a substantial uptick in volatility across all markets, given where yields, USD, & global M2 are heading.

Despite what lies ahead, there has been a big shift in the volatility profiles of global assets vs. #Bitcoin over the past years.

👀🧵 Image Since 2020 the only assets that have seen their volatility profile decline have been hard assets #Bitcoin & #Gold. Everything else has become more volatile;

Global FI ⬆️53%
Global #Equity ⬆️33%
#Bitcoin ⬇️52%
#Gold ⬇️16% Image
Sep 14, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
The #Bitcoin energy narrative is flipping! A new note out this morning on the Bloomberg Terminal looks at the rapid rise of sustainable energy sources in $BTC mining
🧵 Image Since 2016, I have noticed the attacks on Bitcoin's energy usage intensify. I will put aside the piousness of the argument that one form of energy use is better than another (that's a thread for another time)

Sep 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
The US Financial Liquidity index has pushed slightly higher in the past month but $BTC (the last functioning fire alarm) is not responding...
1/8 Image The improvement in US liquidity is mainly due to the ⬇️of private sector Reverse Repo balances. Funds are flowing into Treasuries, which is helping offset the massive US Govt issuance which would normally be a tightening factor. Meanwhile the Fed is still tightening
2/8 Image
Aug 31, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
Liquidity & #Bitcoin are inexorably linked. For in-depth analysis on this topic you cant go past @42MacroWeather @RaoulGMI @crossbordercap @MacroAlf

This 🧵 explores one specific liquidity measure in order to understand whether it it has "signal value" for $BTC Image @42MacroWeather @RaoulGMI @crossbordercap @MacroAlf Firstly, there is no settled definition of liquidity and opinions on the topic vary wildly. The US Financial Liquidity Index is the most widely vaunted on Twitter, so I have chosen this as the focus. You can find it on the @TheTerminal by running the ticker {.US_LIQI G Index} Image
Aug 25, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
👀Stablecoins Eclipse #Mastercard, #PayPal, Leading Digital Money Evolution
A thread from today's note on the @Bloomberg terminal which looks at a representative dataset of fiat-backed #stablecoins on the largest Layer-1 #crypto networks Image Stablecoin Payments Overtook Mastercard in 2022
👉 in '22 stables on various L1s transacted $6.87T, surpassing trad payment co's.
👉#Bitcoin did even more than #visa
👉This year volumes have plummeted 80% w/ hostile US regs and bear mkt exposing the extent of cyclicality/spec Image
Aug 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
#Ethereum ecosystem is expanding at pace w/ active addrs in L1/L2 hitting ATHs 1.97m. Based on L1 active addresses the network is fairly valued. Once we add in the exploding L2s the network appears undervalued at -1.47 StdDev.

1/4 Image Another approach is looking at the economic value moving on the L1- NVT. $ETH is trading 35% above NVT price or fair value~$1232. This metric has not been statistically strong as a price signal. though. Plus its plausible E1P1559 and the merge have reset the network dynamics
2/4 Image